Music Genre

Maluma – La Reina

Categories: Audio, Spotify, The Latest, Video, World Music, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Новый релиз -Maluma- затрагивает одну важную тему — нужно всегда оставаться самим собой и не зависеть от мнения окружающих, даже если давление из вне слишком сильное. Безумно добрая, мотивирующая, светлая и органичная работа в жанре Reggaeton, которая заставить сиять ваше сердце, а улыбка застынет навсегда на вашем лице.”

“The new release -maluma- affects one important topic – you must always remain yourself and not depend on the opinions of others, even if the pressure from is too strong. Insanely kind, motivating, bright and organic work in the reggaeton genre, which make your heart be shining, and the smile will freeze forever on your face.” *

“El nuevo lanzamiento -maluma afecta un tema importante: siempre debe permanecer usted mismo y no depender de las opiniones de los demás, incluso si la presión es demasiado fuerte. Trabajo increíblemente amable, motivador, brillante y orgánico en el género Reggaeton, que hace que tu corazón sea brillante, y la sonrisa se congelará para siempre en tu rostro.” *

The song “Maluma – La Reina” is released by Sony Music Latin

Song Sources for “Maluma – La Reina”:

Lenzon – Run Run

Categories: Audio, Spotify, The Latest, Video, World Music, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“Как возбудить чувства человека на расстоянии, даже не прикасаясь к нему? Как поднять температуру его тела без воздействия алкогольных напитков или любимого кофе? Есть один, единственный и проверенный способ — послушать новый трек -Lenzon- и попытаться не сойти с ума от его пленительного вокала. Атмосфера жанров Dancehall и Reggaeton только преумножают весь спектр и без того ярких эмоций!”

“How to arouse a person’s feelings at a distance without even touching him? How to raise the temperature of his body without exposure to alcoholic beverages or beloved coffee? There is one, only and proven way – to listen to the new track -lenzon- and try not to go crazy with his captivating vocals. The atmosphere of the genres of Dancehall and Reggaeton only increase the entire spectrum of already vivid emotions!” *

“Πώς να διεγείρετε τα συναισθήματα ενός ατόμου σε απόσταση χωρίς καν να τον αγγίξετε; Πώς να αυξήσει τη θερμοκρασία του σώματός του χωρίς έκθεση σε αλκοολούχα ποτά ή αγαπημένο καφέ; Υπάρχει μόνο ένας, μόνο και αποδεδειγμένος τρόπος – για να ακούσετε το νέο κομμάτι -Lenzon- και προσπαθήστε να μην τρελαθείτε με τα μαγευτικά φωνητικά του. Η ατμόσφαιρα των ειδών του dancehall και του reggaeton αυξάνει μόνο ολόκληρο το φάσμα των ήδη ζωντανών συναισθημάτων!” *

The song “Lenzon – Run Run” is released by Whoever signs me first

Track Sources for “Lenzon – Run Run”:
Apple Music:

Lolita – Chi-Chi Suelta

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Εκρηκτικά και παθιασμένα φωνητικά σε καλούν σε ένα ξέφρενο χορό. Η πληθωρική μελωδία στήνει μια γιορτή. Τα σώματα λικνίζονται στο ζωηρό ρυθμό ως το πρωί. Η μουσική σε μαγνητίζει και είναι αδύνατον να σταθείς αμέτοχος. Σαν μαγεμένος ακολουθείς τα βήματα των επιθυμιών σου.”

“Explosive and passionate vocals invite you to a frantic dance. The exuberant melody sets up a celebration. The bodies are rocking at the lively pace until morning. The music captivates you and it is impossible to stand up. As enchanted you follow the steps of your desires.” (Automatically Translated)

This song released by: Lolita LLC

Track Sources:
Apple Music:

Artist’s Socials:


Cruz Rock – El Palo (feat. Guelo Star & Albert Diamond)

Categories: Afrobeats, Audio, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Ο ξέφρενος ρυθμός μαζί με την παθιασμένη και ηλεκτρισμένη μελωδία γίνονται ένα εκρηκτικό κοκτέιλ, με τα τύμπανα να έχουν τον πρώτο λόγο. Τα πληθωρικά, γεμάτα ερωτισμό φωνητικά δυναμιτίζουν την ατμόσφαιρα. Το ιδανικό κομμάτι για ένα επιτυχημένο πάρτι. Χωρίς αμφιβολία θα σου προκαλέσει ένα χορευτικό παραλήρημα ”

“The frantic rhythm, along with the passionate and electrified melody, become an explosive cocktail, with drums having the first reason. The exuberant, full of eroticism vocals stronger the atmosphere. The perfect piece for a successful party. No doubt will cause you a dancing delirium” (Automatically Translated)

This song released by: Iyatola Records & DJ Patio Music

Track Sources:

Artist’s Socials:

Gavin Kash – Sxm Strong

Categories: Audio, Spotify, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , , |

“Ένα ταξίδι διαφορετικό ξεκινά. Ο κεφάτος ρυθμός σου δίνει μια όμορφη αίσθηση σαν δροσερό καρπούζι το καλοκαίρι. Η μελωδία σου δείχνει τα βήματα του χορού με όρεξη και ενθουσιασμό. Τα φωνητικά σε μεθούν με το γλυκό ποτό της αγάπης και της χαράς. Διασκέδασε με όλη σου την ψυχή.”

