Maviii, Pete Rango – Time (Spotify)
“With a current, meaningful narrative discussing the way our collective & personal perception of time has changed drastically in the past year. This sweet-toned song aptly entitled ‘Time,’ carries us along on a tide of emotion with a strong main melody, surrounded by engaging vocal harmonies and instrumentation.”
Time has a funny way of playing games with our delicate minds. At times it can stand still, or feel like it's slipping away through our fingers. We created it, It's so valuable, and we all have a limited amount. When I was quarantined for 4 months alone time began to move in a way I have never experienced before. I was able to reflect on the parts of myself I wanted to change. This song encompasses what it feels like to navigate your life when time loses all meaning. To take cold showers to try and feel more present, to dance so you don't cry. Just like every challenge we face in this life, we grow through it.