Aesthetic Sounds – All Good
“Η επιβλητική μελωδία φέρνει έναν αέρα ανανέωσης και το εκλεπτυσμένο ύφος της δηλώνει μια υψηλή αισθητική. Οι αισθήσεις χαλαρώνουν και η ατμόσφαιρα γίνεται αισθησιακή και γοητευτική. Το μυαλό χάνεται στον όμορφο ρυθμό και αποβάλει τις στενάχωρες σκέψεις του. Ένα κομμάτι που πραγματικά οδηγεί στην ψυχική ανάταση.”
“The imposing melody brings a refreshing air and its sophisticated style indicates a high aesthetic. The senses relax and the atmosphere becomes sensual and charming. The mind is lost in the beautiful rhythm and eliminates his distressed thoughts. A piece that really leads to mental uplift.” *
“The imposing melody brings a refreshing air and its sophisticated style indicates a high aesthetic. The senses relax and the atmosphere becomes sensual and charming. The mind is lost in the beautiful rhythm and eliminates his distressed thoughts. A piece that really leads to mental uplift.” *
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