Domenico Quaceci – La ballata delle cose nascoste

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Depth and emotion can be felt with every piano note played. Transitions of the lower keys creates very dreamy atmosphere, specially with a change of pace and introducing us with a beautiful violin theme, with a very cinematic vibe. Feeling can not be described, what this composition awakes while listening. ”

“Το βάθος και το συναίσθημα μπορούν να γίνουν αισθητές με κάθε σημείωμα πιάνου. Οι μεταβάσεις των χαμηλότερων πλήκτρων δημιουργούν πολύ ονειρική ατμόσφαιρα, ειδικά με μια αλλαγή ρυθμού και μας εισάγουν με ένα όμορφο θέμα βιολιού, με μια πολύ κινηματογραφική ατμόσφαιρα. Το συναίσθημα δεν μπορεί να περιγραφεί, αυτό που ξυπνά αυτή η σύνθεση ενώ ακούει.” *

“La profondità e l’emozione possono essere avvertite con ogni nota a pianoforte suonata. Le transizioni delle chiavi inferiori crea un’atmosfera molto sognante, specialmente con un cambio di ritmo e presentandoci con un bellissimo tema di violino, con un’atmosfera molto cinematografica. Non può essere descritto, ciò che questa composizione si sveglia mentre ascolta.” *

The song “Domenico Quaceci – La ballata delle cose nascoste” is released by Musica Lavica Records

Song Sources for “Domenico Quaceci – La ballata delle cose nascoste”:
Apple Music:

Find Domenico Quaceci on Socials:

Website of Domenico Quaceci:

Matilde G – Fighter

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Настоящий коктейль из силы и энергии, который напоминает нам, что мы можем для того, чтобы бороться за то, кого мы любим. Вокал -Matilde G- полон чувств и выразительных эмоций и излучает гордость и надежду, оставляя после себя сильное впечатление. Великолепный пример качественного Electro Pop, который создаёт прекрасный звуковой пейзаж.”

“A real cocktail of strength and energy that reminds us that we can fight for who we love. The vocals -matilde g – the feelings of feelings and expressive emotions and radiates pride and hope, leaving behind a strong impression. A magnificent example of a high -quality Electro POP that creates a wonderful sound landscape.” *

“Un vero cocktail di forza ed energia che ci ricorda che possiamo combattere per chi amiamo. La voce – Matilde G – i sentimenti di sentimenti e emozioni espressive e irradia orgoglio e speranza, lasciando una forte impressione. Un magnifico esempio di un elettro pop di alta qualità che crea un meraviglioso paesaggio sonoro.” *

Song Sources for “Matilde G – Fighter”:

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Website of Matilde G:

Matteo Franchi – Dive or fly

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Эмоциональный Nu Jazz с впечатляющими музыкальными элементами в звучании. В начале трека слышны приятные звуки перкуссии и гитары, а затем постепенно акцент смещается на глубокую ритмическую основу. Мелодия прекрасно передаёт смысл и настроение песни, а также предоставляет слушателю качественную продукцию, из которой можно почерпнуть много вдохновения и энергии.”

“Emotional nu jazz with impressive musical elements in the sound. At the beginning of the track, pleasant sounds of percussion and guitars are heard, and then gradually the emphasis shifts the deep rhythmic basis. The melody perfectly conveys the meaning and mood of the song, and also provides the listener with quality products from which you can draw a lot of inspiration and energy.” *

“Emotional Nu Jazz con elementi musicali impressionanti nel suono. All’inizio della pista, vengono ascoltati suoni piacevoli di percussioni e chitarre, e poi gradualmente l’enfasi sposta la profonda base ritmica. La melodia trasmette perfettamente il significato e l’umore della canzone e fornisce anche all’ascoltatore prodotti di qualità da cui puoi trarre molta ispirazione ed energia.” *

Song Sources for “Matteo Franchi – Dive or fly”:
Apple Music:

Find Matteo Franchi on Socials:

Website of Matteo Franchi:

DJ PASTA x Foresta – Cadacara

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Захватывающая и энергичная композиция в жанрах Disco и Nu Jazz, которая восхищает своим ярким звуком и потрясающим ритмом. Невозможно остаться на месте, в голове появляется желание потанцевать и испытать кайф от этой позитивной атмосферы. Здесь можно услышать сочетание современного музыкального стиля и классических элементов, которые прекрасно сочетаются друг с другом.”

