“A very rich composition of the repertoire, with a powerful sound palette of a chamber, wind orchestra. A real treasure for connoisseurs of such music, in which instrumental textures decorate your inner world in bright colors.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“Очень богатая на репертуар композиция, с мощной звуковой палитрой камерного, духового оркестра. Настоящее сокровище для ценителей подобной музыки, в которой инструментальные текстуры разукрашивают в яркие краски ваш внутренний мир.”
Rigorous repertoire is at the ready on WINDSWEPT VOL. II from Navona Records, a sweeping sonic force of contemporary chamber works for woodwind quintet. Performed by the New London Chamber Ensemble, the works of seven composers soar with modern flair, making use of various instrumental textures and irregular meters with jazz-driven influences sprouting from classical roots. Dynamic displays of dexterity and luscious interplay between performers burst with refined energy in this recording, uplifting listeners into a satisfying and equally enticing atmosphere.