
Aysedeniz Gokcin – Velvet Piano

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Композиция от -Aysedeniz Gokcin- олицетворяет собой новый взгляд на неоклассическую музыку. Очаровательная и такая волнительная работа является приятным сочетанием мелодии фортепиано и огромного сердца композитора, которое словно маленький кусочек льда тающего на ваших тёплых ладонях. -Aysedeniz Gokcin- демонстрирует великолепную технику игры в которой объединились два мира — ваш и мир автора.”

“The composition from -aySedeniz gokcin- personifies a new look at neoclassical music. Charming and such exciting work is a pleasant combination of piano melody and a huge heart of the composer, which is like a small piece of ice melting on your warm palms. -AYSEDENIZ GOKCIN- demonstrates the magnificent technique of the game in which two worlds have united- your and the world of the author.” *

“Η σύνθεση από το -aysedeniz gokcin – προσωποποιεί μια νέα ματιά στη νεοκλασική μουσική. Το γοητευτικό και ένα τέτοιο συναρπαστικό έργο είναι ένας ευχάριστος συνδυασμός μελωδία πιάνου και μια τεράστια καρδιά του συνθέτη, που είναι σαν ένα μικρό κομμάτι πάγου που λιώνει στις ζεστές παλάμες σας. -AysEdeniz Gokcin- επιδεικνύει την υπέροχη τεχνική του παιχνιδιού στο οποίο δύο κόσμοι έχουν ενωθεί- σας και ο κόσμος του συγγραφέα.” *

The song “Aysedeniz Gokcin – Velvet Piano” is released by Audio Network

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Aysedeniz Gokcin – In My Head

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Απαλά ήσυχα και ρομαντικά περιπλανιέμαι στα μονοπάτια του μυαλού μου και ψάχνω να βρω διέξοδο. Μέσα μου η φανταστική μελωδία έχει αρχίσει να φτιάχνει εικόνες και ονειρεύομαι ένα κόσμο πιο όμορφο και ιδανικό. Ο ζωηρός ρυθμός δεν παύει να μου δείχνει το δρόμο και να μου βρίσκει λύσεις. Λικνίζομαι και χορεύω πια σαν μια χαρούμενη πεταλούδα.”

“Gently quiet and romantically wandering on the paths of my mind and look for a way out. Inside me the fantastic melody has begun to make images and I dream of a world more beautiful and ideal. The lively pace does not cease to show me the way and find solutions to me. I rock and dance like a happy butterfly.” *

“Suavemente tranquilo y deambulando románticamente por los caminos de mi mente y busca una salida. Dentro de mí, la fantástica melodía ha comenzado a hacer imágenes y sueño con un mundo más hermoso e ideal. El ritmo animado no deja de mostrarme el camino y encontrar soluciones para mí. Rockeo y bailo como una feliz mariposa.” *

The song “Aysedeniz Gokcin – In My Head” is released by Audio Network

Song Sources for “Aysedeniz Gokcin – In My Head”:

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Website of Aysedeniz Gokcin:

Aysedeniz Gokcin – Prologue of Promises (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Neoclassical, Neoclassical Features, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Prologue of promises the second out of a fourteen track album from classical/rock crossover pianist Aysedeniz Gokcin, is a mastefully performed solo piece with an eclectic yet elegant aura that ask from listeners to contemplate on reshaping the future and how we want things to be fixed through pure musical notes”

Prologue of Promises is a track that hosts all our wishes and hopes for the future in musical notes. It is a reflection of how we would reshape our future and how we would like to fix things...

AyseDeniz is a classical/rock crossover pianist currently splitting her time between Los Angeles, London, and Istanbul. She started playing piano at age five and was considered a child prodigy in her native home of Turkey. She completed her Bachelor's in Piano Performance at Eastman School of Music in New York and her Masters in Piano Performance at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

AyseDeniz is recognized internationally for her ability to unite the classical genre with classic rock and creating original rock arrangements and compositions, which she now performs for fans worldwide to sold-out shows. She has appeared on BBC News, Vogue, Classic FM, Prog Rock Magazine, and more. The Arts Council England endorses her under the Exceptional Talent Visa.

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