Music Genre
De Moi – Pencil Waltz (Video)
“In -Pencil Waltz- we find so unusual sound, which with ease and incredible trepid climbs under the skin and creates a unique and unforgettable comfort. IDM elements and a slight rustle effect is skillfully mixed with an acoustic guitar, which becomes so easily and serene. Present delicacy for gourmet.”
“В -Pencil Waltz- настолько необычное звучание, которое с лёгкостью и невероятным трепетом залезает к вам под кожу и создаёт неповторимый и незабываемый уют. Элементы IDM и лёгкое шуршание glitch искусно смешивается с акустической гитарой, от чего становится так легко и безмятежно. Настоящее лакомство для гурманов.”
High Vibe Records: “Stereopresence EP offers a curious, inquisitive peek into the soul of De Moi. Deeply textured, De Moi brings simple yet charming melodies by way of acoustic and electric guitar harmonics. Sparing use of upright bass adds dimension to the sparse arrangement, and the variety of ASMR triggers offer a deliciously tactile sense of percussion. A truly unique listen, Stereopresence EP will have you coming back again and again.”