SILKIN – Remember Me (Spotify)

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“A very catchy, lightweight, unobtrusive melancholy in -Remember Me-. The idea is very smart, a successful combination of melodic and romantic mood. Crystal clear sound, captivating melodies and charming vocals by -Hanna Kim-.”

“Лёгкая, ненавязчивая меланхолия в -Remember Me- очень цепляет. Идея очень шикарная, удачное совмещение мелодичности и романтического настроя. Кристально чистое звучание, цепляющая мелодия и очаровательный вокал -Hanna Kim-.”

A native of Los Angeles, SILKIN is Hanna Kim, a Pop/R&B singer and songwriter, and self-taught producer who counts Boys II Men, Norah Jones, and NIKI among her biggest influences. Her music explores how her upbringing as a Korean American has shaped her identity and relationship to love. She released her first single, “Cold,” in 2017 and joined Go For Gold Music Group in 2019.

With previous releases SILKIN has surpassed over 500 000 streams across platforms, and they’ve been featured on the playlist "FEELS" by Apple Music, and official Spotify playlists "Fresh Finds", "Fresh Finds: Pop", "New Music Friday" and "New Hip Hop and R&B". She has also been supported worldwide by tastemakers such as popmuzik, CaesarLivenLoud, The Word is Bond, Tha Produce Section and more.

SILKIN describes “Remember Me” as a reflection on how we spend so much time and share so many experiences with our partners, and once a relationship comes to an end, we become strangers. In her own words: "It’s a weird phenomenon and I couldn’t wrap my brain around it. We all go through it and it’s absolutely heartbreaking each time. We don’t want to forget them and we don’t want to be forgotten." The emotional vocals from SILKIN with the smooth Pop/Contemporary R&B vibe in the production makes for an intriguing listening experience.