Macrowave Interview on Nagamag

Categories: Electronica Features, Electronica Interviews, Features, Interviews, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |


What are the genres that describe better your music style?

Electronica, Dark Synthwave, Darksynth, Epic Cinematic

Few words about your musical background and career?

My journey started 10 years ago, when I published my first track on Soundcloud. At this time I did not care much about song structure or any other technical aspect, I just loved creating music that tells a story, and was already inspired by dark atmospheres.
I released a first unsigned EP in 2012 and a second one the next year on Badd Records. With the help of the label, I started playing live shows in France with my friends Hantise (aka Elevn and Coldforms now), and it was a great experience that I'll never forget. After the last remix I made for the Tokyoite Naeleck, I wanted to take time for myself and work on my own album, which would be more cinematic and less club oriented.

Do you remember your first connection of love to music that was the right impact to be a music artist now?

It has no link to electronic music, but I think the band that inspired me the most to play music at first was Nirvana. I started to play bass and learned almost of all their songs, then started to play with other people. Then, my love for music composition started, and I never stopped!

Most artists have a favorite song from a different music genre than the one they are producing music for... Which is yours?

Stray Cats "Stray Cat Strut"

Of Course Nagamag would love to listen also which track from a similar artist you admire?

Vitalic "Trahison"

Discover & Listen to Macrowave

Macrowave on Spotify

Macrowave's Signature Track

Macrowave on Social Media

Macrowave's Website

Macrowave – Ex Nihilo (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“True epic production far from the typical sounds. "Ex Nihilo" meaning out of nothing, make us think of how can it be to form so many things from scratch. Truly amazing mix from a higher level of creation.”

Everything formed out of Nothing. This is beyond understanding, because there are no opposites.
A cinematic track with a darksynth vibe.

Macrowave – Reborn (Video)

Categories: Neoclassical, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“Reborn, this is something that sometimes we need to do. Stop, stand, stay. Rethink the situation. Arrange everything in its place. And to break into a new life with renewed vigor! Macrowave with their beautiful cinematic sound story mesmerizing tell us that.”

“Это то, что иногда нам нужно сделать. Остановиться. Переосмыслить происходящее. Расставить все по своим местам. И ворваться в новую жизнь с новыми силами!”

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