Respiro 6 – Olivia Belli

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“By crafting shapes of harmonic waves, Olivia Belli has managed to captivate the hidden magic of Modern Classical sound. Get ready to immerse in a two-minute trip of peaceful piano melodies and discover the most relaxing side of pure sound. A valuable elixir for our sensitive ears, heart and soul.”

Additional information/sources for Olivia Belli – Respiro 6

On April 18, Olivia Belli releases her new EP, Intercosmia Vol. 2, via XXIM/Sony. This sequel to Intercosmia Vol. 1 serves as a companion to her 2024 full-length album, Intermundia. Both Intercosmia EPs chart a journey of spiritual rediscovery. Belli describes the project as an exploration of finding one’s way back to a universal flow of love and transformation. On February 14, she unveiled the serene new track “Respiro 6,” offering a contemplative preview of the EP’s themes.

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Respiro 6”:

Respiro 5 – Olivia Belli

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Мелодия пиано, как верный спутник, сопровождает своего слушателя на пути. Она то нежно шепчет, то яростно протестует, то с грустью вздыхает, подобно старому другу, который молча разделяет твои переживания. -Respiro 5- это не просто музыка, это портрет эпохи, написанный звуками. Это — отражение обнаженной человеческой души.”

Additional information/sources for Olivia Belli – Respiro 5

The song “Olivia Belli – Respiro 5” is released by XXIM Records

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Respiro 5”:

Anima III – Olivia Belli

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Ethereal melodies of a gentle piano themes in this enchanting and soothing composition are so blissful. Its harmonic piano structure brings depth of emotions with every key. Let the soft, delicate sounds, caress your soul, transporting you to another world of imagination.”

Additional information/sources for Olivia Belli – Anima III

The song “Olivia Belli – Anima III” is released by XXIM Records

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Anima III”:

Olivia Belli – Sibyl | Neoclassical music review

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Η γοητευτική θλιμμένη μελωδία έρχεται για να μας φέρει στο μυαλό παλιές εικόνες και αναμνήσεις. Οι εναλλαγές της μας κάνουν να ανατριχιάζουμε και να νιώθουμε το πάθος της. Ο ρυθμός ταλαντεύεται και μας κάνει να νιώθουμε σαν το φύλλο του δέντρου που το παίρνει ο άνεμος πότε ψηλά και γρήγορα και πότε το αφήνει παρατεταμένο χαμηλά στο χώμα.”

Expand to read review translations *

“The charming sad melody comes to bring us to mind old images and memories. Its alternations make us shudder and feel its passion. The rhythm is swinging and makes us feel like the tree leaf that the wind takes when high and quickly and leaves prolonged low in the soil.”

“L’affascinante melodia triste viene a ricordare vecchie immagini e ricordi. Le sue alternazioni ci fanno rabbrividire e sentire la sua passione. Il ritmo sta oscillando e ci fa sentire come la foglia di albero che il vento prende quando è alto e rapido e lascia prolungata bassa nel terreno.”

The original review of “Olivia Belli – Sibyl” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Neoclassical reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Olivia Belli” (Italy) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag already found for you the “Sibyl”, a masterpiece by “Olivia Belli”. A song of Neoclassical genre, that also offers Neo / Modern Classical, Cinematic / Epic Music, Solo Piano characteristics. That for, Nagamag is pleased to share with you this music review, thoughtfully written by one of our expert Neoclassical reviewers, whose expertise in unraveling the compositions like “Olivia Belli – Sibyl”. A Neoclassical discovery that brought to you and to the worldwide community of Neoclassical enthusiasts who speak the universal language of music as well.

Listen to “Olivia Belli – Sibyl” on Youtube and Spotify

You can listen to “Olivia Belli – Sibyl” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Neoclassical song and watch the official video clip of “Olivia Belli – Sibyl”.

Additional information/sources for Olivia Belli – Sibyl

The song “Olivia Belli – Sibyl” is released by XXIM Records

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Sibyl”:

Neoclassical home page where “Olivia Belli – Sibyl” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Neoclassical artists like “Olivia Belli”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Sibyl”.
This music post about song “Sibyl” by “Olivia Belli” is hosted in Neoclassical page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Neoclassical artists to “Olivia Belli” and more Neoclassical, Neo / Modern Classical, Cinematic / Epic Music, Solo Piano songs like “Sibyl” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Neoclassical experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Neoclassical dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Neoclassical on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “Olivia Belli – Sibyl” but you have never listened before to any other Neoclassical song or you are interested in learning more about Neoclassical music gerne then click here to visit Neoclassical music page on Wikipedia.
Neoclassical music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Neoclassical music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Neoclassical music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Neoclassical genre.

Olivia Belli – Mirando | Neoclassical music review

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Incredibly calming atmosphere of this cinematic beauty engage deeply within first piano notes and it is very mesmerizing. Harmonic structure and composition is done in a beautiful way Reminiscing the tender moments of solace in our everyday life with so much emotion. ”

Expand to read review translations *

“Η απίστευτα χαλαρωτική ατμόσφαιρα αυτής της κινηματογραφικής ομορφιάς εμπλέκεται βαθιά μέσα στις πρώτες σημειώσεις πιάνου και είναι πολύ μαγευτική. Η αρμονική δομή και η σύνθεση γίνεται με όμορφο τρόπο που θυμίζει τις τρυφερές στιγμές παρηγοριάς στην καθημερινή μας ζωή με τόσο πολύ συναίσθημα.”

