Gobi Desert Collective – Assez (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Interesting House vibe with some influences from the far East. Starting smoothly and gradually building up, "Assez" can capture even the most demanding listener. We really loved this work and recommend it for everyone.”


An ethnic journey across the world of electronic music.


Gobi Desert Collective – Mångata (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , |

“The sounds that the exotic Mandolin instrument emits enrich our souls with harmony and contemplation. Thanks to Gobi Desert Collective for giving us such an unforgettable experience.”

“Звуки, которые излучает экзотический инструмент Мандолина, обогащают наши души гармонией и созерцанием. Спасибо Gobi Desert Collective за то, что подарил нам такое незабываемое впечатление.”


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