Sam Newton – Ground Me (Video)
“Ground Me is a pleasant and so charming, acoustic melancholy into which you dive headlong, as if into the abyss of a blue ocean. And you drown in it and sink to the very bottom of it. Elegy of feelings and events.”
“Ground Me – приятная и такая очаровательная, акустическая меланхолия, в которую ныряешь с головой, словно в бездну синего океана. И тонешь в нём и опускаешься на самое дно его. Элегия чувств и событий.”
Artist shared about this song:
” This is a true story about a pivotal moment in my life. When I was 4 years old, my Dad and I build a rocket from old cardboard boxes and tape. I sat in it cross-legged on the floor and put on my Dad’s huge headphones. He dropped the vinyl of the “2001: A Space Odyssey” soundtrack – this was the first time I’d heard music on headphones – amazing…it blew me away!! I shut my eyes and was transported to another world! I believe that was the moment I decided I wanted to be a composer…that feeling of wonder and passion has never left me. “