“An exciting and energetic composition in the genres of Disco and Nu Jazz, which delights with its bright sound and amazing rhythm. It is impossible to stay in place, there is a desire to dance in my head and experience a buzz from this positive atmosphere. Here you can hear a combination of modern musical style and classic elements that are perfectly combined with each other.” *

“Una composizione eccitante ed energica nei generi di Disco e Nu Jazz, che si diletta con il suo suono brillante e il suo ritmo straordinario. È impossibile rimanere sul posto, c’è il desiderio di ballare nella mia testa e sperimentare un brusio da questa atmosfera positiva. Qui puoi ascoltare una combinazione di stile musicale moderno ed elementi classici che sono perfettamente combinati tra loro.” *

The song “DJ PASTA x Foresta – Cadacara” is released by toucan sounds

Song Sources for “DJ PASTA x Foresta – Cadacara”:
Apple Music:

Mare Insularum Pier – One

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Композиция -Mare Insularum Pier- поразила нас своей красотой и глубиной. Музыка отводит взгляд за горизонт, открывая перед слушателем прекрасный вид на бесконечное море. Она вдохновляет на безграничные приключения и мечты.
Мелодия пиано передаёт через себя чарующие звуковые волны, гармонию и энергиею. Эмоциональная композиция, которая сделает прекрасным начало вашего дня.”

“The composition -mar insularum pier- struck us with its beauty and depth. Music looks over the horizon, opening before the listener a beautiful view of the endless sea. It inspires endless adventures and dreams.
The melody of the Piano conveys the enchanting sound waves, harmony and energy through itself. The emotional composition that will make the start of your day.” *

“La composizione -mar del molo insularum, ci ha colpito con la sua bellezza e profondità. La musica guarda oltre l’orizzonte, aprendo davanti all’ascoltatore una splendida vista del mare infinito. Ispira avventure e sogni infiniti.
La melodia del piano trasmette le incantevoli onde sonore, armonia ed energia attraverso se stessa. La composizione emotiva che farà l’inizio della tua giornata.” *

The song “Mare Insularum Pier – One” is released by Independent

Song Sources for “Mare Insularum Pier – One”:
Apple Music:

Domenico Quaceci – The snow falls when you walk

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Тающие снежинки на тёплых ладонях, сверкающие в ночи маленькие бриллианты, которые медленно спускаются с небес. Вдох и выдох, снова вдох и снова выдох. Почувствуйте, как мелодия фортепиано гуляет прохладными ветрами по вашей коже, застывая на мгновение, чтобы вновь свести с ума своим великолепием. Музыка – как способ передачи и отражение чувств -Domenico Quaceci-.”

“Making snowflakes on warm palms, sparkling small diamonds sparkling in the night, which slowly go down from heaven. Inhale and exhale, inhale again and exhale again. Feel how the piano melody walks with cool winds over your skin, freezing for a moment to bring your splendor again. Music -as a way of transmitting and reflecting feelings -domenico quaceci-.” *

“Facendo fiocchi di neve su palmi caldi, scintillanti piccoli diamanti scintillanti nella notte, che lentamente scendono dal cielo. Inspira ed espira, inspira di nuovo ed espira di nuovo. Senti come la melodia di piano cammina con venti freschi sulla pelle, congelando per un momento per riportare di nuovo il tuo splendore. Musica -come un modo per trasmettere e riflettere i sentimenti -domenico quaceci-.” *

The song “Domenico Quaceci – The snow falls when you walk” is released by Musica Lavica Records

Song Sources for “Domenico Quaceci – The snow falls when you walk”:

Find Domenico Quaceci on Socials:

Website of Domenico Quaceci:

Sblanc x JTR – Piccolo Universo

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Настоящее произведение искусства в таких разнообразных, переплетённых между собой жанрах, как Neo-Soul, Indie R&B и Jazz. Композиция для настоящих гурманов, которые любят встречать утро с чашечкой капучино за одиноким столиком в любимом кафе. Ритм, мелодия и вокал сотворят чудеса с каждым, кто послушает эту красоту.”

