somegirlnamedanna – kitchen table (Spotify)
somegirlnamedanna – kitchen table (Spotify)
A wonderful indie pop track with a depth!.
Let’s make this clear. somegirlnamedanna is not a brand. It is not an image. It is not an alter ego. Instead, it is the story of Anna, “a girl with a name like all of us are.” Born and raised in a remote area of Minnesota, her imagination flourished without television or social media. An antique grand piano in the living room called to her as she repeated melodies and jingles from the radio by ear as a young child. While painting in the kitchen, mom played classics by Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell, and Tori Amos fueling her daughter’s love for music and the arts, in general. At the same time, she developed a knack for poetry and writing short stories at school, combining the two in songwriting eventually. Balancing college and bartending four nights a week, she spent countless hours in the studio writing and recording demos as well as developing her voice.