Pretty Archie – Familiar Feeling (Spotify)
“Beautiful Folk sound and live, energetic vocals make their way and carry thoughts somewhere deep in mind. The song can quickly capture the consciousness of its listener and draw charming images in it.”
“Красивая фолк-музыка и живой, энергичный вокал делают своё дело и уносят мысли куда-то вдаль, во что-то неизведанное и прекрасное. Песня мгновенно захватывает сознание слушателя и рисует в ней чарующие символы и образы.”
Familiar Feeling' is a song that looks at the dynamics of a long relationship. The ups and downs of a relationship can simultaneously cause deep love and drive each other mad. Ultimately, love has a way of working itself out and that familiar feeling ends up finding a way.
Pretty Archie, their sixth album, is one of which they are justifiably proud, for it represents a quantum leap forward in the evolution of the group’s sound. ”I feel each of our other records was a step ahead of the previous one, but this one is six steps ahead,” declares bassist/vocalist/songwriter Colin Gillis. “We are proud of everything we’ve put out, but this is at a different level.”
Helping the group realize the formidable creative achievement that is Pretty Archiewas internationally-acclaimed record producer and engineer Mark Howard, whose star-studded resume includes work with the likes of Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, U2, Tom Waits, The Tragically Hip, Peter Gabriel, and more. Howard’s fortuitous recent relocation to Cape Breton afforded Pretty Archie the opportunity to take advantage of his skills, and the band couldn’t be happier with the results.