Music Genre

Jimmy Li – Forget

Categories: Audio, Rock, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Мелодия этого трека пропитана насквозь ностальгическими нотками и атмосферой Rock музыки незабытой и незыблемой эпохи, которая навсегда останется в истории. Приятное похрустывание ритм-секции, плачь гитарной партии и погружающий в себя своей глубиной голос -Jimmy Li-. Сокрушительный удар прямо в ваше сердце.”

“The melody of this track is impregnated through with nostalgic notes and atmosphere of Rock music, an unprepared and unshakable era that will forever remain in history. A pleasant crunching of rhythm sections, cry the guitar party and immerses the voice of -Jimmy Li- in itself with its depth. A crushing blow right in your heart.” (Automatically Translated)

Three Legged Dog – Farmer Jahn

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“What happens if you reduce the positive wiber of the reggae genre and a solo of an electronic guitar in a single mix, whose melodic riffs leave scars on the heart? And you will get a new single from -three Legged Dog-, which will pleasantly surprise you with its atmosphere.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Что получится, если свести в едином миксе позитивный вайб жанра reggae и соло электронной гитары, мелодичные риффы которой оставляют рубцы на сердце? А получится новый сингл от -Three Legged Dog-, который вас приятно удивит своей атмосферой.”

Periklis Biskinis Interview on Nagamag

Categories: Features, Interviews, Rock Features, Rock Interviews, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |


What are the genres that describe better your music style?

Periklis Biskinis:
Συνθέτω σε ένα πεδίο Rock-Jazz-Latin με προτίμηση στον ελληνικό στίχο όπου θεωρώ ότι συντονίζομαι συναισθηματικά και νοητικά.

(I compose in a Rock-Jazz-Latin field with a preference for Greek lyrics where I find myself emotionally and mentally attuned.)

Few words about your musical background and career?

Periklis Biskinis:
Είμαι ένας συνθέτης και καθηγητής μουσικής, συγκεκριμένα φωνητικής και σύγχρονου πιανου και έχω ασχοληθεί με πολλά είδη μουσικής. Ύστερα απο τις κλασσικές μου σπουδές, δίπλωμα κλασσικού πιάνου, κλασσικού τραγουδιού και ανωτέρων θεωρητικών ασχολήθηκα με την Jazz, Jazz ενορχήστρωση πνευστών και εγχόρδων όπως και με την ηχοληψία και την μουσική Τεχνολογία. Διδάσκω 20 χρόνια σύγχρονο τραγούδι και σύγχρονο πιάνο με σκοπό οι μαθητές μου να βίωνουν την ελευθερία έκφρασης της ψυχής τους με γέφυρα την μουσική και τον ήχο. Κάνω παραγωγές σε τραγουδιστές και συνθέτες και συνθέτω, ηχογραφώ και είμαι παραγωγός της δικής μου μουσικής δισκογραφίας. Έχω παίξει σε πάρα πολλές σκήνες στην Αθήνα και σε όλη την Ελλάδα όπως στον Σταυρό του Νότου , Faust, Zoo κτλ Έχω δημιουργήσει με επιτυχία δύο μεγάλες ορχήστρες οι οποίες είναι η Πλαστελίνη και οι Μαντρας.

(I am a composer and music teacher, specifically into vocal and modern piano and I have been involved in many types of music. After my classical studies, diploma in classical piano, classical singing, and advanced theories, I dealt with Jazz, Jazz orchestration of winds and strings as well as sound recording and music technology. I have been teaching contemporary songs and contemporary piano for 20 years in order for my students to experience the freedom of expression of their soul with music and sound as a bridge. I do productions for singers and composers and I do recordings and I am a producer of my own music discography. I have played on many stages in Athens and all over Greece such as Stavros to Notou, Faust, Zoo, etc. I have successfully created two great orchestras which are Plastelini and Mantras.)

Do you remember your first connection of love to music that was the right impact to be a music artist now?

