
Sam Miller – The Islands

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Από το παράθυρο ατενίζω το πέλαγος και τον ορίζοντα. Τίποτα δεν μπαίνει ανάμεσα σε μένα και την υπέροχη μελωδία που ηχεί τόσο ευχάριστα στα αφτιά μου. Οι αναμνήσεις εμφανίζονται μπροστά μου σαν τα γαλήνια και ήσυχα νησιά και με πάνε πίσω στο χρόνο. Αυτά είναι που με κρατούν και δεν με αφήνουν να πέσω. Η ομορφιά τους μέσα μου δεν μπορεί να αλλάξει ποτέ.”

“From the window I look at the sea and the horizon. Nothing comes in between me and the wonderful melody that sounds so pleasant to my ears. Memories appear in front of me like the serene and quiet islands and take me back in time. These are the ones that keep me and don’t let me fall. Their beauty within me can never change.” *

“Desde la ventana miro el mar y el horizonte. Nada entra entre mí y la maravillosa melodía que suena tan agradable para mis oídos. Los recuerdos aparecen frente a mí como las islas serenas y tranquilas y me llevan al tiempo. Estos son los que me mantienen y no me dejan caer. Su belleza dentro de mí nunca puede cambiar.” *

The song “Sam Miller – The Islands” is released by Jenny Invert Records

Song Sources for “Sam Miller – The Islands”:
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Sam Miller – Mariposa (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Taken out from the album "Lilies", this flower brings the beauty of Neoclassical sound in our grey place. Whatever your mood, a solo piano miniature is always welcome to restore balance in your tired mind. Respect for Sam Miller.”

"Mariposa" is the first single off my upcoming piano album, Lilies. This album is dedicated to my wife, Lily. We eloped towards the end of 2019 before the world shut down. These pieces were written between now and then, through the pandemic and challenging personal tribulations that we've had to face together.

Lilies is expressive of our love - the hope that these rotten years we've been trudging through will fertilize the soil of tomorrow from which a new beauty will emerge. I'm releasing 'Lilies' in the dead of Winter, when this reminder is perhaps most needed.

I recorded the album on Lily's late grandmother's Knight upright piano. There’s a note from the manufacturer inside the piano that says “This instrument has been specially constructed to withstand severe extremes of heat, dryness, humidity and central heating in any part of the world”. This rugged piano has helped us withstand the past few years, as well.

Sam Miller Interview on Nagamag

Categories: Features, Interviews, Neoclassical Features, Neoclassical Interviews, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

What are the genres that describe better your music style?

Sam Miller:
Chamber folk-pop for most of my music with words and Neo-Classical for my instrumental works.

Few words about your musical background and career?

Sam Miller:
I've been a sideman in rock bands for years and during the COVID lockdown I started recording classical music, which is my current direction. I play bass, guitar and piano.

Do you remember your first connection of love to music that was the right impact to be a music artist now?

Sam Miller:
I re-discovered my love of music when I started playing piano after college. During that time I was also immersed in a song-writing community, which had a great effect on my creative sensibilities.

Most artists have a favorite song from a different music genre than the one they are producing music for... Which is yours?

Sam Miller:
Hyri "Work of the Devil"

Of Course Nagamag would love to listen also which track from a similar artist you admire?

Sam Miller:
Laura & Anton "Castles in the Air"

Discover & Listen to Sam Miller

Sam Miller on Spotify

Sam Miller's Signature Track

Sam Miller on Social Media

Sam Miller's Website

Sam Miller – Moving (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, The Latest|Tags: , , |

“Like You moving gracefully and calmly on thin ice. A Glare of the sun reflected from the snow. Yet you feel like hovering as a butterfly. The blue of frost flies from your wings, and you keep flying...”

“Грациозно и спокойно вы двигаетесь по тонкому льду. Мерцают блики солнца отражаясь от снега. И вот мы уже пархаете как бабочка. Синева инея разлетаются от ваших крыльев. Двигайтесь несмотря ни на что!”

Sam Miller is a man of unique talents. A rare musical soul who thrives in our modern day of synthesizers and microchips, but who would be equally content playing Bach fugues in a cathedral filled with orangutans. His musical output is driven by curiosity and exploration, noticeably lacking the self-aggrandizing spirit of so much pop music.

From the mysterious deserts of New Mexico, Miller is at once a songwriter, composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. He is a master storyteller, who walks a tightrope pitched between the beauty of life’s complexities and the abyss of the subconscious. His lyrics grow more dynamic and intriguing with each listen. An elegant love song is simultaneously a riddle that would tickle the ghost of Lewis Carroll.

One of the most impressive measures of Miller’s writing is how the melodic content of the songs carry the weight of his lyrics. His attention to detail in arrangement and production creates fully realized songs that arrive at a clear destination. There is a confidence and thoughtfulness that is applied to each composition. Clever melodic hooks manage to echo in your head for days, allowing the depth of the lyrics to slowly unfurl in your thoughts. Miller’s deep and resonant voice evokes Scott Walker, Nick Cave, and even Johnny Cash. At its climax In One Place at a Time is soaring chamber pop akin to Devotchka, at its most introspective it is indie pop held together by synths and drum machines. With a close listen, there are hints of americana, traditional country, psychedelia, and even exotica.

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