In der Bar zum Krokodil – Ethel Merhaut

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Amazing jazz song with lounge harmonic structure behind it. Full of catchy themes, that feels almost cinematic. Blissful lead vocal is really amazing, especially because its German language. Soft vibe and smooth rhythmic parts and layers with her blissful voice. Progression and arrangement is done so well, every transition is with a perfect flow.”

Additional information/sources for Ethel Merhaut – In der Bar zum Krokodil

Ethel Merhaut and her jazz ensemble present a refreshing reinterpretation of a 1930s evergreen, famously performed by the Comedian Harmonists and numerous artists since. Written by the brilliant Fritz Löhner-Beda during the vibrant Babylon Berlin era, this new version breathes fresh life into a timeless classic.

The song “Ethel Merhaut – In der Bar zum Krokodil” is released by Preiser Records

Song Sources for “Ethel Merhaut – In der Bar zum Krokodil”:
Apple Music:

Current Location – Nick Marks

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Flows brilliantly, great use of harmony, almost cinematic at moments. The melody trades off with blissful lead vocal and the smooth but still groovy rhythm that is just amazing. Key signatures is wonderful, dynamics really flow together nicely, different instruments and the progression of this wonderful piece is set so well. ”

Additional information/sources for Nick Marks – Current Location

“Current Location” reflects Marks’ sonic exploration, blending jazz, lo-fi, and Brazilian influences with cinematic flair. Inspired by artists like Jobim and Quincy Jones, the track features collaborations with CARRTOONS, Chien Chien Lu, and Benjamin Furman, delivering a soulful, experimental sound.

Song Sources for “Nick Marks – Current Location”:


Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Η φανταστική μελωδία μας συναρπάζει με την δυναμική ενέργεια της και το πάθος της. Οι εναλλαγές της κρατούν το ενδιαφέρον μας αμείωτο από την αρχή έως το τέλος. Τα φωνητικά απόλυτα ταιριασμένα απογειώνουν το κομμάτι και δημιουργούν μια διασκεδαστική ατμόσφαιρα. Ο ξέφρενος ρυθμός μας ξεσηκώνει χωρίς αμφισβήτηση και δυναμιτίζει την διάθεση μας.”

Lyrics of Cestari – WHEN THEY COME OUT AT NIGHT – Part II

There’s a bottle on the table and I don’t know where it came from
Could’ve been a friends but they wouldn’t leave it open
I’ve got to get up, it’s midday, what a pain,
And I’m ashamed when I realize last night’s bottles and fights were mine
God, I thought I’ve changed
But I need to get through today

Oh god, I thought I knew better
Than run and hide from this pain
Oh god, I thought I’ve changed
But I’m ashamed
Oh I’m ashamed.

Back where we started, I see
I mean, where else would you possibly be?
Alone, with a drink in one hand and your phone in the other
Lockdown must’ve done you a number.
But while you’re here, waiting for a sign
Or a green light to venture back into the night
Let me remind you something those clubs conceal:
Everything you feel is real.

The office lights aren’t some recurring dream
And you know the sounds of keyboards and meetings are your character’s theme
So when you followed the crowd, were you sure they were right?
Did you believe the old saying “life is for those who can afford its price?”

Because while you sit there each day
Wishing you were in some other place
Your grief of recent years
Has only become harder to face
And as liquor and lines become dessert each night
I’m afraid that furious fog is consuming more of your mind.

But I believe in you
I believe in fighting the fog
And I believe we deserve to find the form
Where we escape this vicious cycle and let our hearts dance beyond the moon
It’s been done before, and I know you can do it too.

And while you sit there I’ll keep reminding you
Because this isn’t the end.
You can change it all tonight,
You just need to begin.

Additional information/sources for Cestari – WHEN THEY COME OUT AT NIGHT – Part II

Cestari explores the addictive cycles of nightlife in “WHEN THEY COME OUT AT NIGHT,” reflecting on the post-COVID era where young adults sought escape despite new dangers. Part II delves into the aftermath of a harrowing night out, offering a hopeful message about stepping back from self-destructive patterns.

The song “Cestari – WHEN THEY COME OUT AT NIGHT – Part II” is released by Cestari Sounds

Song Sources for “Cestari – WHEN THEY COME OUT AT NIGHT – Part II”:

Ascend – ItsLaithhhh

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Η όμορφη και μυστηριακή μελωδία ασκεί την γοητεία της πάνω μας και μας κερδίζει. Η θετική ενέργεια της μας προκαλεί ευχάριστα συναισθήματα και με τις πλούσιες εναλλαγές της κρατά το ενδιαφέρον μας αμείωτο από την αρχή έως το τέλος. Ο ρυθμός άλλοτε ήρεμος και άλλοτε ζωηρός μοιάζει πότε με αποπλάνηση και πότε με εξομολόγηση.”

Additional information/sources for ItsLaithhhh – Ascend

The first part of a two-part song, “ASCEND” begins with a resonant bassline that draws listeners in before lifting their spirits with an ascending progression. The chorus delivers an exhilarating high, while the conclusion builds anticipation for part two.

Song Sources for “ItsLaithhhh – Ascend”:

Your Intuition – Cluster Of Three

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Η υπέροχη και περιπετειώδης μελωδία σε ταξιδεύει σε μέρη ανεξερεύνητα και εξάπτει τη φαντασία σου. Τα γοητευτικά φωνητικά γεμάτα πάθος σε ξεσηκώνουν και με τη θετική ενέργεια τους φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση σου. Ο ζωηρός ρυθμός ανεβάζει την αδρεναλίνη σου και αφήνει ένα μυστήριο να πλανάται γύρω σου, προκαλώντας σε να το λύσεις.”

