Jonah White – Loving Away (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Take your time to relax with "Jonah White" and his high level vocal capabilities. The artist shares some inner thoughts with his audience, via deeply meaningful lyrics and sophisticated Indie R&B sound. Real pleasure from a rising talent in the scene.”

Artist said about this song:

"I wrote this song about my rejection of casual sex culture and the insecurities and fears I've struggled with when dating as someone who places a lot of meaning on sex. I'd rather be alone and wait for someone who truly loves me then be used to warm someone's bed in short!"

Jonah White – To Watch You Leave (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“The voice of -Jonah White- can make your consciousness quit the Earth and fly high in the sky. It's so smooth, gentle and sensual. Very deep, hypnotizing and romantic music. The more you listen, the more you enjoy.”

“Голос -Jonah White заставляет сознание практически оторваться от земли и улететь высоко в поднебесье, настолько он плавный, нежный и чувственный. Очень глубокая, гипнотизирующая и романтическая музыка. Чем больше слушаешь, тем больше наслаждаешься.”

Artist shared few words with Nagamag behind this inspiration

"I wrote TWYL about the first person I really began to fall for. Sadly, our lives were headed in different directions at the time and so I chose to cut things short for both our sakes. I know it was the right thing to do, but it still broke my hear" - Jonah White

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