I Like Cake – Joel McColl
Music Review:
“Ο κεφάτος και χαρούμενος ρυθμός φτιάχνει κατευθείαν τη διάθεση σου και γεμίζει την μέρα σου με φως. Η ακούραστη και ευδιάθετη μελωδία διώχνει μακριά τις έγνοιες σου και αφήνει το σώμα σου ελεύθερο σε ανέμελες και διασκεδαστικές κινήσεις. Η θετική ενέργεια των φωνητικών γίνεται το κατάλληλο τονωτικό σου και η αψεγάδιαστη χροιά τους κάνει τα πάντα να φαίνονται πιο εύκολά.”
Lyrics of Joel McColl – I Like Cake
I Like Cake
I like cake for breakfast, I like cake for lunch
I like cake in the middle of the day just for a little munch
But for dinner it’s a salad ‘cuz the doctor said watch what you eat But a big ole slice of chocolate cake can make any meal complete
Yeah I like cake, I like cake
I like cake, it puts the good into goodness sake I like cake
Now, some cakes are flat, others profoundly round
Some cakes rise up to the sky, others are upside down
Got your strawberry short and the ever popular pound
Just one bite of my wife’s lemon cake makes the world go round
Four eggs, two cups of milk and three cups of flour
Two sticks of butter, some sugar and you bake for half an hour Set your oven to 352, put it on the middle rack and
You’ll have a cake when you get back Jack
Now you got your angel food and your devil’s food as well
A slice of cake is a slice of heaven ‘cuz it tastes as good as hell
And pie ain’t so bad either…
Stream Joel McColl – I Like Cake on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/66CnCNUVxPnlsa68KBXtBE
Bandcamp: https://joelmccoll.bandcamp.com/track/i-like-cake-2
The song “Joel McColl – I Like Cake” is released by Boscoboy Music