Matt Hibbard – Love Is Our Crown (Spotify)

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“Love is a strong feeling that binds the rhythms of two hearts. -Matt Hibbard- perfectly understands what he sings and it worths you start listening. Concentrate on that acoustic guitar melody and the Indie Folk mood. That's all you need in order to plunge into this romantic story.”

“Любовь очень самоотверженное чувство, которое связывает ритмы двух сердец. -Matt Hibbard- прекрасно понимает, о чём поёт и это сразу чувствуется, стоит лишь начать слушать. Мелодия акустической гитары и настроение Indie Folk. Это всё, что нужно для того, чтобы погрузиться в эту романтическую историю.”

Matt Hibbard is an American musician, songwriter and mix engineer based in Dallas, Texas. With over 10 years serving the local community as a producer, engineer, vocalist & instrumentalist, he owns a full-service recording studio in Texas. He is best known as a founding member of the indie rock band Relick with his music in placements including Lea Thompson’s ‘The Year of Spectacular Men” & global television adverts featuring the band’s critically successful music.