Lyrics of Cluster Of Three – Your Intuition

Your Intuition

Went out to a power lunch,
With the silk tied power bunch.
They’ll tell you they’re one of kind,
Reached their peak and in their prime.
And they say hey boy if you want to go,
Right to the top of the big, big show.
There’s just one thing you need to know,
And if you want this deal to reach fruition…

You’ve got to use your intuition.
It’s a friendly combination,
Of greed and manipulation
You’ve got to use your intuition.

Since then I’ve been looking back,
Never made it to the faster track.
Been living a much simpler life,
Without the stress, without the strife.
And if they were still around today,
There’s one thing I would have to say.
I’d tell them I found another way,
And if you want your life to reach fruition…

You’ve got to use your intuition.
It’s a friendly combination,
Of need and capitulation.
You’ve got to use your intuition.

Additional information/sources for Cluster Of Three – Your Intuition

This track narrates the escape from corporate life to a peaceful existence and is part of Cluster Of Three’s debut album, One Man’s Weeds Another Man’s Garden.

The song “Cluster Of Three – Your Intuition” is released by Old Cat Records

Song Sources for “Cluster Of Three – Your Intuition”:

Departing – Conor Cantrell

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Τα υπέροχα και εκλεπτυσμένα αγγίγματα της μελωδίας είναι μοναδικά. Πραγματικά, δημιουργούν μια απολαυστική ατμόσφαιρα ξεγνοιασιάς και ανεμελιάς, που τόσο πολύ ανάγκη την έχουμε. Ο ζωηρός ρυθμός με την ήρεμη δύναμη του μας ξεσηκώνει και με το πάθος του ρίχνει την σπίθα για να ανάψει η φωτιά των συναισθημάτων.”

Additional information/sources for Conor Cantrell – Departing

Jazz guitarist Conor Cantrell composed and wrote “Departing” as part of his debut album, A Place Between Homes, performed and recorded by his international septet in Berlin. The track blends jazz, classical, folk, and pop influences into an eclectic and innovative composition.

The song “Conor Cantrell – Departing” is released by Leomusic

Song Sources for “Conor Cantrell – Departing”:

Paradise Beach – Evan Carydakis

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Το κέφι και η θετική ενέργεια επιστρέφουν. Με όρεξη και με το δροσερό άγγιγμα της η μελωδία μοιράζει τριγύρω την χαρά. Οι νότες του σαξοφώνου χρωματίζουν με ζωντανά χρώματα την ψυχή μας και την αναπτερώνουν. Ο εκλεπτυσμένος αλλά ζωηρός ρυθμός ανεβάζει το επίπεδο της διασκέδασης και μας προσφέρει απλόχερα απολαυστικές στιγμές.”

Additional information/sources for Evan Carydakis – Paradise Beach

Song Sources for “Evan Carydakis – Paradise Beach”:

Spirit Dance Parts I and II – Ambient Jazz Ensemble

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Amazing jazz song with smooth harmonic structure behind it. Full of catchy piano riffs, trumpet themes, funky vibe and smooth rhythmic parts that layers this piece in an amazing way. Progression and arrangement is done so well, same goes with production, its crystal, with so many old school details. Every transition is with a perfect flow. ”

Additional information/sources for Ambient Jazz Ensemble – Spirit Dance Parts I and II

Reflects emotive themes of the human condition, focusing on reflection and reconnection post-pandemic. Evokes feelings of rediscovery, freedom, and joy.

The song “Ambient Jazz Ensemble – Spirit Dance Parts I and II” is released by Here & Now Recordings

Song Sources for “Ambient Jazz Ensemble – Spirit Dance Parts I and II”:
Apple Music:

Kickback – Dry

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Όμορφα και αισθησιακά απλώνεται η μελωδία στο χώρο και επιδέξια ρέει μέσα μας κάνοντας μας να λικνιζόμαστε ανέμελα. Η καθαρή και σταθερή γραμμή της μας φέρνει σε ισορροπία. Ο ρυθμός με την ήρεμη δύναμη του κάνει τα συναισθήματα μας να βρουν μια αξιόπιστη διέξοδο. Είναι σίγουρα ένα κομμάτι που ανεβάζει την αισθητική σου και σου προσφέρει απόλαυση.”

Additional information/sources for Dry – Kickback

The song “Dry – Kickback” is released by SM 0029724 Releases

Song Sources for “Dry – Kickback”:

Christmas Eve (Instrumental) – Nick Stefanacci

Categories: Audio, Jazz, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Το ήρεμο άγγιγμα του σαξοφώνου σε γοητεύει και σε ελκύει από την πρώτη στιγμή. Διακριτικά και επιδέξια η μελωδία σου προσφέρει στιγμές γιορτινής ευτυχίας και η αγάπη βρίσκει μέσα σου τη θέση της ξανά. Ο ρυθμός βάζει τα δυνατά του για να σε αποπλανήσει και να σε φέρει πιο κοντά σε αυτό που πραγματικά επιθυμείς.

Additional information/sources for Nick Stefanacci – Christmas Eve (Instrumental)

The song “Nick Stefanacci – Christmas Eve (Instrumental)” is released by Sweet Lion Music

Song Sources for “Nick Stefanacci – Christmas Eve (Instrumental)”:

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