Raised on TV – Mr Blue

Categories: Audio, Rock, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Το κέφι και η ζωντάνια του ρυθμού πραγματικά είναι αυτό που χρειαζόμαστε. Τα φωνητικά με ακούραστη ενέργεια και δροσιά μας μεταφέρουν τον αέρα την ανανέωσης μέσα από το διασκεδαστικό ύφος τους. Η μελωδία μοιράζει απλόχερα την χαρά και ζωγραφίζει τη μέρα με τα πιο ζωηρά χρώματα. Λάμπουμε ξανά από ευτυχία όπως όταν ήμασταν παιδιά.”

“The fun and vibrancy of rhythm is really what we need. The vocals with tireless energy and coolness carry the air the refreshment through their fun style. The melody generously distributes joy and paints the day with the most vibrant colors. We shine again with happiness like when we were kids.” *

“The fun and vibrancy of rhythm is really what we need. The vocals with tireless energy and coolness carry the air the refreshment through their fun style. The melody generously distributes joy and paints the day with the most vibrant colors. We shine again with happiness like when we were kids.” *


Track Sources for “Raised on TV – Mr Blue”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/30l2FE5wXJ6aQ0zetSLr42

Find Raised on TV on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/raisedontvband
Twitter: twitter.com/raisedontv

Website of Raised on TV: