Areviejé – Once Again (Live) (Spotify)

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“The vocals of -Areviejé- can be listened endlessly, plunging into her depth, as if on the sandy bottom of the vast ocean. Incredible timbre, characterized by her charisma and strong energy. Charming Neo-Soul ideal for your listening enjoyment.”

“Вокал -Areviejé- можно слушать бесконечно, погружаясь в его глубину, словно на песчаное дно тихого океана. Невероятный тембр, который пленит своей харизмой и сильной энергетикой. Очаровательный Neo-Soul, одно удовольствие слушать и наслаждаться.”

This track was made to connect with anyone who has found themselves in a pattern of subconsciously choosing the wrong intimate partners. Even though we feel magnetised towards these characters and we truly see their inner beauty, it may not be enough for a successful relationship and can often lead to heart break.