Periklis Biskinis:
Θυμάμαι όταν πήγα να μάθω πίανο στο ωδείο στην ηλικία των 5 ετών. Από τότε η σχέση μου με τον ήχο και τα μουσικά οργάνα ξεκίνησε. Ερωτεύομαι τον πειραματισμό με νέα μουσικά οργάνα και το επιδιώκω να μελετάω καινούργια όργανα μουσικής.

(I remember when I went to learn piano at the conservatory at the age of five. Since then my relationship with sound and musical instruments began. I fall in love with experimenting with new musical instruments and I seek to study them deeper.)

Most artists have a favorite song from a different music genre than the one they are producing music for... Which is yours?

Periklis Biskinis:
Mick Harvey "Out of time man"

Of Course Nagamag would love to listen also which track from a similar artist you admire?

Periklis Biskinis:
Soul Jazz Orchestra "Mista President"

Discover & Listen to Periklis Biskinis

Periklis Biskinis on Spotify

Periklis Biskinis's Signature Track

Periklis Biskinis on Social Media

Chris Mapili – Find Something You Can Hold On To (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Pop, Pop Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Find Something You Can Hold On To - calls out to all of us in his new composition, Chris Mapili. The postulate of our life is with you. Do what you must and be what should be. Goosebumps in the chorus with this wonderful vocal performance. ”

“Find Something You Can Hold On To - взывает всех нас в своей новой композиции Chris Mapili. Постулат нашей с вами жизни. Делай, что должен и будь, что будет.”

Blending renegade folk with gospel, "Find Something You Can Hold On To" takes you on a gritty and grand journey through your heart and soul. Carefully crafted for 2020's year end holiday season and 2021's upcoming climb, this timeless classic will have you singing along half-way through your first listen

Blending grunge, folk, rock, and a deeply emotive percussive delivery with piercing lyrics, singer/songwriter Chris Mapili continues to captivate his audiences. His upcoming EP traverses intimate and gruff acoustic landscapes.

Let It Pass (Video)

Categories: Rock, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , |

“Despite all the hardships of this year, Travis Shallow came back early this summer with a masterfully performed guitar ballad and his characteristic warm voice to take us on an introvert travel in the magnificent sounds of rock ‘en roll”

Take one listen to North Carolina native, Travis Shallow’s work and it is no wonder that he has amassed fans from his opening spots with legendary Gregg Allman, Tedeschi Trucks Band, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, The Marcus King Band, Jerry Joseph, Todd Snider, and fellow native North Carolina band, American Aquarium.

Travis Shallow is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and recording artist.

Shallow started his career as a solo artist in 2002 playing every dive bar and club that would book him. He quickly developed a loyal following which allowed him to further explore the thriving North Carolina music scene. Soon after, he formed the alternative country band, A Few Good Liars, with whom he recorded a studio album in 2011 titled, Battered Wooden Body, at Tweed Recording Studio in Oxford, MS.

In 2012, Shallow left A Few Good Liars and started writing and recording songs that would later be released as his first solo self-titled album, Travis Shallow, to regional critical acclaim in the southeastern United States.

Shallow went back to Tweed Recording Studio with Andrew Ratcliffe engineering to record his solo debut album. This solo album was acoustically driven with an accompanying band to highlight the songwriting and lyrical prowess.

After the release of his self-titled album in March 2016, Shallow took the show to the people performing intimate shows, stripped down with him and an acoustic guitar. While doing so, Shallow wrote a new batch of songs that was miles away from another solo acoustic album and set out to put together a backing band for the studio sessions. He reached out to longtime friends and trusted heavy hitters whose familiar chemistry quickly turned into his full-time road band, The Deep End. The result was clear and titled- The Great Divide.

The Great Divide was featured in Relix Magazine and the single “River That Sings” made it’s radio debut on the Americana Charts.

