Alessiah – On My Way

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Πόσο γλυκά και ζεστά τα φωνητικά αναστατώνουν την ψυχή μας. Με μια δύναμη απρόσμενη μας απογειώνουν και μας κάνουν να πετάμε ψηλά μακριά από τα προβλήματα και τις σκέψεις .Η μελωδία απόλυτα ταιριασμένη δυναμιτίζει τα συναισθήματα μας και τρυπώνει μέσα μας για να μας αποκαλύψει τις πιο κρυφές μας επιθυμίες. Ο ρυθμός ζωντανός και γοητευτικός μας υπόσχεται μαγικά ταξίδια.”

“How sweet and warm the vocals upset our souls. With an unexpected force they take us off and make us fly high from problems and thoughts. The melody perfectly suited our emotions and pierces within us to reveal to us our most secret desires. The rhythm is alive and charming promises us magical trips.” *

“Cât de dulci și de cald vocalele ne supără sufletele. Cu o forță neașteptată, ne îndepărtează și ne fac să ne îndepărtăm de probleme și gânduri. Melodia se potrivește perfect cu emoțiile și străpungerile noastre din noi pentru a ne dezvălui dorințele noastre cele mai secrete. Ritmul este viu și fermecătorul ne promite călătorii magice.” *

The song “Alessiah – On My Way” is released by MediaPro Music

Song Sources for “Alessiah – On My Way”:
Apple Music:

Find Alessiah on Socials:

Jorge – Sa-mi faci bine

Categories: Afrobeats, Audio, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Каждый звук, каждый инструмент в этой композиции с лёгкостью вводят в транс, создавая чувственную и пленительную атмосферу. Вокал -Jorge- наполнен страстью и эмоциями, что придаёт ему особую притягательность и вызывает душевное трепетание у слушателя. В целом, этот трек поднимает настроение, вызывает желание двигаться и танцевать, а также просто наслаждаться богатством музыкальных оттенков.”

“Each sound, every tool in this composition is easy to introduce into a trance, creating a sensual and captivating atmosphere. Vocal -jorge is filled with passion and emotions, which gives him a special attractiveness and causes spiritual trepidation of the listener. In general, this track raises the mood, causes a desire to move and dance, and also simply enjoy the wealth of musical shades.” *

“Fiecare sunet, fiecare instrument din această compoziție este ușor de introdus într -o transă, creând o atmosferă senzuală și captivantă. Vocal -jorge este plin de pasiune și emoții, ceea ce îi oferă o atractivitate specială și provoacă trepidarea spirituală a ascultătorului. În general, această piesă ridică starea de spirit, provoacă dorința de a se mișca și de a dansa și, de asemenea, de a se bucura pur și simplu de bogăția de nuanțe muzicale.” *

The song “Jorge – Sa-mi faci bine” is released by Jorge Music

Song Sources for “Jorge – Sa-mi faci bine”:

R3HAB x INNA – Rock My Body

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Modern take or more using the lead theme from Sash! massive anthem from the 90’s, Ecuador. Catchy and huge theme is so well used into this song with beautiful new vocals and familiar harmonies, Perfectly produced song with very dynamic groove is anthem for new generation of clubbers. ”

“Σύγχρονη λήψη ή περισσότερο χρησιμοποιώντας το θέμα μολύβδου από το φύλλο! Μαζικός ύμνος από τη δεκαετία του ’90 του Ισημερινού. Το πιασάρικο και τεράστιο θέμα χρησιμοποιείται τόσο καλά σε αυτό το τραγούδι με όμορφα νέα φωνητικά και γνωστές αρμονίες, το τέλεια παραγόμενο τραγούδι με πολύ δυναμική αυλάκωση είναι ύμνος για τη νέα γενιά clubbers.” *

“Modern Take of meer met behulp van het leadthema van Sash! Massief volkslied uit de jaren 90, Ecuador. Pakkend en enorm thema wordt zo goed gebruikt in dit nummer met prachtige nieuwe vocalen en bekende harmonieën, perfect geproduceerd nummer met zeer dynamische groove is volkslied voor nieuwe generatie clubbers.” *

The song “R3HAB x INNA – Rock My Body” is released by Spinnin’ Records

Song Sources for “R3HAB x INNA – Rock My Body”:

Otilia – Jaanu, Jaanu

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“”Otilia” has raised the temperature level with her recent Dance Pop single and once you hit “play” it’s impossible to escape. Super attractive appearance, vocals made of fire and beat which can shake your body, all arranged in a mix rich in sound effects.”

“Το “Otilia” έχει αυξήσει το επίπεδο θερμοκρασίας με το πρόσφατο χορευτικό pop single της και μόλις χτυπήσετε το “Play” είναι αδύνατο να ξεφύγετε. Σούπερ ελκυστική εμφάνιση, φωνητικά από φωτιά και ρυθμό που μπορούν να κουνήσουν το σώμα σας, όλα διατεταγμένα σε ένα μίγμα πλούσιο σε ηχητικά εφέ.” *

“„Otilia” a ridicat nivelul temperaturii cu single -ul ei recent de dans și odată ce ați lovit „Play” este imposibil de scăpat. Aspect super atractiv, vocale făcute din foc și bătăi, care vă pot agita corpul, toate aranjate într -un amestec bogat în efecte sonore.” *

The song “Otilia – Jaanu, Jaanu” is released by Roton Music

Song Sources for “Otilia – Jaanu, Jaanu”:
Apple Music:

Francis On My Mind – One Last Time

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Όμορφα και δροσερά φωνητικά με αισθησιασμό που ανεβάζουν την διάθεση. Με γλυκύτητα αλλά και δυναμισμό φέρνουν το κέφι. Η μελωδία μας παρασύρει στην μεθυστική της ατμόσφαιρα μας κάνει να νιώθουμε ακόμα πιο γοητευτικοί. Ο ρυθμός με την ένταση και την ζωντάνια του μας δημιουργεί ευχάριστα συναισθήματα.”

