Isaiah Saturn, Hugo Villanova – The Sea (Hugo Villanova Mix) (Spotify)
“-The Sea- has an atmospheric scale. A composition that introduces into ecstasy, into something abstract and weightless. Mysterious space sounds cause a persistent effect of intoxication. Energetic music impregnated with a very bright living atmosphere, possesing something light, good and eternal.”
“-The Sea- это масштаб и атмосфера. Композиция, которая вводит в экстаз, в нечто абстрактное и невесомое. Таинственные звуки витающие в пространстве вызывают стойкий эффект опьянения. Энергичная музыка, пропитанная очень яркой, живой атмосферой нечто светлого, доброго и вечного.”
The Sea is an enchanting house record that explores infatuation and confusion when feeling the onslaught of what is believed to be love. The production and vocals consist of the contrast of whimsical elements with a heavy bass, coinciding with the melodic verses and bold choruses.