verydeadly – World Without End

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“Beautiful intro with guitar and bass, but when the first verse starts, specially the higher notes in the third one, just amazing. Art in creating such a wonderful musical world, arranged in such care, for every mood. ”

Track Sources:
Apple Music:

STEVIE NEL – without you here

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“The charming ballad from -stevie Nel- about lost love, the melody of which is fraught with a fog early in the morning. Smooth overflows of synthesizers, the atmosphere of Dream Pop and the wandering rhythm, like a flock of moths in the night. Music, which immerses in an eternal, blessed dream.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Очаровательная баллада от -STEVIE NEL- о потерянной любви, мелодия которой таит словно туман рано по утру. Плавные переливы синтезаторов, атмосфера Dream Pop и блуждающий ритм, словно стая мотыльков в ночи. Музыка, которая погружает в вечный, блаженный сон.”

Swarming with swirling synths and distorted guitar, 'without you here' is a dream pop ballad about lost love by st louis producer & songwriter, stevie nel.

Track Sources:

Artist's Socials:

Colyer – Weird World

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“In this strange and such many -sided world, it seems, as it seems, the great variety of human feelings and emotions and only to the author - whether it be a musician or artist, is permissible and permissively reflect them in full. The new track from -colyer sets a great example of how to express everything that surrounds each of us throughout our lives in just a few minutes.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В этом странном и таком многоликом мире сочетается, как кажется, великое разнообразие человеческих чувств и эмоций и только автору - будь то музыкант или художник, дозволено и позволительно отразить их в полной мере. Новый трек от -Colyer- подаёт прекрасный пример, как всего в нескольких минутах выразить всё то, что окружает каждого из нас на протяжении всей жизни.”

Colyer’s new track is a dreamy introspective soundscape. A lonesome drive through the mind of a cauterized artist in the depths of Hollywood, CA, Colyer reels you into his world. Baritone guitars and droning synth pads cradle lyrics intended to draw you closer and drown you out. Seamless transitions lead into jarring ones, echoing the all-too-familiar pain of heartbreak and its slow recovery. The visceral and immersive soundtrack to a weird, isolated world.

Anne Marie Almedal – We Dance Alone

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , |

“The experienced Anne Marie Almedal delivers magic through Pop and Shoegaze patterns, all mixed with her smooth, calm voice. A wonderful production consisting on electronic melodies and vivid percussive outbrakes, which will surely stick in your head.”

The Norwegian vocalist drops a stirring comeback album following the teaser single ‘Breathing in Breathing Out’ released earlier this year. She channels the very best of her near 30 year music career in this latest release, with stunning vocals and rolling melodies reminiscent of her earliest ‘art-pop’ era.

Former lead-singer of indie band Velvet Belly, Almedal delivers delicately crafted song-writing and soothing lyrics all wrapped in a newly-found (distinctly dancey) electronic sound. Orchestrated by chill-step producer EvenS – armed with the piano musings and shoegaze electric guitars of Almedal’s partner and film composer Nicholas Sillitoe – the 10-track album adds saturated beats and synths to atmospheric soundscapes.

It harks back to her dream-pop days – certainly distinct from previous ‘female Nick Drake’ folk-pop releases. Through captivatingly emotional lyric delivery, the project treads the line between happy and sad, effortlessly flitting between both. Recording for ‘We Dance Alone’ began with Almedal’s shocking diagnosis of breast cancer – it’s this devastating news that informed the rousing, up-lifting and brilliantly inspiring song-writing heard in full voice on the album.

“The songs are about survival, never giving up, dreams and hopes,” Almedal says. She adds that the harrowing experiences of breast-cancer treatment and recovery render the messages “unmistakably female.” The album is a perfect score to the movie that has been her recent life; while she went on to write a collection of songs that could very well have been her last, she was mercifully greeted with the ‘all clear’ from doctors upon the project’s completion.

Flagship track ‘We Dance Alone’ is a solemn nod to the “best-forgotten lockdown where we were all faced with dancing alone.” So too is the hazy, post-industrial ‘Freeze The Moment’ – a song that speaks to feelings of despondent isolation. “I wanted to capture something where my lonely scandi-noir could feel equally at home in some imaginary futuristic factory landscapes,” the Norwegian says. “It’s a song for those inner moments.”

‘Runaway Turnaround’ stays true to the album’s philosophy of raw emotion; its heavenly electronic textures lay the foundations for melancholy memories of Almedal’s youth: “It’s like a burnt-out polaroid of all my favourite mystical 80s synth-pop moments – distant memories of youth, love affairs… wrapped with the (thankfully) wiser know-how of who I am today.” She notes that the track contravenes her instincts of seeking solace in “folksy” sounds, instead opting to create a powerful, energising synth-driven mood.

‘We Dance Alone’ is a beautifully conceived comeback album from an accomplished musician aiming to match the heights of previous music successes. The Norweigan’s fifth solo album was mixed by British producer Tim Bran, and is out now on all major platforms with a vinyl release also available in the UK.

Erika Wester – Wanted To Be Like You

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“This track is able to captivate your heart with vocals -erika wester- and the Dream Pop melody, in which the author’s state of mind is so beautifully conveyed. Peering into the blue of the sky, hoping to find the very star of your happiness and make a desire, turn on this track. It will definitely help you. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Этот трек способен пленить ваше сердце вокалом -Erika Wester- и мелодией Dream Pop, в которой так красиво передано состояние души автора. Вглядываясь в синеву небосвода, в надежде найти ту самую звезду своего счастья и загадать желание, включите этот трек. Он обязательно вам поможет.”