“Beautiful and cool vocals with sensuality that raise the mood. With sweetness and dynamism they bring fun. The melody drags us into its intoxicating atmosphere makes us feel even more charming. The rhythm with its intensity and vitality creates us pleasant emotions.” *

“Vocale frumoase și cool cu ​​senzualitate care ridică starea de spirit. Cu dulceață și dinamism aduc distracție. Melodia ne trage în atmosfera sa intoxicantă ne face să ne simțim și mai fermecători. Ritmul cu intensitatea și vitalitatea sa ne creează emoții plăcute.” *

Song Sources for “Francis On My Mind – One Last Time”:

Find Francis On My Mind on Socials:

Manuel Riva x PRISKA – Dancefloor

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Музыка, которая окружает вас на танцполе создаёт удивительной красоты атмосферу для погружения и -Manuel Riva и PRISKA- точно знают, как доставить вам удовольствие со скоростью света с помощью своего нового релиза. Шикарная работа со звуком, динамичная и при этом очень мелодичная атмосфера и, конечно же, фантастический вокал!”

“Music, which surrounds you on the dance floor creates an amazing beauty atmosphere for immersion and -manuel riva and priska, know exactly how to give you pleasure with the speed of light with your new release. Gorgeous work with sound, dynamic and at the same time a very melodic atmosphere and, of course, fantastic vocals!” *

“Muzica, care te înconjoară pe ringul de dans creează o atmosferă uimitoare de frumusețe pentru imersiune și -manuel Riva și Priska, știi exact cum să -ți ofere plăcere cu viteza luminii cu noua ta lansare. Lucrare superbă cu sunet, dinamic și, în același timp, o atmosferă foarte melodică și, desigur, vocale fantastice!” *

The song “Manuel Riva x PRISKA – Dancefloor” is released by Roton Music

Song Sources for “Manuel Riva x PRISKA – Dancefloor”:
Apple Music:

Alessiah – Matching Hearts

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Η φανταστική και γεμάτη ενέργεια μελωδία ανεβάζει την διάθεση μας και μας δίνει ζωντάνια να ξεκινήσουμε όμορφα τη μέρα μας. Τα φωνητικά απίστευτα αρμονικά, καθαρά και με ζεστή χροιά κερδίζουν τις εντυπώσεις και δυναμιτίζουν τα συναισθήματα μας. Ο ρυθμός απόλυτα διασκεδαστικός δίνει ένταση και μας κάνει να ακούμε το κομμάτι ξανά και ξανά. ”

“The fantastic and full of energy melody raises our mood and gives us life to start our day beautifully. The vocals incredibly harmoniously, clean and warmly gain impressions and strengthen our emotions. The rhythm perfectly fun gives tension and makes us listen to the piece over and over again.” *

“Melodia fantastică și plină de energie ne ridică starea de spirit și ne oferă viață să ne începem frumos ziua. Vocalele incredibil de armonios, curate și câștigă cu căldură impresii și ne întăresc emoțiile. Ritmul perfect distractiv dă tensiune și ne face să ascultăm piesa de mai multe ori.” *

The song “Alessiah – Matching Hearts” is released by MediaPro Music

Song Sources for “Alessiah – Matching Hearts”:
Apple Music:

Find Alessiah on Socials:

Eneli – Far From Anywhere

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Τα θαυμάσια φωνητικά χαϊδεύουν τα αφτιά μας με την θεϊκή χροιά τους και την απίστευτη έκταση τους .Με ένταση και δυναμισμό αλλά και με απαλότητα μας αγκαλιάζουν. Το πάθος της μελωδίας μοιάζει με κραυγή που έπρεπε τόσα χρόνια να έχει ακουστεί .Τα συναισθήματα μας είναι τώρα τόσο φορτισμένα και ο ρυθμός πυροδοτεί τις αισθήσεις μας.”

“The wonderful vocals caress our ears with their divine complexion and their incredible extent. With intensity and dynamism but also with softness they embrace us. The passion of melody looks like a cry that had to be heard for so many years. Our emotions are now so charged and the rhythm triggers our senses.” *

“Vocalele minunate ne mângâie urechile cu tenul lor divin și cu măsura lor incredibilă. Cu intensitate și dinamism, dar și cu moale ne îmbrățișează. Pasiunea melodiei arată ca un strigăt care trebuia auzit de atâția ani. Emoțiile noastre sunt acum atât de încărcate, iar ritmul ne declanșează simțurile.” *

The song “Eneli – Far From Anywhere” is released by MediaPro Music, a division of Universal Music Romania

Song Sources for “Eneli – Far From Anywhere”:
Apple Music:

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