“A different journey begins. The cheerful pace gives you a beautiful feel like a cool watermelon in the summer. Your melody shows the footsteps of the dance with appetite and excitement. The vocals are drunk with the sweet drink of love and joy. Have fun with all your soul.” (Automatically Translated)

This song released by: Kashnote Records

Track Sources:

Artist’s Socials:


BuenaOnda – Barrio Canela

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“The beat hits strong and those attractive vocals keep echoing inside the head. A spanish production of Dancehall mood, decorated with various effects and different voices performing together. Unique and surely worthy.”

Track Sources:
Apple Music:


Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“This one goes deep on the bass line, sub will move even if you don;t want to. Love the cross between the music, that sound deep a dark, melancholic and positive vocals on top of it, it is mixed great together. Love the organ parts, nice detail that sets the mood of the song, along with everything else. ”

Rapid-rising American-Trinidadian musician LATENIGHTJIGGY ends his trilogy and begins his ascent to global music notoriety, with the release of his highly anticipated EP, Flavors 3. In the works for over a year and produced by frequent collaborators Kontraks and Chooky, Flavors 3 is already receiving high praises from editors and supporters across all platforms.

Delicately fusing a range of genres including Latin, Afrobeat, R&B and Pop, LATENIGHTJIGGY continues his good form, serving up one of the most exciting projects of the year, so far. Laced with soft acoustic riffs, effective percussive elements, and a slew of magical melodic instrumentals, LATENIGHTJIGGY kicks the project off with the instantly infectious Afrobeat/Reggaeton blended opener and focus track “What More?” and the romantic and dreamy follow up “Circles”, before heading straight into smash hits “Úsame” and “Nela”, the latter earned Jiggy nearly 30k tiktok followers in less than 48 hours.

Although the end to the brand that put Jiggy on the radar of artists and producers like J Balvin and Rvssian, Flavors was just the seed planted for what is about to blossom into one of the most dynamic artists of this generation. Look out for his debut album set to release mid 2023.


Trinidadian-American artist, songwriter and producer, Robert Goodwin p.k.a. LATENIGHTJIGGY hails from a community in Gaithersburg, MD where he learned to speak spanish and fused it effortlessly into his own style of genre-bending pop music. At the age of 8, he started singing and playing clarinet and saxophone. By his teenage years, he had taught himself to play piano and began writing and producing music. Frustrated with looking for artists to record on his tracks, he began writing and recording himself, crafting the sound we hear today.

Since emerging on the scene in 2019 with his first official release, Flavors, he has gained millions of streams across the platforms and has featured on records with some of the most sought after artist like Eladio Carrion and Mora and has teamed up with platinum producers DVLP & Capi, The Rudeboyz, Symone Dice, and Dimelo Flo. His 2020 follow up, Flavors 2, debuted on the Latin Apple Music charts. This year, he was named Tiktok’s June Artist to Watch and the face of Spotify’s Mixto Campaign.

Eddie the Kidd x Bentley Robles – Body Language

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Extraordinary and originality are the most suitable epithets to correctly characterize this track. The plexus of the genres of Reggaeton and Latin Pop help to tune in to the desired wave. The melody leads very easily and naturally!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Неординарность и оригинальность — это самые подходящие эпитеты, чтобы правильно охарактеризовать этот трек. Сплетение жанров Reggaeton и Latin Pop помогают настроиться на нужную волну. Мелодия ведёт за собой очень легко и непринуждённо!”

Body Language is the intersection where being Queer and Latino is celebrated. It is heavily inspired by Latin artists like Bad Bunny and Lola Indigo. The song itself features both English and Spanish lyrics.

Bigmanndrill – Uy

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“The magnificent combination of Reggaeton and Latin Pop, with a very positive web, which is instantly captured in the sound vibrations of the new single -bigmanndrill-. The vocals have become a real decoration, so many charisma, uniqueness and energy in it!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Великолепное сочетание Reggaeton и Latin Pop, с очень позитивным вайбом, который мгновенно улавливается в звуковых вибрациях нового сингла -Bigmanndrill-. Вокал стал настоящим украшением, столько в нём харизмы, уникальности и энергии!”


UY is a song with Afro dancehall roots from Jamaica adapted to Afro-Latin, it has sensations of American pop but without losing the Caribbean style, UY is the perfect piece to dance, listen to and enjoy, in the country you are in or the language you speak


UY es un tema con raices de afro dancehall proveniente de Jamaica adaptado al Afro latino, posee sensaciones de pop americano pero sin perder el estilo del caribe, UY es la pieza perfecta para bailar, escuchar y disfrutar, en el país que te encuentres o el idioma que hables.

Loopro – Amsterdam – English Version

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , |

“In music, its positive component is very important so that it gives us extremely positive vibrations. And what could be better than the new track -lopro and rhythm of Dancehall? If only his new track about the magnificent Amsterdam!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В музыке очень важна её позитивная составляющая, чтобы она дарила нам исключительно положительные вибрации. И что может быть лучше, чем новый трек -Loopro- и ритма dancehall? Если только его новый трек о великолепном Амстердаме!”

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