Artist said about this song:

"I wanted this song to feel breezy and easy to listen to. It's a bit brighter sounding than the rest of my songs. The lyrics are sort of haunting, and I love putting together the juxtaposition of easy listening mixed with dark lyrics. The song is about putting someone you love on a pedestal, only to realize over time that they are not who they seem."

Cyrus Reynolds – Indus

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“A strong message with an incredible atmosphere of something great and powerful, punching you to goosebumps all over your body. Feel the lightning strike in this Epic, Neoclassical ocean of emotions that will cause great impression!”

“Мощный энергетический посыл с невероятной атмосферой чего-то великого и могучего, пробивающий вас до мурашек по всему телу! Почувствуйте разряд молнии в этом эпическом, неоклассическом океане эмоций, который заставит вас сконцентрировать на себе всё ваше внимание!”

Indus' is part of a 5 track EP and instrumental score composed by Cyrus Reynolds for the 2021 Netflix film, 'The River Runner', directed by Rush Sturges, that follows world-class kayaker Scott Lindgren as he paddles the 4 biggest rivers in the Himalayas, ending with the Indus River, all while fighting personal demons and a cancerous brain tumor. The score, with influences ranging from M83 and Thomas Newman, to local Tibetan bells and chants, spans across multiple genres as it accompanies Scott through his emotional journey. The score was recorded remotely with live orchestra in Budapest, Hungary during lockdown of 2020.

lucas stern – dark (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , |

“Despite its "Dark" title, a charming atmosphere of Dream Pop, melancholic vocals and soulful melody is hidden behind its invisible screen. Start a listening trip to the unknown, where no man has ever gone.”

“Не обращайте внимание на название трека, за его невидимой ширмой скрывается очаровательная атмосфера dream pop, меланхоличный вокал и красивая, душевная мелодия. Отправляйтесь в путешествие в неслышимые ранее края, куда не ступала душа человека. ”

Paul Weinfield – Take Care of the Silence (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Uplifting and spiritual without touching religion. Full of heavenly sounds and lite. His voice carries the story well and interprets a simpler reality for us all.”

"Take Care Of The Silence" is a song about the antidotes to loneliness we find when we actually take time to be alone. It was written by Paul Weinfield and performed and co-produced by him, Beccs, and Godfrey Furchgott

Silvia Nita – Vulnerable (Video)

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , , |

“If you believe in love and independent feelings and you’re not afraid to be vulnerable in a stream of emotions, the song -Vulnerable- is just for you. Atmospheric, crystal electro & dream pop sound, with a dreamy and slightly aspiration vocal touch of -Silvia Nita-.”

“Если вы верите в любовь и независимость чувств и не боитесь быть уязвимыми в потоке из чувств, то песня -Vulnerable- для вас. Атмосферное, кристальное звучание electro & dream pop и мечтательный, с лёгким придыханием вокал -Silvia Nita-.”

“Vulnerable” describes the common fear of falling in love. The story is inspired by a dating stage where the desire for emotional attachment conflicts with the need to be independent. The bittersweet feeling of this journey is musically enriched by the alternation of electric guitar with violin, all on a steady electronic beat. This gives the song a dream pop/nostalgic vibe, being perfect to be listened to at night, when travelling or taking the time to reflect on life.

Silvia Nita is a singer-songwriter from Bucharest, Romania. Aged 21, she decided to take her passion and work with music to another level, debuting with the song “Vulnerable”. The single hints to the music style that is currently closest to her heart – pop, with some almost dark, dreamy influences. Silvia promises to only create and share music that resonates with her soul, whilst hoping to capture the pulse of society, especially the youth.

Ghostly Kisses – I asked the moon ft. Louis-ientienne Santais (Video)

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , , |

“Composer and poet -Ghostly Kisses- created a truly fascinating creation. -J’ai demandé à la lune- draws musical canvas, in which the sounds of the piano naked and enveloping, this delicate and exciting voices affect all corners of our humble souls.”

“Композитор и поэт -Ghostly Kisses- создала по истине завораживающее творение. -J’ai demandé à la lune- рисует музыкальное полотно, в котором звуки голого пиано и обволакивающего, такого хрупкого и волнующего голоса затрагивают все уголки наших скромных душ.”

J’ai demandé à la lune – Indochine
Reprise par Ghostly Kisses & Louis-Étienne Santais

Piano arrangements: Louis-Étienne Santais
Mixing: Alex Ouzilleau
Recorded at: Studio Le Magnétophone
Mastering: Le Lab Mastering

Video shot by Louis-Étienne Santais & Margaux Sauvé

Edited by Margaux Sauvé

Support Ghostly Kisses:
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Digital distribution: The Orchard / Coyote Records / Universal Music Canada

Label: Akira Records / Coyote Records

J’ai demandé à la lune – Indochine (paroles)

J’ai demandé à la lune
Et le soleil ne le sait pas
Je lui ai montré mes brûlures
Et la lune s’est moquée de moi

Et comme le ciel n’avait pas fière allure
Et que je ne guérissais pas
Je me suis dit “quelle infortune”
Et la lune s’est moquée de moi

J’ai demandé à la lune
Si tu voulais encore de moi
Elle m’a dit “j’ai pas l’habitude”
“De m’occuper des cas comme ça”

Et toi et moi
On était tellement sûrs
Et on se disait quelquefois
Que c’était juste une aventure
Et que ça ne durerait pas

Je n’ai pas grand chose à te dire
Et pas grand chose pour te faire rire
Car j’imagine toujours le pire
Et le meilleur me fait souffrir

J’ai demandé à la lune
Si tu voulais encore de moi
Elle m’a dit “j’ai pas l’habitude”
“De m’occuper des cas comme ça”
Et toi et moi

On était tellement sûrs
Et on se disait quelquefois
Que c’était juste une aventure
Et que ça ne durerait pas

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