Camila Brasiliano x Felipe Borim – Luz (O Que Ela Perdeu)

Categories: Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , |

“There are no such epithets to fully express admiration for this composition. -Camila Brasiliano and Felipe Borim- created a real work of art, with a very simple and understandable language in the Bossa Nova genre, deep text and amazing performance and implementation of their idea.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Нет таких эпитетов, чтобы в полной мере выразить восхищение этой композицией. -Camila Brasiliano и Felipe Borim- создали настоящее произведение искусства, с очень простым и понятным языком в жанре Bossa Nova, глубоким текстом и потрясающими исполнением и реализацией своей идеи.”

Wolkenpark – Lazy Day

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Gorgeous jazz music in a very minimalist, but expressive cocktail of muffled light, faded rays of spotlights and breathing of a living orchestra. Pure pleasure in melodic surroundings of chic music. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Шикарная джазовая музыка в очень минималистичном, но при этом выразительном коктейле из приглушённого света, блеклых лучах прожекторов и дыхания живого оркестра. Чистое наслаждение в мелодичном антураже шикарной музыки.”

The title track «Lazy Day» is composed by bass player Jean-Pierre Schaller, a smoothly rolling theme which evolves smoothly thoughout the whole piece passing a dialogue like solo by bass and trumpet and culminating towards the end in looping cascades over the main theme.

Joachim Horsely – Mountain King Cha Cha

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“The melody familiar to many of you from childhood, packed in modern processing of Jazz and Crossover Classical genres. Virtuoso possession of tools create a magical and very pleasant atmosphere. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Знакомая многим из вас мелодия с детства, упакованная в современную обработку жанров Jazz и Crossover Classical. Виртуозное владение инструментами создают волшебную и очень приятную атмосферу.”

After the success of his debut album "Via Havana", the American pianist Joachim Horsley comes back with a new track "Mountain King Cha Cha". Derived from the the Edvard Grieg’s masterpiece "In the Hall of the Mountain King" (written for Hendrick Ibsen’s theatre piece "Peer Gynt"), this new piece picks up his interbreeding work between European Classical music and Afro-Caribean music, offring to the audience a cheerful and inspired artistic encounter.

Jennifer Holliday – So in Love

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Music, which is a guide in the author's soul, where the heat of vocals -Jennifer Holliday- twirls for the lonely strings of your soul. The magnificent lyrical composition, whose task to wake in you the most beautiful, kind and bright. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Музыка, которая является проводником в душу автора, где теплота вокала -Jennifer Holliday- дёргает за одинокие струны вашей души. Великолепная лирическая композиция, задача которой разбудить в вас всё самое прекрасное, доброе и светлое.”

Eden Barel – Mid Breakfast

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , |

“Jazz possesses one unique property - it is able to turn off any negative thought into the consciousness of a person and instantly switch to the creation of something beautiful. In your heart, huge gardens will bloom, the fruits of which you will enjoy every time you come back to this composition. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Джаз обладает одним уникальным свойством — он способен выключить в сознание человека любую негативную мысль и мгновенно переключиться на созидание нечто прекрасного. В вашем сердце расцветут огромные сады, плодами которых вы будете наслаждаться каждый раз, когда будете возвращаться к этой композиции.”

Artist said about this song:

"Mid breakfast is My first single from my upcoming Ep under the same title. when i get asked about the genre i often say - "soul/jazz" but The various sounds in this tune, when I look back at it are almost like a homage of everything that inspired me at that time when I wrote it in Brooklyn, Ny. both visually and musically. I’m happy to finally share it with the world, and hoping to hopefully inspire others in their own path."

Eden Barel is a composer/producer and a multi-instrumentalist based in Tel aviv.

Barel grew up in northern Israel and is largely a self-taught musician. Assimilating North and east African influences, Eden’s eclectic style continued to creatively evolve deeper into jazz and soul music in New York, where he started composing for the first time.

His unique musical path and influences are vividly present in his instrumental, cinematic pieces, which are filled with groove wind instrumentation, guitars that fuse jazz, soul and funk, and melodies that leap out of Asia, Africa and America.

Clémentine – Le mambo du légionnaire

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , |

“Percussia seems to be tickling your ears, is so pleasant for rumor. Beautiful instrumental component, very nice female vocal and jazz notes. This is all that you need to brighten your long-awaited evening by the fireplace with a cup of ginger tea. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Перкуссия словно щекочет ваши уши, настолько она приятная на слух. Красивая инструментальная составляющая, очень приятный женский вокал и нотки джаза. Это всё, что нужно для того, чтобы скрасить ваши долгожданные вечера у камина с чашечкой имбирного чая.”

Ori Dagan – My Finger Slipped (Video)

Categories: Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest, Video|Tags: , |

“You will go crazy with swing, bright jazz elements and elegant vocals that fill the whole atmosphere of this magnificent composition. An integral work of interesting content and semantic load.”

“Вы сойдёте с ума от свинга, ярких джазовых элементов и элегантного вокала, который заполняет собой всю атмосферу этой великолепной композиции. Цельная, интересная по содержанию и смысловой нагрузке работа!”

The lyric video from award-winning jazz singer-songwriter Ori Dagan’s upcoming album “Click Right Here” for his self-penned single “My Finger Slipped” it is a hilarious slice of 21st-century life we can all relate to.

Sorg & Napoleon Maddox – Louverture (feat. Jowee Omicil) (Video)

Categories: Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“Cool and engaging, they make hip look so easy. Something about a proper horn section that just screams real Jazz. His words flow perfectly and are truly though out or is its freestyle magic? Either way we dig, and the sublime chorus brings it all together. ”

Filmed at Château de Joux, in the cell of Toussaint Louverture, and in the countryside of Doubs, France

Per Thornberg – An Even Sweeter Spot (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“You can get the impression of a large inner energy, whose strength seem to break through all the sound palette of Jazz and take advantage of your mind. Beautiful performance and virtuoso instrument use!”

“Создаётся впечатление большой внутренней энергии, чья сила и поток словно прорываются сквозь всю звуковую палитру джаза и завладевают вашим сознанием. Красивое исполнение и виртуозное владение инструментами!”

Recorded with just one microphone in a perfect sounding room at Sweetspot Studios, An Even Sweeter Spot is the last song on the EP "The Sweetspot Sessions".

Gustavo Campos – Não Robô (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Jazz, Jazz Features, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“The Não Robô single is a definite must-have for fans of bossa nova / Jazz.A personal and intimate record where we are invited on a journey into the mind of an artist. It's an original piece that shows a wide range of emotions and musicality, the sound is elegant and sophisticated and the production impeccable, Gustavo Campos does a great job in this single.”

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