Rose Thomson – Ocean Song

Categories: Audio, Rock, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Taste an imposing mood of Folk, binded with Slowcore in a single of hidden power. Those hypnotic vocals and influensive piano keys can make you loose the sense of time. Just click “play” and dive in the waves of the vast blue ocean.”

This song released by: Rooftop Records

Track Sources:

The Midnight Preachers – To The Crows

Categories: Rock, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“Guitar melody/riff hooked me from the start. With a beautiful vocal that reminiscence the voice and style of one and only Róisín Murphy at times. Love when I hear similarities with the someone I really like. Amazing electric guitar solo in the middle of the song. ”

Track Sources:
Apple Music:

Artist’s Socials:

verydeadly – World Without End

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“Beautiful intro with guitar and bass, but when the first verse starts, specially the higher notes in the third one, just amazing. Art in creating such a wonderful musical world, arranged in such care, for every mood. ”

Track Sources:
Apple Music:

CALMDOWN – Magic Stick

Categories: Jazz, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“The chic arthouse and the original experiment in the genres of Slowcore and Dream Pop, which can be safely called the real art in the world of music. Incredible talent -calmdown- helps expand the personal and unknown horizons of your subconscious.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Шикарный артхаус и оригинальный эксперимент в жанрах Slowcore и Dream Pop, который смело можно назвать настоящим искусством в мире музыки. Невероятный талант -CALMDOWN- помогает расширить личные и неведомые ранее горизонты вашего подсознания.”

Magic Stick is part of the III part of the music trilogy “PRISONER K” and it represents ”LIBERATION”

You can watch here the Part I

& Part II:

Magic Stick is part of the III part of the music trilogy “PRISONER K” & it represents ”LIBERATION”. It’s the first single of the upcoming album PINK. The track refers to “toxic masculinity” as well as “toxic femininity”

the fear of expressing emotions in any way. Showing emotion been taken as a sign of weakness. Emotional repression that can increase psychological problems such depression as to the person repressing the emotions as well to the receiving end by making them feeling wrong or not normal that is expressing them.


Song Written, Produced & Performed by Elisa – Irini Vidalis aka CALMDOWN

Saxophone Yiorgos Parisis

Mixed by Lifters Pitsavas

Mastered by CEM ORAL ( Jammin Masters)

Video Produced by CALMDOWN & Rita Amthor

Video Directed by Nikolas – Petros Androbik , CALMDOWN, Rita Amthor

Camera/ Photography: Nikolas – Petros Androbik & Rita Amthor

Styling: Rita Amthor

Hair & Make Up: Sonja Shenouda

Video Editing / Video Montage: CALMDOWN

Social Media

Official Website:





CALMDOWN is a mixture of electronica, art pop, trip hop & classic. She is mainly a one-woman project, even though she also appears on stage with the support of different musicians & band, as well as choir. The Greek born music producer, singer – songwriter & video maker Elisa – Irini Vidalis aka CALMDOWN & her music has been in the undergroung scene for a while now.

Lately she collaborated with music producer and Trip Hop Pioneer Howie B (Björk, Brian Eno, U2, Tricky a.m), with him doing a remix for her latest single “Seasalt Symphony”. In 2021/2022 her Project ”PRISONER K” was twice selected and funded and gave her the possibility to finish her third part of the Trilogy – her upcoming album – that she is preparing and planning to drop out in October 2022.

CALMDOWN was born around 2012.


Alyssa Neiman – don’t wanna say goodbye

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“In the voice -lyssa neiman- the notes of parting and farewell are heard, which she cannot hide in the same way as those who listen to this sad, but in their warm and mental acoustic composition. In the end, only one desire remains - to include it again and delve into each executed word.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В голосе -Alyssa Neiman- слышны нотки расставания и прощания, которые она не может скрывать точно так же, как и те, кто слушает эту грустную, но по своему тёплую и душевную акустическую композицию. В конце остаётся лишь одно желание — включить её вновь и вникнуть в каждое исполненное слово.”

artist said about this song:

"I wrote this song about my current boyfriend who I am so in love with. It’s about how he makes me feel so loved and special and Im scared that one day he’ll break up with me like my past relationships, except this one I won’t recover so easily from."