Shallow has now stripped down the musician line up and returned back to his acoustic roots. He often plays with Bob Russell accompanying on guitar and (before the pandemic) playing intimate seated listening rooms where the song itself is king. “Let It Pass” is out now on Cavity Search Records and a studio album is scheduled for release in the fall.

PHNTMS – Carabelle (Video)

Categories: Rock, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , |

“An emotive song with heartwarming vocals and a wonderful chill harmonic atmosphere.”

“Carabelle” radiates with emotive vocals, sweeping acoustic guitars and laid back soundscapes. “Carabelle” details the feeling you get after a toxic relationship ends and how even though there were red flags you still choose to be with that person.

Sitting somewhere between arena rock and the classic sound of 1960’s soul singers, Philadelphia based band PHNTMS creates music bursting with vast soundscapes and colliding instrumentation. Together, Alyssa Gambino, Adam Jessamine, Mikal Smith, and Gene Murphy are bringing back rock music while simultaneously putting their own unique stamp on it.

PHNTMS’ highly anticipated six-track self titled EP soaks up the band’s amalgam of influences, ranging from movie soundtracks and bands such as U2, Biffy Clyro, Kings of Leon and Deaf Havana, to powerhouse soul singers such as Amy Winehouse.

Inspired by everyday situations, relationships, and growing up, the band aims to create a feeling with which listeners can easily identify. Gambino reveals, “I think as songwriters, we try to capture these moments and make them as detailed as possible. We’ll always be fascinated by the fact we can freeze these moments…”

With half of the band identifying as queer, PHNTMS also hope to reach out to and support the LGBTQA+ community. Drummer Gene Murphy confides, “We openly talk about lesbian relationships in our music and we want to bring hope to anyone who is in the closet and doesn’t feel safe coming out. Whether you are out as queer or not, your identity is valid and if our music helps you escape heteronormativity for a brief moment.”

PHNTMS has seen success having performed opening spots for such acts as Kings of Leon, The 1975, Bastille, Fitz & The Tantrums, Empire of the Sun, Pale Waves, Emarosa, and Half Noise.

The Islays – I Can’t Breathe (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“The Islays got inspired from the recent events in USA, beautiful lush guitars which set you quick in a groove under passionate rock performance and the right vocal lead where share their thoughts for injustice.”

The lockdown meant endless hours at home, igniting creativity, ideas and inspiration. That was the time when two friends and music buddies for years, Billy and Nektarios, took the opportunity to translate the chaos into words and sounds, giving birth to their own... e-band!

And there you have it! Coming together from the misty island of UK and the sunny island of Rhodes (Islands, Isle, Isle of Islay... The Islays!) they share the proud tradition of islanders all around the world! The Islays is a new and exciting project dedicated to create, record and share the most original tunes!

Jack Simchak – When I Wake (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“When I Wake from Jack Simchack is an emotional chaser through psychedelic rock with his vocal depth been recognizable once you become familiar with his music due of his signature style.”

Jack Simchak is a singer/multi-instrumentalist that lives in Brooklyn, New York. Simchak writes, produces, records, and performs his original compositions in his home studio. His compositions show his affinity for bands such as Tears For Fears, Joy Division, The Cure and The Smiths.

Orsak:Oslo – 061 Skimmer (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Post, Rock|Tags: , , , |

"This song the title track of Orsak:Oslo's new release Skimmer, which besides its English meaning has a meaning in Swedish and Norwegian that resembles the English ""Shimmer"". In context with the EP this is a more mellow and pondering track, while still continuing the band's thread of compositions with nerve and wistful melodies.

Few words about Orsak:Oslo
Orsak:Oslo is a dark slow brew containing of psych, dystopian post-rock and trippy space blues.
With their monolithic and melancholic instrumental pieces, this is music for the active listener.
O:O is a marriage between impulsive improv and thoughtful composition, later melodies and new harmonies are carefully woven in, layer by layer.
With a reverence and underlying devotion to the aura and musical preconditions laid down from the start, the result is raw, unpolished and true."

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