Lonely Little Kitsch Interview on Nagamag

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Lonely Little Kitsch

Which are the genres that describe your music style better?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
Alt Rock, Indie Rock, Garage Rock

Few words about your musical background and career?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
Both of us have been involved in music for a long time, in different ways. Nolan has been a musician most of his life, including a solo project, and music released with his bands The Weather Wild and The Minimum Wage. For myself (Kristen), I’ve done music marketing and promo for a long time as a career, and now run the music site we own together called From The Strait, as well as the related music PR agency, FTS PR. I’ve written songs since I was young, but it wasn’t until Nolan really gave me the push I needed that anything I helped create saw the light. Now we’re making music together as Lonely Little Kitsch, and we’ve also just soft launched a new indie record label called Swear Word Records.

Do you remember your first connection of love to music that was the right impact to be a music artist now?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
Music was important to me from a very young age. When I was little, my older sister would make me mixed tapes with the songs she was listening to – that really helped form my love of music, and my tastes. Road trips up north with my family also had a hand in it, as the music my parents listened to became some of my favourites as well. Beyond that, a lot of 90s music shaped the way I still listen – those were really my formative years, and I still listen to a lot of the same bands often.

What is the band’s songwriting process?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
It often happens when we’re not trying to create a new song. Sometimes we’ll be trying to finish writing an old song, or we may just be hanging around our house, when Nolan noodles around on the guitar and comes up with a riff that catches our attention. He’ll usually keep playing it while I sing a melody over it and find something that works. From there, Nolan will finesse the rhythm and lead guitar riffs and come up with a solid bassline, while I iron out the vocal melodies and lyrics. Essentially, he’s the instruments and and I’m the vocals, with input from each other on both. Sometimes it’s a little too easy to write together! Not a bad problem to have.

What’s next for Lonely Little Kitsch?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
We have a lot more songs on the go! Our next single is a fun one, look for it in early 2023. The one after that will likely go in a bit of a different direction, genre-wise. While all of our songs can be considered “rock”, we tend to dive into a few different subgenres.
We’ll also be putting together a live band, and maybe playing some shows at some point. Possibly some acoustic duo shows in the meantime. And then… world domination? I’d really like to be sponsored by a burger chain. It’s good to have dreams.

Many artists listen to genres that they are not producing music for. Which track is your favorite that is NOT similar to yours?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
Fleetwood Mac Rhiannon

Of Course Nagamag would love to listen also which is the track from a similar artist you admire?

Lonely Little Kitsch:
The Kills DNA

Discover & Listen to Lonely Little Kitsch

Lonely Little Kitsch on Spotify

Lonely Little Kitsch’s Signature Track

Lonely Little Kitsch on Social Media

Facebook: @lonelylittlekitschband – https://www.facebook.com/lonelylittlekitschband

Instagram: @lonelylittlekitsch – https://www.instagram.com/lonelylittlekitsch

Twitter: @lonelykitsch – https://twitter.com/lonelykitsch

Lonely Little Kitsch’s Website: https://fromthestrait.com/lonely-little-kitsch-epk/