Erika Wester – Wanted To Be Like You

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“This track is able to captivate your heart with vocals -erika wester- and the Dream Pop melody, in which the author’s state of mind is so beautifully conveyed. Peering into the blue of the sky, hoping to find the very star of your happiness and make a desire, turn on this track. It will definitely help you. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Этот трек способен пленить ваше сердце вокалом -Erika Wester- и мелодией Dream Pop, в которой так красиво передано состояние души автора. Вглядываясь в синеву небосвода, в надежде найти ту самую звезду своего счастья и загадать желание, включите этот трек. Он обязательно вам поможет.”

Artist said about this song:

"I wanted this song to feel breezy and easy to listen to. It's a bit brighter sounding than the rest of my songs. The lyrics are sort of haunting, and I love putting together the juxtaposition of easy listening mixed with dark lyrics. The song is about putting someone you love on a pedestal, only to realize over time that they are not who they seem."

Jeryko – At Your Door

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“Acoustic melody carries a completely stunning atmosphere saturated with beautiful vocals, an increasing atmosphere and energy. Feels the author’s special trepacy to the approach of his work. Beautiful and serene. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Акустическая мелодия несёт совершенно потрясающую атмосферу, насыщенную красивым вокалом, нарастающей атмосферой и энергией. Ощущается особая трепетность автора к подходу своего произведения. Красиво и безмятежно.”

The song is my most raw and emotional track thus far. Tried to capture the emotion that everyone has felt before when you have something intense going on inside of you and on one hand you don’t want to tell anyone about it and you just want to shut down and on the other hand all you really want is to share and have someone hold this thing with you and see what you’re going through. Hope you connect and hope others get strength from it.

November Ultra – open arms

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“Minimalistic style full of personal touch, in a Slowcore song based mainly on lyrics. The obsessive "November Ultra" can gently affect your ears and keep the warmest company with her crystal voice. Lay back and feel these words!”

November Ultra makes music that feels like you’ve fallen into someone’s diary. Extremely intimate, it welcomes you in, offers you a seat and puts its arms around you to share its stories.

Music – and singing, specifically – has always been a source of happiness and peace for Nova. She began singing when she was a young child and immediately fell in love with the way it made her feel. “There’s a video of me where I’m yelling that I love to sing,” she explains. “My dad’s coming home and just wants some peace and he’s like, “We can sing tomorrow”. I’m like, ”I don’t want to sing tomorrow – I want to sing today until tomorrow.”

She is, as she acknowledges herself, an obsessive person – a trait she shares with her Spanish grandfather, Ramón. It was him who kickstarted her love of singing, teaching her first song – a Spanish song from the copla genre – when she was three years old. He introduced her to musicals from the ‘60s, like The Sound Of Music, which she would beg to watch again as soon as it had finished, which have gone on to influence the theatrical element of her own songs. Ramón’s enthusiasm, passion and knowledge have been “so instrumental and so important” to every aspect of November’s work.

On “Soft & Tender”, November asks: “Is that your morning voice? I really love your morning voice.” “I recorded the second verse on a Sunday morning so that really is my morning voice,” she laughs. “You can see that it’s not the same texture in vocals [as before], but that’s what I like – I’m embracing the story of how I made that song.”

These little moments and characters that appear also belie the musician’s love of language. Before she was able to focus on music full-time, November worked in audiovisual subtitling, in which she has a master’s degree, and growing up with Spanish and Portuguese parents in France meant she has spoken three languages since the age of six. Bedroom Walls itself features a trio of tongues – English, French and Spanish, each of which symbolize something different.

As a singer-songwriter, she divides her time between recording studios and her DIY bedroom-studio, working for others as a topliner/songwriter (Jaden Smith, Kungs, Barbara Pravi) while recording, exploring and producing her own songs on Ableton. November Ultra went viral on TikTok last summer when Camila Cabello posted a video on TikTok using the song ‘’Come into my arms’’ which went viral and saw November Ultra’s TikTok getting more than 8M views and a lot of Duet Me videos leading to her becoming one of the Billboard Song Breaker in August.

Danny Blueberry – Someone Who Would Have Your Back (Video)

Categories: Pop, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , |

“The emotional part of this song lies on its singer and lyrics. Balanced presentation and male voice with deep confidence and impact. A rare example in which the whole composition can be compared with a big piece of gold.”

“Эмоциональная часть этой песни заключается в её вокалисте и тексте. Сдержанная подача, уверенный, мужской голос восхищают своей глубиной и воздействием. Редкий пример, когда всю композицию можно сравнить со слитком золота, настолько он хорош!”

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