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ZUSO – Run Free

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Run while you are free, run to feel freedom, feeling the smell of a fair wind in the face and firm ground under your feet. And let this track be a discovery for you and shine brightly for you, and its pleasant atmosphere Melodic Techno & House will only enhance the effect of presence.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Беги, пока ты свободен, беги, чтобы ощущать свободу, чувствуя запах попутного ветра в лицо и твёрдую землю под ногами. И пусть в этим моменты этот трек станет для вас открытием и будет ярко светить путеводная звезда, а его приятная атмосфера Melodic Techno & House лишь усилят эффект присутствия.”

TORNIK – The Way

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , |

“If your music collection does not have a single track -tornik-, then we strongly recommend paying attention to its new single. This is an ideal example of a classic Progressive House with a beautiful rhythmic pattern and vocals.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Если в вашей музыкальной коллекции нет ни одного трека -TORNIK-, то настоятельно рекомендуем обратить внимание на его новый сингл. Это идеальный пример классического Progressive House с красивым ритмическим рисунком и вокалом.”

Will Wallace – Look What You’ve Done

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“The track covers you with its neon lights and a dense blanket of high -quality sound of House music and Edm. Get ready for crazy acceleration in the second half of the track, which, like an invisible astronaut, will send you straight into space!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Трек накрывает вас своими неоновыми огнями и плотным одеялом из качественного звука House музыки и EDM. Приготовьтесь к сумасшедшему разгону во второй половине трека, который словно невидимый космонавт отправит вас прямиком в космос!”

‘Look What You’ve Done’, comes just in time for the Summer and it’s not just the weather that’s getting hotter as Will is ticking all of the right boxes with this latest opus. Dusty throwback piano chords construct the background for the intro and set the scene for a masterful production that borrows elements from classic 90s House sonic colours fused with modern 2022-ready production techniques and Will’s technical prowess in abundance.

Syn Cole x MKLA – Side By Side

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Working with vocals is simply amazing, very organically woven into the dynamic rhythms of Progressive House and Edm. The voice carries you over the horizon of events, immersing in his thick and rich melodic atmosphere.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Работа с вокалом просто потрясающая, очень органично вплетена в динамичные ритмы Progressive House и EDM. Голос проносит вас над горизонтом событий, погружая в свою густую и насыщенную мелодическую атмосферу.”

Estonian multi-instrumentalist producer Syn Cole releases his first single on Helix Records, dance track “Side By Side” in collaboration with singer-songwriter MKLA. Cole began his career on Avicii’s label LE7ELS and has since amassed over 1 billion streams which has solidified his place in the Dance space worldwide. MKLA has written and recorded with some of the biggest artists in the electronic industry, including Vintage Culture, KSHMR, Steve Aoki, Zeds Dead and Rezz.

HAUMS – Celestial Dance

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , |

“Intergalactic flight in the Progressive House, which wandered in the open spaces of the universe of the universe, which is heard even on its very edge. The only desire is to gain the speed of light as soon as possible and leave behind a barely visible mark!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Межгалактический полёт в блуждающей на просторах вселенной мелодии Progressive House, которая слышна даже на самом её краю. Единственное желание — как можно быстрее набрать скорость света и оставить после себя еле видимый след!”

Thomas Lizzara – Volare

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“The mild rhythm of Melodic Techno & House in combination with a bright and poisonous melody. A qualitatively selected timbre, mood, interesting plot pits and work with effects. The track that creates the illusion of movement and flight.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Мягкий ритм Melodic Techno & House в сочетании с яркой и ядовитой мелодией. Качественно подобранный тембр, настроение, интересно расставленные сюжетные ямы и работа с эффектами. Трек, который создаёт иллюзию движения и полёта.”

With his new single VOLARE, Thomas Lizzara invites us on a melodic, driving journey that takes us to fantastic places full of magic and epic beauty. A powerful arrangement, punchy synths, and a driving groove make VOLARE an unforgettable experience. Get on board and fly away!

Qaraqoom – Tomchi

Categories: Audio, Electronica, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“A bright and dynamic barrel breaks into your sound space, tearing its silent dome with its energy Progressive House. The melody hypnotizes, your body is already outside your power and all that remains for you is to follow music.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Яркая и динамическая бочка врывается в ваше звуковое пространство, разрывая его безмолвный купол своей энергией Progressive House. Мелодия гипнотизирует, ваше тело уже вне вашей власти и всё, что вам остаётся — это следовать за музыкой.”

LF-Flo – Just a little older

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“The magnificent work in the Progressive House genre, which reminds Ghost Rider's atmospheric wib by its atmospheric web. Excellent work with vocals and the effects that were used on it, the rhythm immerses in itself, and the melody slowly introduces into a hypnotic trance.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Великолепная работа в жанре Progressive House, которая напоминает своим атмосферным вайбом проект Ghost Rider. Отличная работа с вокалом и эффектами, которые были применены на нём, ритм погружает в себя, а мелодия медленно вводит в гипнотический транс.”

Nevada System – Arvense

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Carrying an essence from pure nature "Arvense", blooms like flower under the morning Sun. Favourite House featuring organic waves of sound, led by eerie vocals. Concentrate on listening and you'll feel the soft touch of those vibrations.”

"Arvense" is a beautifully constructed song akin to its name, a herbaceous perennial plant. The track uses a myriad of organic strings and sounds to build its sonic atmosphere around ethereal vocals. The shimmering opening is set in a mythical forest and slowly progresses into deep evocative house. This is NevadaSYSTEM at its finest, utilizing production prowess to write moving music that simultaneously transports the listener to a nostalgic escape into the paradise of nature.

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