Artist Interviews on Nagamag


Welcome to Nagamag’s Interviews, where music comes alive in the words of its creators.

Behind the sounds, the emotions you feel with every good music you listen to, there is a mind or more. A mind which releases these emotions through its fingers that controls the instruments that translate thoughts into a sound art. The sound art which makes our lives more interesting and coloured.

Nagamag, carefully handpicks and invites part of the most interesting artists around the scene and share a few words with them. Through Nagamag you get a small insight of their own music world, offering in few lines the most interesting parts about their art and helping listeners to discover easier new music and few more details about their favorite artists. All that through a great format. A format that is to the point, without been “heavy” for the reader, with focus to quality over quantity. This is a Nagamag interview.
Good music has no borders and here you can find interesting interviews from various genres as Nagamag covers a wide range of music styles as Neoclassical, Indie Electronic, Songwritter, Synthwave, Electro Pop, Trip Hop, Psychill and more…

Total Music Artists Interviewed


  • Estella Dawn interview on Nagamag Music Magazine

Estella Dawn Interview on Nagamag

April 15th, 2021|

Estella Dawn interview on #pop #indie #neosoul #electronic #adultalternative #estelladawn #interview #nagamag #musicmagazine Artist's Socials: FB: @estelladawnmusic IG: @estelladawnmusic TW: @estella_dawn

  • Lewis Bolland interview on Nagamag Music Magazine

Lewis Bolland Interview on Nagamag

April 10th, 2021|

Lewis Bolland interview on #modernclassical #relaxingpiano #lightlycinematic #lewisbolland #interview #nagamag #musicmagazine Artist's Socials: FB: @lewisbollandmusic IG: @lewisbollandmusic

  • Peter Aries interview on Nagamag Music Magazine

Peter Aries Interview on Nagamag

April 8th, 2021|

Peter Aries interview on #synthwave #trance #electronica #peteraries #interview #nagamag #musicmagazine Artist's Socials: FB: @peterariesmusic IG: @peterariesmusic

  • 4am Kru interview on Nagamag Music Magazine

4am Kru Interview on Nagamag

April 3rd, 2021|

4am Kru interview on #oldschool #jungle #hardcore #early90s #rave #4amkru #interview #nagamag #musicmagazine Artist's Socials: IG: @4amkrulondon

  • Maria Grönlund interview on Nagamag Music Magazine

Maria Grönlund Interview on Nagamag

April 1st, 2021|

Maria Grönlund interview on #neoclassical #modernclassical #contemporaryclassical #mariagrönlund #interview #nagamag #musicmagazine Artist's Socials: FB: @MariaGronlundmusic IG: @maria_gronlund TW: @maria_gronlund

  • Jaap Mol interview on Nagamag Music Magazine

Jaap Mol Interview on Nagamag

March 27th, 2021|

Jaap Mol interview on #neoclassical #ambient #electronic #jaapmol #interview #nagamag #musicmagazine Artist's Socials: FB: @jaapmolmusic IG: @jaapmol