Dee-Bee – Simple Pleasures (Spotify)
“We may face problems but the solution may be hidden in simple things. Sometimes it makes no sense to look for the cause... simply turn on a relaxing track like -Simple Pleasures- and release the flow of your thoughts, at least temporarily.”
“Простые удовольствия - в простых вещах. Иногда нет никакого смысла искать причину, достаточно просто включить расслабляющий трек -Simple Pleasures- и отпустить поток своих мыслей хотя бы на время. ”
"Simple Pleasures" encompasses the feeling of being content and happy with the little and simple things in life.
"Simple Pleasures" is a soft, laid back beat with gentle and warm melodies. The beat has a unique structure of two sections, each with a distinctive and different melody that can be heard in the piano part. The beat is supported with smooth strings that carry the chord progression throughout and simple, light percussion and drum parts to help the beat flow. While the percussion and drums are simple, the simplicity helps the melodic parts of the piano to shine through.
At times, we all need to find pleasure in the simple things.