Damien Sebe, CHG – Love… I Guess (Spotify)

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“Love makes wonders and so does music. The piece -Love ... I Guess- has its rhythm broken on the foot of a lone beach rock. Only you, only music and nothing but love.”

“Любовь творит чудеса точно так же, как и музыка. -Love... I Guess- разбивается своим ритмом о подножия одиноких скал на берегу. Только вы, только музыка и только любовь.”


"Love... I Guess" is a song inspired by a friendship that develops into a romantic entanglement. Both parties find it hard to express their feelings for each other in fear of how strenuous relationships can be, they don't want to ever stop talking if things don't work out. With some Ballad Jazz chords setting a romantic feel and guitar parts that lighten the song into a happy mood to reminisce happy times between the two. - Damien Sebe
