Opposites – Bronze Whale

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Pop by Nagamag.com, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Τα παιχνιδιάρικα και ατμοσφαιρικά φωνητικά έχουν να μας προτείνουν κάτι νέο που σίγουρα μας γοητεύει και μας ενθουσιάζει. Η γλυκιά και φρέσκια μελωδία μας πλησιάζει με θετική ενέργεια και μόνο κερδισμένοι μπορούμε να βγούμε από την επίδραση της. Ο ρυθμός σταθερός και ζωηρός ανεβάζει την αδρεναλίνη μας και μας διασκεδάζει.”


Additional information/sources for Bronze Whale – Opposites

Born and raised in Austin, TX, Aaron and the other half of Bronze Whale have faced unique challenges and opportunities in their creative process since Aaron’s move to Sacramento a few years ago. Every few months, they reunite to finish music in person and embark on one of their favorite activities: starting new songs. Opposites emerged from one of these recent trips—late nights, a few drinks, and a deep desire to channel their emotions directly into their music.

As a vocally driven group, Bronze Whale has always prioritized vocal elements, from remixes and features to incorporating their own vocals in 2018. This signature sound has become integral to their identity. However, the duo has a deep love for instrumental music, a direction they are excited to explore further in upcoming releases. Opposites marks their return to instrumental music, serving as both a creative exploration and a tribute to the instrumental artists who shaped their musical foundation.

Stream the track: bronzewhale.com/opposites

The song “Bronze Whale – Opposites” is released by Magic Magic

Song Sources for “Bronze Whale – Opposites”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2JI3dAyBwGTl5oemlRfLRF
Deezer: www.deezer.com/track/3029698041
Pandora: www.pandora.com/TR:137890245

Spin – Lou Monroe

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Η ξεχωριστή και μυστηριακή μελωδία μας οδηγεί σε μια ελκυστική αγωνιώδη περιπέτεια. Τα φωνητικά με την υπέροχη υπερκόσμια χροιά τους μας μεθούν και μας βγάζουν έξω από την καθημερινότητα μας σε ένα καινούργιο κόσμο. Ο ρυθμός σταθερά και γαλήνια μας χαλαρώνει και πηγαίνει τις σκέψεις μας ένα βήμα πιο πέρα.”


Lyrics of Lou Monroe – Spin

Longing for the long way home with you. Maybe time could keep us pirouetting in our room. Spin, spin, spin (x5)

Additional information/sources for Lou Monroe – Spin

The song “Lou Monroe – Spin” is released by LEVENELEVEN

Song Sources for “Lou Monroe – Spin”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1voh5o4J3UuEwhdeh6gdg2
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=J41e89Y9VoA
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/phantasm/1721312064?i=1721312065

Often – Takis

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Η αναζωογονητική ενέργεια του κομματιού είναι κάτι μοναδικό. Η ατμοσφαιρική μελωδία ξυπνά κάθε κοιμισμένο κύτταρο και δίνει νόημα σε κάθε σκέψη. Τα γλυκά και αρμονικά φωνητικά μας γοητεύουν και μας παρασύρουν σε μια ελκυστική αποπλάνηση. Ο ζωηρός ρυθμός μας ξεσηκώνει και με την δυναμική τους ανεβάζει την αδρεναλίνη μας στα ύψη.”


Lyrics of Takis – Often

Do you do this often?
I don’t want to get a call,
The last time I felt it,
Maybe you could help me,
Usually I’m cautious,
I told him that I don’t,
Jump into the water,
Do you do this often?
Do you do this often?
Jump into the water,
Do you do this often?
I don’t want to get a call,
The last time I felt it,
Maybe you could help me,
Usually I’m cautious,
I told him that I don’t,
Jump into the water,
Do you do this often?
Do you do this often?
Do you do this often?
Do you do this often?
Do you do this often?
Do you do this often?
Jump into the water

Additional information/sources for Takis – Often

Billboard-charting producer Takis is back with “Often,” a dreamy electronic track with a catchy, emotional vibe. Released by Ultra Records, “Often” highlights Takis’ talent for blending heartfelt emotions with music you can move to.The song explores the struggle between staying safe and taking risks, with the line “Jump into the water” urging listeners to take a chance. With its smooth beats and atmospheric sound, “Often” is perfect for both relaxing and dancing.