“A real work of art in such diverse, intertwined genres as Neo-Soul, Indie R&B and Jazz. The composition for real gourmets who like to meet the morning with a cup of cappuccino at a single table in their favorite cafe. The rhythm, melody and vocals will create miracles with everyone who listens to this beauty.” *

“Una vera opera d’arte in generi così diversi e intrecciati come neo-soul, R&B indie e jazz. La composizione per veri gourmet a cui piace incontrare la mattina con una tazza di cappuccino a un singolo tavolo nel loro caffè preferito. Il ritmo, la melodia e la voce creeranno miracoli con tutti coloro che ascoltano questa bellezza.” *

The song “Sblanc x JTR – Piccolo Universo” is released by DistroKid

Song Sources for “Sblanc x JTR – Piccolo Universo”:

Francesco Taskayali – La Storia di Imparato

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Όμορφη και μελαγχολική μελωδία που σε ταξιδεύει σε μια θάλασσα ανοιχτή. Ο ήλιος πέφτει χαμηλά και χαλαρώνει σιγά σιγά την ψυχή και το σώμα. Εικόνες του παρελθόντος περνούν από μπροστά σου και στο βάθος του ορίζοντα σου χαμογελά όσο απίστευτο κι αν φαίνεται. Ένα υπέροχο κομμάτι για να σκεφτείς και να επικοινωνήσεις με τον εαυατό σου.”

“Beautiful and melancholic melody that takes you to an open sea. The sun falls low and slowly relaxes the soul and the body. Pictures of the past pass in front of you and in the background of your horizon smiles as incredible as it may seem. A great piece to think and communicate with your self.” *

“Melodia bella e malinconica che ti porta in un mare aperto. Il sole diminuisce e rilassa lentamente l’anima e il corpo. Le foto del passato passano davanti a te e sullo sfondo del tuo orizzonte sorride così incredibili come può sembrare. Un ottimo pezzo da pensare e comunicare con te stesso.” *

Song Sources for “Francesco Taskayali – La Storia di Imparato”:
Apple Music:

Find Francesco Taskayali on Socials:

Marnik x Heyder x Sirona – Artificial Intelligence

Categories: Audio, EDM, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

“Starting strong with a structure that reminds a lot of The Chemical Brothers style, even with vocals are having that same colors. Modern groove is done perfectly, full of detailed sounds and synth themes in the background that creates beautiful atmosphere. Those subtle trance alike sounds are expanding the depth of the song just right. ”

“Ξεκινώντας δυνατά με μια δομή που θυμίζει πολλά από το στυλ των χημικών αδελφών, ακόμη και με τα φωνητικά έχουν τα ίδια χρώματα. Το Modern Groove γίνεται τέλεια, γεμάτο λεπτομερή ήχους και θέματα synth στο παρασκήνιο που δημιουργεί όμορφη ατμόσφαιρα. Αυτές οι λεπτές ήχοι της έκστασης επεκτείνουν το βάθος του τραγουδιού ακριβώς δεξιά.” *

“Commencer fort avec une structure qui rappelle beaucoup au style chimique des frères, même avec la voix, les mêmes couleurs. La groove moderne se fait parfaitement, pleine de sons détaillés et de thèmes de synthé en arrière-plan qui crée une belle atmosphère. Ces sons subtils de transe élargissent la profondeur de la chanson juste.” *

The song “Marnik x Heyder x Sirona – Artificial Intelligence” is released by Signatune

Song Sources for “Marnik x Heyder x Sirona – Artificial Intelligence”:

Paolo Guarneri – Honfleur

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Η ήρεμη και απαλή μελωδία μας μεταφέρει σε άλλους κόσμους και μας παρασύρει στα μονοπάτια της. Η γοητευτική μελαγχολία της εισχωρεί μέσα μας και μας κάνει να αναζητούμε τον κρυμμένο εαυτό μας και τις επιθυμίες μας που δεν έγιναν πραγματικότητα. Οι σκέψεις κατακλύζουν το μυαλό μας και σιγά σιγά βρίσκουμε νόημα και αρχή.”

“The calm and soft melody takes us to other worlds and drags us on its paths. Her charming melancholy penetrates her into us and makes us look for our hidden self and our desires that have not come true. Thoughts flood our minds and slowly we find meaning and beginning.” *

“La melodia calma e morbida ci porta in altri mondi e ci trascina sui suoi percorsi. La sua affascinante malinconia la penetra in noi e ci fa cercare il nostro io nascosto e i nostri desideri che non si sono avveriti. I pensieri inondano le nostre menti e lentamente troviamo significato e inizio.” *

Song Sources for “Paolo Guarneri – Honfleur”:
Apple Music:

Find Paolo Guarneri on Socials:

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