Edith – Over It (Spotify)

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“Imperishable synthpop from a young and charming singer Edith and her new single No Matter What You Do (Home Sessions). Sincere emotions, passionate love and hate burdening lyrical performance of Edith.”

“Нетленный synthpop от молодой и обворожительной певицы Edith и её нового сингла No Matter What You Do (Home Sessions). Искренние эмоции, пылкая любовь и отягощающая ненависть в лирическом исполнении Edith.”


Edith shared with us few words behind this song:

“I wrote Over It at a point in my life where I was completely and utterly over not just an ex-boyfriend but some people and situations that never served me any good. That feeling is truly the best, and you can rant over and over again to your friends about these frustrations but unfortunately, you’re never going to be truly released until you let yourself feel those emotions and move on. It is the first song I wrote and recorded for this album. One of my favourite sayings is ‘You have to bleed to grow’ and honestly it has been the backbone to my growth and journey so far. I want people to know that being vulnerable is a sign of strength, and even though Over It is a party song, the album has a few records in which a breakup is seen from a different perspective, from the perspective of loss and regret. There are days when we miss that person and days when we don’t feel a thing, which is why I love writing about my emotions and connecting with people through similar experiences. “
