Jessie Spartano – Visionaire (Spotify)
“Music that form a unique background and leave a light taste of something very familiar. No words can be said about the vocals and lyrics that stuck in my head like prickly needles, causing a genuine pleasure.”
“Музыка здесь выступает в качестве фона и после прослушивания оставляет лёгкий привкус чего-то очень знакомого. Чего нельзя сказать о вокале и текстах, которые, словно колючие иголки, застревают в голове, вызывая неподдельное наслаждение.”
jessie spartano, has been building hype w A&R's, and artists for quite a while, and she is finally releasing some of her singles shes been making the last few years! Visionaire showcases the unique side of what she has got coming!