The song “Takis – Often” is released by Ultra Records, LLC

Song Sources for “Takis – Often”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/44QZweE0DwqYkjyAySHY61

Mara Mia – Radio Edit – MACY

Categories: Afrobeats by Nagamag.com, Audio, Electronica, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Η απίστευτη ενέργεια του κομματιού είναι πραγματικά κάτι που χρειαζόμαστε. Ο κεφάτος ρυθμός απελευθερώνει το σώμα, που αφήνεται σε ένα φανταστικό χορευτικό ταξίδι. Η αισθησιακή και απολαυστική μελωδία διώχνει μακριά κάθε δύσκολη σκέψη και αδειάζει το μυαλό, αφήνοντας το ελεύθερο να ονειροπολεί. Τα φωνητικά δροσερά και απόλυτα ταιριασμένα αλλάζουν την διάθεση μας και μας διασκεδάζουν χωρίς όρια.”


Lyrics of MACY – Mara Mia – Radio Edit

Dua moyo wangu unacheza unafaa usikie sauti yako
Unawaka kama moto wa jua
Ulinikamata moyo wa dhati
Nimekuchagua mara mia
Wewe ndiye shujaa wangu
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Pendo lako lafanya miujiza
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Wewe ndiye shujaa wangu
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Pendo lako lafanya miujiza

Jua linapochomoza
Moyoni wangu wanipa furaha
Hatuna mchezo hapa
Tunaishi kwa sababu ya upendo
Dua moyo wangu unacheza unafaa usikie sauti yako
Unawaka kama moto wa jua jua
Ulinikamata moyo wa dhati
Nimekuchagua mara mia
Wewe ndiye shujaa wangu
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Pendo lako lafanya miujiza
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Wewe ndiye shujaa wangu
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Pendo lako lafanya miujiza
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Wewe ndiye shujaa wangu
Ninakuchagua mara mia
Pendo lako lafanya miujiza

(english translate)

A Hundred Times

Pray my heart is playing, you should hear your voice
You burn like the fire of the sun
You captured my heart
I have chosen you a hundred times
You are my hero
I choose you a hundred times
Your love works miracles
I choose you a hundred times
You are my hero
I choose you a hundred times
Your love works miracles

When the sun rises
In my heart they give me joy
We don’t have a game here
We live because of love
Pray my heart is playing, you should hear your voice
You burn like the fire of the sun
You captured my heart
I have chosen you a hundred times
You are my hero
I choose you a hundred times
Your love works miracles
I choose you a hundred times
You are my hero
I choose you a hundred times
Your love works miracles
I choose you a hundred times
I choose you a hundred times
I choose you a hundred times
You are my hero
I choose you a hundred times
Your love works miracles

Additional information/sources for MACY – Mara Mia – Radio Edit

The song “MACY – Mara Mia – Radio Edit” is released by 99 Waves

Song Sources for “MACY – Mara Mia – Radio Edit”:
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/mara-mia-radio-edit/1769456161?i=1769456174

slow – lonelysummit

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Music, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Трек начинается с нежного интро, которое постепенно наполняется мягкими ритмами и мелодичными линиями. Композиция плавно развивается, наполняясь многогранными слоями гармоний и вокалом. Downtempo атмосфера создает эффект воздушности и легкости, что делает его идеальным фоном для размышлений или расслабляющего вечера.”


Encounter – Phelles

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Music, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Η εκπληκτική ατμοσφαιρική μελωδία διαπερνά το μυαλό και το μεταφέρει σε ένα παράλληλο σύμπαν, όπου όλα είναι τόσο ανάλαφρα και ξεκούραστα. Μια απίστευτη αίσθηση ευτυχίας αναπτύσσεται μέσα σου και σου μεταφέρει τη θετική της ενέργεια. Ο ρυθμός σε κρατά σε εγρήγορση και σου προσφέρει μια αξέχαστη εμπειρία απόλαυσης.”


Additional information/sources for Phelles – Encounter

phelles is a Lebanese artist based in Belgium, known for fusing African and Middle Eastern sounds with melodic house and techno influences. His music is a seamless fusion of organic, melodic, and high-energy elements, characterized by deep bass lines and earthy percussions. Whether crafting uplifting soundscapes or driving energetic rhythms, phelles creates immersive experiences that resonate with soul and movement.

Lose – Outside The Academy

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Dreamy and darker atmosphere with amazing layering of sounds, that creates very melancholic vibe within the songs. Beautiful vocal just fits so well as songs progresses. Almost cinematic vibe can be felt with piano themes in the background and how sets the tone with blissful voice. ”


Additional information/sources for Outside The Academy – Lose

The song “Outside The Academy – Lose” is released by DistroKid

Song Sources for “Outside The Academy – Lose”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1yJiug9Ocebhe1OxQRdfbQ
Bandcamp: outsidetheacademy.bandcamp.com/track/lose

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