Rebellion – R3HAB x Michael Patrick Kelly x Shaggy

Categories: Audio, EDM, Pop by, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

“Catchy guitar riff from the start, pulls you into this song instantly. Lead vocal expands this pop song perfectly adding more emotions and depth to its very catchy structure. Powerful beats and faster pace is perfectly blended with the lead vocal and the lyrics that feels very uplifting like the song itself.”

Additional information/sources for R3HAB x Michael Patrick Kelly x Shaggy – Rebellion

The song “R3HAB x Michael Patrick Kelly x Shaggy – Rebellion” is released by Virgin

Song Sources for “R3HAB x Michael Patrick Kelly x Shaggy – Rebellion”:

Oliver Henry – Brother | Electronica by, EDM music review

Categories: Audio, EDM, Electronica by, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“-Oliver Henry- создал настоящее произведение искусства, наполнив свой новый трек необычным и очень неординарным звучанием в мире музыки Indietronica, IDM и Glitch. Сочетание различных, таких необычных и приятных звуков и мелодий создает удивительной красоты произведение, способное впечатлить любого слушателя.”

Expand to read review translations *

“-Oliver Henry- created a real work of art, filling his new track with an unusual and very extraordinary sound in the world of Indietronica, IDM and Glitch music. The combination of various, unusual and pleasant sounds and melodies creates a work of amazing beauty that can impress any listener.”

“-Ο Oliver Henry- δημιούργησε ένα πραγματικό έργο τέχνης, γεμίζοντας το νέο του κομμάτι με έναν ασυνήθιστο και πολύ εξαιρετικό ήχο στον κόσμο της μουσικής Indietronica, IDM και Glitch. Ο συνδυασμός διαφορετικών, ασυνήθιστων και ευχάριστων ήχων και μελωδιών δημιουργεί ένα έργο εκπληκτικής ομορφιάς που μπορεί να εντυπωσιάσει κάθε ακροατή.”

The original review of “Oliver Henry – Brother” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Electronica by, EDM reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Oliver Henry” (Australia) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag already found for you the “Brother”, a masterpiece by “Oliver Henry”. A song of Electronica by, EDM genre, that also offers Indietronica, IDM / Glitch characteristics. That for, Nagamag is pleased to share with you this music review, thoughtfully written by one of our expert Electronica by, EDM reviewers, whose expertise in unraveling the compositions like “Oliver Henry – Brother”. A Electronica by, EDM discovery that brought to you and to the worldwide community of Electronica by, EDM enthusiasts who speak the universal language of music as well.

Listen to “Oliver Henry – Brother” on Spotify

You can listen to “Oliver Henry – Brother” through the following Spotify player.
Press play to enjoy this unique Electronica by, EDM song.

Additional information/sources for Oliver Henry – Brother

The song “Oliver Henry – Brother” is released by Gallery Recordings

Song Sources for “Oliver Henry – Brother”:

R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal | Pop by, EDM music review

Categories: Audio, EDM, Pop by, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Modern sound and production can be felt instantly. Its mixture of pop and house is done so well. Lead vocal is the real hook within the song, really catchy and wonderfully edited and produced. Beautiful synth atmosphere creates wonderful vibe within the song. ”

Expand to read review translations *

“Ο σύγχρονος ήχος και η παραγωγή γίνονται αισθητές αμέσως. Η μίξη της ποπ και του house γίνεται τόσο καλά. Το βασικό φωνητικό είναι το πραγματικό άγκιστρο μέσα στο τραγούδι, πραγματικά πιασάρικο και θαυμάσια επεξεργασία και παραγωγή. Η όμορφη ατμόσφαιρα synth δημιουργεί υπέροχη ατμόσφαιρα μέσα στο τραγούδι.”

“El sonido y la producción modernos se pueden sentir al instante. Su mezcla de pop y house está muy bien hecha. La voz principal es el verdadero gancho de la canción, realmente pegadiza y maravillosamente editada y producida. La hermosa atmósfera de sintetizador crea una vibra maravillosa dentro de la canción.”

The original review of “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Pop by, EDM reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “R3HAB x Jason Derulo” (United States) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag introducing you to “Animal”. a collaborative perfection of “R3HAB x Jason Derulo”. This creation in the terrain of Pop by, EDM, has touched the hearts of our curators, who really enjoyed listening to “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal”. It’s more than just a song; it’s a product that combines the composition power of more than just one artist. it’s a music built that also defines Commercial, Dance Pop, Netherlands music. The Melody and rhythm of this piece is a treasure for your ears, waiting to be discovered. Nagamag is delighted to share this music review by one of our Pop by, EDM reviewers, who musically joined the meaning of this collaboration “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal”. Our tireless mission to explore Pop by, EDM songs from all over the world brought this offering as a share point to the global community of Pop by, EDM enthusiasts in their love for this kind of music.

Listen to “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal” on Youtube and Spotify

You can listen to “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Pop by, EDM song and watch the official video clip of “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal”.

Additional information/sources for R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal

The song “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal” is released by Spinnin’ Records

Song Sources for “R3HAB x Jason Derulo – Animal”:

Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now | Pop by, EDM music review

Categories: Audio, EDM, Pop by, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Новый трек от -Niklas Dee и Kiara Nelson- яркий представитель энергичного жанра Dance Pop, который точно поднимет вам настроение и заставит вас двигаться под его умопомрачительный ритм! Песня начинается с легкой и воздушной мелодии, которая постепенно переходит в энергичный и танцевальный трек. А вы готовы к веселью?”

Expand to read review translations *

“The new track from -niklas dee and Kiara Nelson is a bright representative of the energetic Dance Pop genre, which will definitely cheer you up and make you move under its breathtaking rhythm! The song begins with a light and air melody, which gradually passes into an energetic and dance track. Are you ready for fun?”

“Der neue Track von -Niklas Dee und Kiara Nelson ist ein heller Vertreter des energischen Tanzpop -Genres, das Sie auf jeden Fall aufmuntern und Sie unter seinem atemberaubenden Rhythmus bewegen lässt! Das Lied beginnt mit einer leichten und luftmelodischen Melodie, die allmählich in einen energischen und tanzigen Track übergeht. Bist du bereit für Spaß?”

The original review of “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Pop by, EDM reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson” (Germany) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag introducing you to “Now”. a collaborative perfection of “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson”. This creation in the terrain of Pop by, EDM, has touched the hearts of our curators, who really enjoyed listening to “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now”. It’s more than just a song; it’s a product that combines the composition power of more than just one artist. it’s a music built that also defines Commercial, Dance Pop, Finland music. The Melody and rhythm of this piece is a treasure for your ears, waiting to be discovered. Nagamag is delighted to share this music review by one of our Pop by, EDM reviewers, who musically joined the meaning of this collaboration “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now”. Our tireless mission to explore Pop by, EDM songs from all over the world brought this offering as a share point to the global community of Pop by, EDM enthusiasts in their love for this kind of music.

Listen to “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now” on Youtube and Spotify

You can listen to “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Pop by, EDM song and watch the official video clip of “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now”.

Additional information/sources for Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now

The song “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now” is released by Crash Your Sound/Warner Music Central Europe

Song Sources for “Niklas Dee x Kiara Nelson – Now”:

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