5ON5 – Sunshine

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Это яркий и энергичный Alt Pop от -5ON5-, в который невозможно не влюбиться с первых секунд! Он насквозь пропитан позитивными волнами и идеально подходит для жаркого лета и тех моментов, когда хочется просто наслаждаться жизнью. Мелодия и вокал напоминают о тёплых, летних днях, когда солнце светит ярко, а настроение на самой вершине!”

“This is a bright and energetic Alt Pop from -5on5-, which cannot not fall in love with the first seconds! It is saturated with positive waves and is ideal for a hot summer and those moments when you just want to enjoy life. The melody and vocals remind of warm, summer days, when the sun shines brightly, and the mood at the very top!” *

“이것은 -5ON5에서 밝고 활기찬 ALT 팝으로, 첫 초와 사랑에 빠질 수는 없습니다! 그것은 긍정적 인 파도로 포화되어 있으며 더운 여름과 인생을 즐기고 싶어하는 순간에 이상적입니다. 멜로디와 보컬은 태양이 밝게 비추는 따뜻하고 여름날을 상기시켜줍니다.” *


The song “5ON5 – Sunshine” is released by sonsounds

Song Sources for “5ON5 – Sunshine”:
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/sunshine/1692621938?i=1692622313

Find 5ON5 on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/5on5music/
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@5on5music

Website of 5ON5:

5ON5 – Ayo (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Hip-Hop, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Choose "Ayo" if you look for something to listen with good company. Cool and catchy Hip-Hop rhymes and friendly background mix of sounds, ideal for your warm place, while raining outside. Create a favourite and cozy atmosphere for the next three minutes with the pressing of one button.”


AYO - the new song by 5ON5 - comes in on an easygoing guitar beat, and in a combination of mellow rap verses, a neat hook and a romantic singing part it becomes quite a catchy tune which you like to play on a continuous loop.

Perfect for those rainy days, when you want to bring back the summer vibes into your room, singing “Ayo – when the sun is coming in...”


AYO - der neue Song von 5ON5 - kommt auf einem lässigem Gitarren-Beat daher und wird in Kombination von eingängiger Hook und erfrischendem Gesangspart, die eingerahmt sind von entspannten Rap-Versen, zu einem echten Ohrwurm, den man gerne in Dauerschleife abspielt.

Perfekt für diese verregneten Tage, an denen man sich die Summervibes ins Zimmer holen will, mit „Ayo - when the sun is coming in...“


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