Adriano Koch – I LOVE YOU SADNESS (Spotify)

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“The ability to find light in sorrow, and a sip of sedative in sadness needs a talent and -Adriano Koch- revealed it in his melancholic, experimental composition -I Love You Sadness-. Neoclassical and mind-blowing music for a rich listening experience.”

“Умение находить в печали свет, а в грусти глоток успокоительного - это талант и -Adriano Koch- раскрыл его в своей меланхоличной, экспериментальной композиции -I Love You Sadness-. Неоклассика и умопомрачительная перкуссия. Богатое впечатления от прослушивания.”

Adriano Koch creates art without borders or constraints. To this end, he mixes the traditional acoustic piano with electronic instruments on stage, allowing him to create a rich and visual performance, to free himself from the restrictive labels of classical music, and to open up to a wider audience. His music is a creation based on the interaction between acoustic piano and electronic music. He manages to gather together on the same stage, audiences who would not usually meet: classical music, jazz, and electronic music listeners.

Adriano about the single:

This song talks about resilience and how we should be grateful to once have been hurt. This song was created while transforming sadness into euphoria. I’m glad to be living and it’s a gift to have the ability of experiencing such a feeling. I love you sadness.

Adriano Koch creates art without borders or constraints. To this end, he mixes the traditional acoustic piano with electronic instruments on stage, allowing him to create a rich and visual performance, to free himself from the restrictive labels of classical music, and to open up to a wider audience. His music is a creation based on the interaction between acoustic piano and electronic music. He manages to gather together on the same stage, audiences who would not usually meet: classical music, jazz, and electronic music listeners.

Music has been a part of Adriano’s life since infancy. After nine years of jazz piano studies at the School for Jazz and Current Music (EJMA) in Lausanne, Switzerland, he decided to not continue his schooling at the age of seventeen in order to dedicate himself fully to the development of his craft. Now aged twenty-one, Adriano Koch has released 2 albums. His latest single BRIEF has seen tremendous support by Spotify (Ambiente) and different blogs such as Pretty In Noise, Last Day Deaf, Secret Eclectic, XLR8R+, Mystic Sons, Beatradar and many more.