Amy Lensson – Don’t Care (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Very complex and competently built arrangement, in which everything sounds perfect. Smooth interaction of instruments with soft vocals and melodic transitions, which create very positive and kind atmosphere.”

“Очень комплексная и грамотно выстроенная аранжировка, в которой всё на своих местах. Взаимодействие инструментов друг с другом, плавный, лиричный и такой мягкий вокал, мелодичные переходы, а главное очень позитивная и добрая атмосфера!”

Everyone is always posting everything they're doing, and trying to make their lives seem perfect. Why can't we just be honest and be real? “Don't Care” is a call for everyone to stop caring so much about the facade we put up on social media, and just live your life.