Music Genre

numeral – Hideous

Categories: Audio, Psychill, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Slower groove and very atmospheric mood gives this song beautiful coldness but so emotional. Piano theme alone is one of the best moments and its arranged and placed so well. Backgrounds soundscapes are produced so good, that distorted vibe gives the perfect chill. Beats become more dynamic in the third part, creating the well written peak. ”

“Η πιο αργή αυλάκωση και η πολύ ατμοσφαιρική διάθεση δίνουν σε αυτό το τραγούδι όμορφη κρύα αλλά τόσο συναισθηματική. Το θέμα του πιάνου μόνο είναι μια από τις καλύτερες στιγμές και τα διαμορφωμένα και τοποθετημένα τόσο καλά. Τα φόντο τα ηχητικά τοπία παράγονται τόσο καλά, που η παραμορφωμένη ατμόσφαιρα δίνει την τέλεια ψύχρα. Οι κτύποι γίνονται πιο δυναμικοί στο τρίτο μέρος, δημιουργώντας την καλά γραπτή κορυφή.” *

“El ritmo más lento y el estado de ánimo muy atmosférico le dan a esta canción una hermosa frialdad pero muy emocional. El tema del piano solo es uno de los mejores momentos y está organizado y colocado muy bien. Los paisajes sonoros de fondos se producen tan buenos, que el ambiente distorsionado le da el escalofrío perfecto. Los ritmos se vuelven más dinámicos en la tercera parte, creando el pico bien escrito.” *

The song “numeral – Hideous” is released by numeral records

Track Sources for “numeral – Hideous”:

Find numeral on Socials:

Castalia – Ice Land

Categories: Audio, Psychill, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Минималистичное звуковое путешествие от -Castalia-, в новом треке которого раскрываются такие жанры, как Psydub и Psychill и лёгкие, едва ощутимые слои Ambient & Drone накрывающие вас своим тёплым покрывалом. Мелодия ненавязчиво ведёт за собой, а её атмосфера приятно ощущается где-то в глубине вашего подсознания.”

“The minimalist sound trip from -castalia-, in the new track of which such genres as PsyDub and Psychill and the light, barely tangible layers of Ambient & Drone covering you with their warm coverlet are revealed. The melody unobtrusively leads to itself, and its atmosphere is pleasantly felt somewhere in the depths of your subconscious.” *

“Το μινιμαλιστικό ηχητικό ταξίδι από -castalia-, στο νέο κομμάτι της οποίας αποκαλύπτονται τα είδη του Psydub και του Psychill και του φωτός, μόλις απτά στρώματα του περιβάλλοντος και του drone που σας καλύπτουν με το ζεστό κάλυμμα. Η μελωδία οδηγεί διακριτικά στον εαυτό της και η ατμόσφαιρά της είναι ευχάριστα αισθητή κάπου στα βάθη του υποσυνείδητου σας.” *

The song “Castalia – Ice Land” is released by Castalia

Track Sources for “Castalia – Ice Land”:

Jessica Cotten – Every Golden Hour

Categories: Audio, Psychill, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Very enjoyable and relaxing composition. Perfect and full easy listening sounds that arranged together so well. Piano theme in the background is beautiful, capturing the right emotion that progresses further with every new layer of a harmony. Vocal near the end is so blissful, very dreamy and gentle. ”

“Πολύ ευχάριστη και χαλαρωτική σύνθεση. Τέλειοι και πλήρεις εύκολοι ήχοι ακρόασης που κανονίστηκαν μαζί τόσο καλά. Το θέμα του πιάνου στο παρασκήνιο είναι όμορφο, καταγράφοντας το σωστό συναίσθημα που εξελίσσεται περαιτέρω με κάθε νέο στρώμα αρμονίας. Το φωνητικό κοντά στο τέλος είναι τόσο ευτυχισμένο, πολύ ονειρικό και ευγενικό.” *

“Composición muy agradable y relajante. Sonidos de escucha perfectos y completos que se organizaron tan bien. El tema del piano en el fondo es hermoso, capturando la emoción correcta que progresa aún más con cada nueva capa de armonía. La voz cerca del final es tan maravillosa, muy soñadora y gentil.” *

This song released by: Lunaria Publishing

Track Sources:

Spirit Creatures – The Event Horizon

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Deeper atmosphere full of ethnic elements and harmonies is something that sets the mood of this track from the beginning. It progresses in the similar way, adding more layers into that overall vibe. Feels like the cross between Pink Floyd and Shpongle. ”

This song released by: Double Dome Productions

Track Sources:

bong – .repair

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“At moments with a darker mood but in general very playful considering the sounds it have. Interesting mixture of styles that fit so well together. Vocal alike sound is perfect, creates such a big atmosphere, amazing choice of a lead. Glitch sounds are so well produced. ”

This song released by: SHOCKING RECORDS

Track Sources:
Apple Music:

Artist’s Socials:

The MoonRakers – The Golden Hour

Categories: Audio, Electronica, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Layered with so much atmosphere, track creates some truly amazing wonders with its harmonies. Like the bass line, have a lot of groove within, with smooth drums and rhythm parts. I like the guitar theme the most, it leads the track so great. ”

This song released by: Psychedelic Jelly

Track Sources:
Apple Music:

Suduaya – Dubxley

Categories: Psychill, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , |

“”Suduaya” invites you in the magic world of Psychill with more than seven minutes of balanced electronic vibrations. Grab this chance to offer yourself a deeply relaxing break and recharge your energy. Also the crystal clarity of the whole production is an additional reason to concentrate on this sound.”

Blissful psychill with a hint of dub from Suduaya

Red Giant Project – Different Now

Categories: Electronica, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , |

“The daring rhythms of Trip-Hop and PsyDub, crazy effects, exclusivity and resourcefulness in every second. From this track, it blows uniqueness, it does not look like anything that you could hear earlier. This is his exceptional chip – he breaks all the templates and remains in your subconscious forever!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Дерзкие ритмы Trip-Hop и Psydub, сумасшедшие эффекты, эксклюзивность и находчивость в каждой секунде. От этого трека так и веет уникальностью, он не похож ни на что из того, что вы могли слышать ранее. Именно в этом его исключительная фишка — он разрывает все шаблоны и остаётся в вашем подсознании навсегда!”

Panda On The Bamboo Tree – Shanti Shantaia

Categories: Audio, Features, Psychill, Psychill Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Merging a panoply of electronic subgenres into an explosive package, "Panda On The Bamboo Tree" offer a special listening experience. Prepare for a psychedelic, hypnotic and meditative touch which can leave its mark inside your head.”

Variegated electronics and deep bass are harmoniously diluted with ethnic motifs and even acoustic Indian vocals. The musician combines such genres as downtempo, chillout, lounge and others, creating unique psychedelic music piece by piece.

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