DruiZ – A Donde (Fauna)

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“Η μέρα ξεκινά και όλοι σαν ακούραστη μηχανή παίζουμε και πάλι τον μοναδικό μας ρόλο στην παράσταση της ζωής. Η εκπληκτική και μοναδική μελωδία συνοδεύει τα βήματα μας και μας συμπαραστέκεται στις αποφάσεις και στις ανησυχίες μας γενναιόδωρα. Όλα μοιάζουν πιο αισιόδοξα με τον ζωντανό και γεμάτο ενέργεια ρυθμό.”

“The day begins and all as a tireless machine we play our only role in the performance of life. The stunning and unique melody accompanies our steps and supports us in our decisions and worries generously. Everything looks more optimistic with the living and full of energy.” *

“The day begins and all as a tireless machine we play our only role in the performance of life. The stunning and unique melody accompanies our steps and supports us in our decisions and worries generously. Everything looks more optimistic with the living and full of energy.” *


The song “DruiZ – A Donde (Fauna)” is released by DruiZ recordings

Song Sources for “DruiZ – A Donde (Fauna)”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/4JSZaZgNEy6nIDnCgZjNa2
Bandcamp: druizmusic.bandcamp.com/track/a-donde-fauna

Find DruiZ on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/druizmusic
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@musicdruiz

Website of DruiZ: