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Martin Herzberg, Decto – Sails (Decto Rework) (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“How much happiness can be expressed in three minutes? Infinite light via melodic waves of sound. Superb mix of electronic samples and piano dominating notes from a dedicated artist.”


In den letzten Jahren war ich immer wieder mit Momenten großer Unsicherheit konfrontiert. Große Entscheidungen musste gefällt werden. Wo und wie möchte ich in Zukunft leben? Single oder Beziehung? Karriere oder Besinnlichkeit. Egal für welchen Weg man sich entscheiden, es bleibt eine Reise ins Ungewisse.

Die “Sails” Reworks besingen die Zuversicht, mit der wir uns durch nebelige Zeiten bewegen. Ein Stück über Vertrauen, auch in Momenten in denen wir nicht nach den Sternen navigieren zu können. Wenn die Sicht getrübt ist, weil unser Schiff durch diese Nebelwand gleitet und wir nicht wissen wo der Wind uns hinträgt. Wenn ein Sturm uns packt und wir uns in starken Wogen an die Brüstung klammern. Nicht wissend ob der morgige Tag uns wieder Sonnenlicht schenkt.
Doch es herrscht keine Panik an Bord. Denn wir bewegen uns aus eigener Kraft und wissen, der Sturm wird abebben. Auf den Nebel folgt die Klarheit. Freie Sicht für den Rest unseres Weges und ein bestärkendes, erfüllendes Gefühl ergreift uns, wenn sich unsere Segel in ihrer vollen Pracht zurück in den Wind setzen und unser Schiff wieder Fahrt aufnimmt.

Release Highlights

Die “Sails” Reworks besingen die Zuversicht, mit der wir uns durch nebelige Zeiten bewegen. Ein Stück über Vertrauen, auch in Momenten in denen wir nicht nach den Sternen navigieren zu können. Wenn die Sicht getrübt ist, weil unser Schiff durch diese Nebelwand gleitet und wir nicht wissen wo der Wind uns hinträgt. Doch auf den Nebel folgt die Klarheit. Freie Sicht für den Rest unseres Weges und ein bestärkendes, erfüllendes Gefühl ergreift uns, wenn sich unsere Segel in ihrer vollen Pracht zurück in den Wind setzen und unser Schiff wieder Fahrt aufnimmt.


The „Sails“ Reworks want to enforce the confidence with which we go through foggy times. A piece of trust, also in those moments when we cannot navigate by the stars. When the view becomes murky, because our ship glides through this fog and we do not know where the wind is taking us. When the storm assails us and we hold on to the gunwale in strong waves, unaware if the morning sunlight will touch us again.

However, no panic reigns on board, since our movement comes from our own strength and we know that the storm will calm down. After the fog a clear view follows and for the rest of our way and an encouraging, deeply rewarding feeling grows that catches us when our sail goes back in the wind in all its magnificence and our ship eventually picks up speed again.

Release Highlights

The „Sails“ Reworks want to enforce the confidence with which we go through foggy times. A piece of trust, also in those moments when we cannot navigate by the stars. However, no panic reigns on board, since our movement comes from our own strength and we know that the storm will calm down.

Martin Herzberg (ENGLISH)

Martin Herzberg, pianist and song writer, is moving with his music in a new direction. Instead of a record company he simply has his good friends, his piano and the internet. Martin says he has become known through "the right decisions, for the right people".

Martin studied musicology in his hometown Berlin and afterwards started to tour Germany passionately since 2012. He hired a good friend as concert manager and is accompanied by cello and lately his own string ensemble. With his camera man, a childhood friend, he shoots music videos that just capture the heart. 10 years down the line he has 25 million views on YouTube, and over 100.000 Facebook/Instagram fans and is capable of filling concert halls throughout Germany, Austria and Switzlerland. And still: his best friends are with him on the road.

Martin’s music touches your soul and allows you to escape in contemplation. He has been influenced by composers such as Ludovico Einaudi and Yann Tiersen, inspiring him with their soundtracks to „The intouchables“ and „ The fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain “, creating a wide audience for this special kind of the piano music. Martin introduces his personal touch and unites stirring soundtracks with vivid pop elements. This is why Martin's music doesn’t need a film to move you as the music itself is like the soundtrack to your own life.

Martin Herzberg (GERMAN)

Martin macht bewegende Klaviermusik zum Davonträumen, Nachdenken und sich Dahintreiben lassen. Beeinflusst wurde er von Komponisten wie Ludovico Einaudi oder Yann Tiersen, die mit ihrer Filmmusik zu „Ziemlich Beste Freunde“ und „Die Fabelhafte Welt der Amelie“ ein breites Publikum für diese besondere Art der Klaviermusik begeistern konnten. Martin kreiert seine ganz eigene Note, indem bewegende Piano-New Classic mit eingängig-emotionalen Motiven verschmilzt. Deutscher Gesang mit selbstgeschrieben Texten erweitert sein Klavier-Repertoire. Die Herzberg-Musik braucht keinen Film, um zu berühren. Sie klingt wie der Soundtrack zum eigenen Leben.

Bekannt wurde Martin Herzberg durch „die richtigen Entscheidungen für die richtigen Menschen“, wie er sagt. Er studierte Musikwissenschaft in Berlin und promovierte zum Thema „Musiker im Wettbewerb um Aufmerksamkeit im Internet“. Anschließend setzte er das Gelernte in die Tat um. Mithilfe seiner besten Freunde und Kollegen entwickelte er Ideen, um seine Musik auf die Bühnen dieser Welt zu bringen. Er engagierte eine Konzertmanagerin und lässt sich bis heute von befreundeten Gastmusikern unterstützen. Zusammen mit seinem Buddelkastenfreund und Kameramann dreht Martin Musikvideos, die ins Herz gehen. Nach wenigen Jahren hat er bereits über 20 Millionen Plays auf YouTube, über 100.000 Facebook-, Instagram- und Youtubefollower und die Möglichkeit, in ganz Deutschland Konzertsäle zu füllen.

Die Reise geht weiter und weiter: Mittlerweile gibt es zwei Tourneen pro Jahr, die immer auch unsere Nachbarländer Österreich und die Schweiz einschließen. 2020 hat er zudem sein fünftes Album „Stars“ veröffentlicht, das in den Babelsberg-Studios mit komplettem Streicher-Ensemble aufgenommen wurde. Nachdem nun feststeht, dass alle geplanten Konzerte im Jahr 2020 nicht stattfinden, sollen diese ab Herbst 2021 an bessonder schönen Orten zelebriert werden. Ein absolutes Highlight sind Konzerte in der Philharmonie Berlin, der Laeiszhalle in Hamburg, oder der Liederhalle in Stuttgart. Mit dabei sind weiterhin all jene, die Martin von Anfang an begleitet haben. Diese traumhaften Bedingungen an traumhaften Orten lassen die Herzberg-Musik auch lange nach dem Konzertende noch weiterklingen.

ill-esha, K+Lab – Simplicity (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Electronica Features, Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Judging from the title you may expect a simple sound mix, but the truth is very different! After a soft intro there's a blast of breaking loops that follow each other in electronic madness. Discover the rare talent of ill-esha via "Simplicity"!”

Joining forces for their first collaborative effort, K+Lab and ill-esha unleash sublime two-track EP, Simplications. The project finds the two distinctive keytar-wielding artists come full circle to their drum & bass origins as they now put their creative synergy to work in a boundless and experimental release.

Rattling sound design and slithering sonics paves the groundwork for “Complications,” which weaves syrupy vocals over intricate layers. Counterpart “Simplicity” also employs a similar frenzy of syncopated rhythms for its halftime structure, witnessing ill-esha & K+Lab come together for a dreamy, cacophonous paradox.


New Zealand-born master of intergalactic funk, K+Lab has been rocking dance floors and bringing the beats to the masses with his signature keytar in hand. K+Lab's sound draws from a seemingly endless array of influences from soul to jazz, hip hop to drum n’ bass, glitch to G funk—all tied together by an orbital pull of all things funky. His incredible live performances are unlike anything else occupying the sonic landscape today and have seen him conquer dancefloors across the globe with unmatched energy.

10after10 – Forgive Me (Video)

Categories: Electronica, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , , |

“Sometimes we realize we have done wrong, feel the regret of our bad deeds and wish we knew more. This is the general idea of 10after10-Forgive Me. A focus on the importance of forgiveness and the avoidance of repeating the same mistakes. All presented in a great Cinematic track.”

“There are so many things I wish I knew
Wandered for so long, to come back to the same place”

“The music video of “Forgive Me” is a pictorial analogy of the everlasting guilt driven by a bad decision which leads to ruminate the “I wish I knew” thought.

The scene takes place following the moment when God talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to ask them why they were hiding. They must have felt so guilty even though God was showing them so much love.

In the video, Eve is wandering as she seeks forgiveness for the sin that we are still paying for to this day. She wanted to know so badly that it led her to take the worst bloody decision in the world when she was totally free in the garden… How can we break free from such a burden?

Letting go is always a decision away, it starts when you accept that you are guilty, selfish or sometimes, an asshole, but it’s ok, as long as you don’t keep being it! The biggest challenge after is to open the door and let the light in… to let love in.”

– 10After10 –

Misaïdu – Shinobi (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Misaidu comes with a great surprice for our ears. Follow the harmonic flow of "Shinobi" with the various chilling melodies and Psydub core. A wise selection that fits in every situation.”

Shinobi is an organic electronic track divided in two main parts. The first one is dark and enigmatic, led by a deep pad and sharp glitchy drums. All the suspense developped in the first part is resolved when the track opens itself in the second part, wich reveals a dreamy downtempo track !


A fraternal duo created by Thomas and Nicolas Beau, Misaidu stands out with its hybrid music. Through "Tiger Lily" and "How To Change", featured on U.BABA Vol.1, and a single titled "Half Light", we discover a generous and powerful sound, with multiple influences, sonorities and textures. This is no accident.

On the influences side of things, both brothers have bathed into the CDs, cassettes or vinyls of their parents. Quickly, they became independent music lovers and soaked up many genres ranging from hip hop to metal, from house to jazz and IDM.

The variety of processes sculpts the landscape of Misaidu’s music. The duo mixes sampling, analog and digital synthesis, drum machines and acoustic instruments such as bass or piano. The result is a colorful and bewitching electronic music and the duo wishes first and foremost to share their emotions and love for electronic music.

Thomas Valverde – Rave (Music video) (Video)

Categories: Electronica, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Thomas Valverde’s insanely atmospheric, flattering and completely unobtrusive music. Wallpapers of ambience and tender piano melody.”

“Безумно атмосферная, обволакивающая и совсем ненавязчивая музыка Thomas Valverde. Фоновые слои эмбиента и нежнейшая мелодия пиано.”

« Rave » is a kind of slow-motion instrumental techno, dark and beautiful.
The piano with a soft sound is mixed with a mesmerising synth. The two trace a dark and marvellous path
among dissimilar beings who commune though a slow and sensual dance.

We dive into the night when the bodies dance and exult. We frame in slow motion to better capture
and admire this feeling of freedom and communion.

The music video is created and directed by Arhur Valverde. It is taken directly from his Fashion Film
« Rave » (released in 2018) for which Thomas Valverde had previously composed a first arrangement of « Rave ».
The two brothers regularly works together.

4am Kru x Phoebe White – Your Only (Video)

Categories: Electronica, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“A selected Drum & Bass piece that matches the soft with the hard and the slow with the fast! Unique in a way that only 4am Kru can show, so don’t miss this candy.”

As the UK finds itself in another lockdown amidst a grey January, 4am Kru & Phoebe White’s new track Your Only captures the laid back, melancholic yet hopeful feeling enveloping London in 2021.

A chilled jungle roller, in the spirit of mid 1990s experimental breakbeat, IDM & glitch, Your Only is 4am Kru’s 8th release continuing their homage to old school UK rave culture.

Phil Anker – The Longest Night (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Electronica Features, Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“The whisper of percussion in The Longest Night and light, unobtrusive elements of Future Garage are an amazing combination of sound ideas in one small but cozy composition from Phil Anker.”

“Шепот перкуссии в The Longest Night и лёгкие, ненавязчивые элементы Future Garage - это удивительное сочетание звуковых идей в одной небольшой, но уютной композиции от Phil Anker.”

Nyah – Sano (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Psychill, Psychill Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Another Electronic / Drum & Bass diamond by Nyah. Impressive intro of gradual progression and crystal clear sound effects, fairly enough for your ear pleasure. Don't miss it!”

‘Sano’ which means 'to heal' and/or 'cure' in latin, is what Nyah associates with the rain, and is why it was initially submitted to us for the Storm themed compilation .

‘’The tune is about rain. The image I wanted to paint is a dark sky with heavy rainfall and shimmers of light breaking through the clouds and refracting through the raindrops.’’

Nyah replicates this powerful imagery through cinematic textures and melancholic compositions. Combined with contemporary glitch techniques and sharp production, Nyah achieves a perfect marriage between the organic and digital realms of sonic capabilities.

Take a listen here -

Nyah introduces the first of many single releases which deviate from the main Sinewave Collective narrative, though plays straight into the heart of the vast universe our hive mind has begun to manifest. If you would like to learn more about the collective’s conception and the stories we are telling through ambitious audio/visual projects please visit to learn more and if you have any questions about our vision then feel free to ask.


MxBG – Rite (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Psychill, Psychill Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Experimental work of MxBG in his track Rite from Astyanax Records is a kind of fossil in the genre framework of IDM sound. In the best traditions of the old school and early work of Richard David James.”

“Экспериментальная работа MxBG - Rite от Astyanax Records своего рода ископаемое в жанровых рамках IDM звучания. В лучших традициях старой школы и ранних работ Richard David James.”

"Rite" is an electronic variation on a sample of Stravinsky's ballet "The Rite of Spring". Between onirism and savagery, it unfolds like a meditation taking its source in the complex, haunting and implacable rhythm of the final sacrificial dance of "The Rite of Spring".

The French produser MxBG invites us to an electronic musical and visual journey, between dreaming, exaltation and nostalgia. He mixes to an exploratory techno with industrial touches his sense of orchestral colours and organic melodies.

Immersed in Beethoven’s symphonies and Wagner’s operas since childhood, MxBG was introduced to modern music via two great works: OK Computer by Radiohead and Londinium by Archive. MxBG’s carefully-crafted music reflects this wide range of inspirations and blends classical instruments with synthetisers and samples.

Fascinated by machines and their contribution to art, he develops real-time generative art algorithms that he presents in his live show articulating electronic explorations and visual experimentations.

Arkanna – Wonder Cloud (Side Liner Remix) (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Psychill, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“An amazing symbiosis of unearthly, mysterious vocals and a bewitching rhythm that makes you sleepy with its attraction. A journey that will not leave anyone indifferent.”

“Удивительный симбиоз неземного, таинственного вокала и завораживающего, усыпляющего своим притяжением ритма. Путешествие, которое не оставит никого равнодушным.”

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