Oren Eytan – The Architect

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , |

“Heart-warming and deeply impactful piano notes are waiting you in "The Architect". A unique chance to explore the endless world of Solo Piano sound through the hands of a skillful artist. Take a deep breath and start your short trip!”


Oren Eytan is a Musician, Composer and Piano Player Signed in the Musicspace Label Records. Music for Relax and Indulge with Beautiful Piano Pieces. Music for Meditation, Spa, Massage, Sleeping, Yoga and Healing. The Best Piano Soft Pieces for Your Day and Night.

Brian Field – String Quartet No. 1: II. —

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“One would like to compare the melody of the violins with the singing of two invisible, but also tangible souls, who were lost in the commotion of events that were out of their control. Feel a little tension inside. This is your heart that speaks to you. Feel something crying inside you. It is your soul, trying to reach you.”

“Мелодию скрипок так и хочется сравнить с пением двух невидимых, но таких осязаемых душ, которые потерялись в суете неподвластных им событий. Почувствуйте лёгкое напряжение внутри. Это с вами говорит ваше сердце. Почувствуйте, как что-то плачет там, внутри. Это до вас пытается достучаться ваша душа.”



Fiona Joy Hawkins – Freedom (Solo)

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , |

“Discover the magic of solo piano as it comes from the hands of Fiona Joy Hawkins. The art of simplicity in music, can be surely traced in classical instrumentation. Ninety seconds of vibrating strings are well enough to pass through your body and touch your soul.”


Artist said about this song:

"Freedom Solo was originally on my Blue Dream album produced by Will Ackerman (Founder Windham Hill Records). This solo piano version is a soft mix and sounds lovely on the Imaginary Road Studios Steinway B piano. I love releasing the solo piano versions as they stand up on their own and take on their own beauty without the instrumental layers. Freedom unplugged!"


Kenneth Lampl – Stars (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“If you are a true connoisseur of classical music and the piano is among your favourite instruments, then you can recognize the greatness of this composition and also immerse in its calm atmosphere of bliss and harmony.”

“Если вы истинный ценитель классической музыки и одним из ваших любимых инструментов является пиано, то слушая данную композицию вы сможете постичь его величие и раствориться в атмосфере спокойствия, блаженства и гармонии.”


Artist said about this song:

"The piano was my beginning, the black and white oracles whispering the possibilities of sound; somehow touching and connecting to something beyond my reach. Worlds opened, my perception of everything, especially what lie within me changed. These pieces are my journey home, to where I began and to explore knowing that place for the first time.

I live in the country and every evening I make a point to look at the stars like so many other people. What are we really seeking by that act? Are we looking for the purpose of our own individual lives in the vastness or the opportunity to connect with the millions that came before us, the fellow passengers of time."

Alexander Nikolaev – Clouds (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Embark on a journey through the expanses of Neoclassical music with -Alexander Nikolaev- and his enchanting composition. Feel how your soul rises above the clouds and dissolves beyond the horizons of the vast and distant mountains.”

“Отправляйтесь в путешествие по просторам неоклассической музыки вместе с -Alexander Nikolaev- и его чарующей композиции. Почувствуйте, как ваша душа возвышается над облаками и растворяется за горизонтами необъятных и величественных гор.”


Посмотрите на облака слушая эту композицию. Каждый слушатель найдёт в ней что-то для себя.


William Ogmundson – Acceptance (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“William Ogmundson has just delivered his bittersweet Neoclassical composition in the form of a solo piano miniature. Personal and proffessional work, in which every single note fits in the right place like a puzzle piece.”


This is a felted piano piece about accepting what we cannot change, and being at peace with the world.


Luis Paul – A Vanished Dream (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Piano, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Trust the fingers of "Luis Paul" for your next solo piano amuzing experience. This track is so smooth and elusive that passes like a faint thought through your mind. It ends before you realize its begining, but couldn't be different, as its title states!”


"A Vanished Dream" is about dreams we once had that didn't come true - about relationships we would have liked to continue but no longer exist; about moments we would like to travel to again, but which fade mercilessly. It is about a futile longing for fulfillment. And yet every ending is also a beginning.


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