Used To Be My Lover – Gee Gee Writer

Categories: Audio, Music, Rock, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Мелодичный рок-трек, подобный этому, словно распускающийся бутон, медленно открывает свои нежные лепестки, раскрывая слушателю свои потайные эмоции. С первых нот мы ощущаем трепетное биение сердца, погружаясь в волнующую атмосферу. Гитарные переливы, словно нежные прикосновения, звучат с неподдельной искренностью, сплетаясь в тонкую паутину чувств.”

Lyrics of Gee Gee Writer – Used To Be My Lover

At the end of the line
Where no one ever wants to be
Where the world is ending
That’s where the cherries grow
That’s where the sand is fine
And the river runs on cherry wine
And that’s my secret place in town
What are we waiting for
I got my reservations made

You used to be my lover and not my friend
And I was just a cowboy on the run again
You used to be that girl in the bar at night
Smiling to them all
And girl your smile was so bright

And now you are mine
And things are what they seem to be
Where the dream became reality
We found our golden rainbow
I hope that you are satisfied
With how we spend our social life
I never thought we come so far
What are we waiting for
Let’s live it to the limit

You used to be my lover and not my friend
And I was just a cowboy on the run again
You used to be that girl in the bar at night
Smiling to them all
And girl your smile was so bright

You gave me more, that you ever took
You gave me love, that I never knew
You did me wrong, when I was not right

You used to be my lover and not my friend
And I was just a cowboy on the run again
You used to be that girl in the bar at night
Smiling to them all
And girl your smile was so bright

Additional information/sources for Gee Gee Writer – Used To Be My Lover

The song “Gee Gee Writer – Used To Be My Lover” is released by Zack’s Music

Song Sources for “Gee Gee Writer – Used To Be My Lover”:
Apple Music:

Gee Gee Writer – Saturday Nights

Categories: Audio, Rock, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Whether you feel lonely or sad, there will always come Saturday nights with chances to escape from any dark mood. Giovanni Gambino, the “Gee Gee Writer” offers an emotional single with bold electric guitar chords and meaningful lyrics about people’s fake behaviour.”

“Είτε αισθάνεστε μοναχικοί είτε λυπημένοι, θα έρχονται πάντα το βράδυ του Σαββάτου με πιθανότητες να ξεφύγουν από οποιαδήποτε σκοτεινή διάθεση. Ο Giovanni Gambino, ο “συγγραφέας Gee Gee” προσφέρει ένα συναισθηματικό single με έντονες ηλεκτρικές χορδές κιθάρας και σημαντικούς στίχους για την ψεύτικη συμπεριφορά των ανθρώπων.” *

“Uanset om du føler dig ensom eller trist, kommer der altid lørdag aften med chancer for at flygte fra noget mørkt humør. Giovanni Gambino, “Gee Gee Writer” tilbyder en følelsesladet single med dristige elektriske guitarakkorder og meningsfulde tekster om folks falske opførsel.” *

The song “Gee Gee Writer – Saturday Nights” is released by Zack’s Music

Song Sources for “Gee Gee Writer – Saturday Nights”:
Apple Music:

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