“Atmosfera incredibilmente calmante di questa bellezza cinematografica si impegna profondamente all’interno delle prime note di piano ed è molto affascinante. La struttura e la composizione armonica vengono fatte in modo meraviglioso che ricorda i teneri momenti di conforto nella nostra vita di tutti i giorni con così tanta emozione.”

The original review of “Olivia Belli – Mirando” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Neoclassical reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Olivia Belli” (Italy) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag strongly suggests you to listen to the song “Mirando” by the remarkable “Olivia Belli”. A captivating Neoclassical music composition that upraised the difficulty for our curators to gather and write down and describe through a music review, their feelings due to their listening experience of “Olivia Belli – Mirando.” The song manages to take you on a journey through the world of Neo / Modern Classical, Solo Piano music, offering a delightful experience for all music enthusiasts.

Listen to “Olivia Belli – Mirando” on Youtube and Spotify

You can listen to “Olivia Belli – Mirando” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Neoclassical song and watch the official video clip of “Olivia Belli – Mirando”.

Additional information/sources for Olivia Belli – Mirando

The song “Olivia Belli – Mirando” is released by XXIM Records

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Mirando”:

Neoclassical home page where “Olivia Belli – Mirando” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Neoclassical artists like “Olivia Belli”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Mirando”.
This music post about song “Mirando” by “Olivia Belli” is hosted in Neoclassical page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Neoclassical artists to “Olivia Belli” and more Neoclassical, Neo / Modern Classical, Solo Piano songs like “Mirando” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Neoclassical experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Neoclassical dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Neoclassical on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “Olivia Belli – Mirando” but you have never listened before to any other Neoclassical song or you are interested in learning more about Neoclassical music gerne then click here to visit Neoclassical music page on Wikipedia.
Neoclassical music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Neoclassical music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Neoclassical music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Neoclassical genre.

Olivia Belli – Respiro 1 | Neoclassical music review

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Breathe in to calm your mind and breath out to clean it from useless thoughts. Discover a unique piece of balanced artistry, equiped with the healing properties of solo piano melodies. Let those soft frequencies restore your lost inner peace, with the sheer creativity of Olivia Belli.”

Expand to read review translations *

“Αναπνεύστε για να ηρεμήσετε το μυαλό σας και να αναπνέετε για να το καθαρίσετε από άχρηστες σκέψεις. Ανακαλύψτε ένα μοναδικό κομμάτι ισορροπημένης τέχνης, εξοπλισμένο με τις θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες των μελωδών σόλο πιάνο. Αφήστε αυτές τις μαλακές συχνότητες να αποκαταστήσουν την χαμένη εσωτερική σας ειρήνη, με την απόλυτη δημιουργικότητα της Olivia Belli.”

“Respirare per calmare la mente e respirare per pulirla da pensieri inutili. Scopri un pezzo unico di arte equilibrata, dotato delle proprietà curative delle melodie di piano solista. Lascia che quelle frequenze morbide ripristinino la tua pace interiore perduta, con la pura creatività di Olivia Belli.”

The original review of “Olivia Belli – Respiro 1” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Neoclassical reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “Olivia Belli” (Italy) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag strongly suggests you to listen to the song “Respiro 1” by the remarkable “Olivia Belli”. A captivating Neoclassical music composition that upraised the difficulty for our curators to gather and write down and describe through a music review, their feelings due to their listening experience of “Olivia Belli – Respiro 1.” The song manages to take you on a journey through the world of Solo Piano, Neo / Modern Classical, New age music, offering a delightful experience for all music enthusiasts.

Listen to “Olivia Belli – Respiro 1” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Neoclassical song and watch the official video clip of “Olivia Belli – Respiro 1”.

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Respiro 1”:

Find Olivia Belli on Socials:

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Neoclassical artists like “Olivia Belli”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Respiro 1”.
This music post about song “Respiro 1” by “Olivia Belli” has been arranged in Neoclassical page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Neoclassical artists to “Olivia Belli” and more Neoclassical, Solo Piano, Neo / Modern Classical, New age songs like “Respiro 1” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Neoclassical experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Neoclassical dedicated reviewers.

If you enjoyed “Olivia Belli – Respiro 1” but you have never listened before to any other Neoclassical song or you are interested in learning more about Neoclassical music gerne then click here to visit Neoclassical music page on Wikipedia.
Neoclassical music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Neoclassical music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Neoclassical music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Neoclassical genre.

Olivia Belli – Anima I

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Фортепианная композиция от -Olivia Belli- переносит слушателя в мир гармонии, спокойствия и красоты. Пример идеальной иллюстрации мастерства композитора в создании вдохновляющей музыки. Нежная как лепестки роз мелодии, которая мгновенно создаёт вокруг вас волшебную атмосферу. Глубокая и эмоциональная палитра очароваетльных звуков.”

“The piano composition from -olivia belli- transfers the listener to the world of harmony, tranquility and beauty. An example of an ideal illustration of the composer’s skill in creating inspirational music. Tender as petals of roses of melody, which instantly creates a magical atmosphere around you. Deep and emotional palette of charming sounds.” *

“La composizione per pianoforte di -olivia Belli- trasferisce l’ascoltatore al mondo di armonia, tranquillità e bellezza. Un esempio di un’illustrazione ideale dell’abilità del compositore nel creare musica ispiratrice. Terno come petali di rose di melodia, che crea immediatamente un’atmosfera magica intorno a te. Palette profonda ed emotiva di suoni affascinanti.” *

The song “Olivia Belli – Anima I” is released by XXIM Records

Song Sources for “Olivia Belli – Anima I”:

Find Olivia Belli on Socials:

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