Spoke – Dark with you

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Η χαρά και ο ενθουσιασμός μέσα από αυτό το κομμάτι είναι άφθονα και απεριόριστα. Ο έντονος και γεμάτος ζωντάνια ρυθμός μας παρασύρει και μας παθιάζει. Η μελωδία δεν σταματά να μοιράζει με αγάπη την ομορφιά της και τα ευχάριστα μηνύματα της. Τα φωνητικά αναμφισβήτητα ταιριάζουν απόλυτα στην όλη ατμόσφαιρα καθώς με τις απίστευτες δυνατότητες τους μας απογειώνουν”

“Joy and excitement through this piece are abundant and unlimited. Our intense and vibrant rhythm drifts us away. The melody does not stop sharing her beauty and her pleasant messages with love. The vocals are undoubtedly matching the whole atmosphere as their incredible abilities take us off” *

“Freude und Aufregung durch dieses Stück sind reichlich und unbegrenzt. Unser intensiver und lebendiger Rhythmus treibt uns weg. Die Melodie hört nicht auf, ihre Schönheit und ihre angenehmen Botschaften mit Liebe zu teilen. Der Gesang entspricht zweifellos der gesamten Atmosphäre, da ihre unglaublichen Fähigkeiten uns abnehmen” *


Song Sources for “Spoke – Dark with you”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1Ch5imwTEvk28YXopfibeb

Find Spoke on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/spoke_productions
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@djspoke

Spoke – Come Undone

Categories: Audio, EDM, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“The veteran of electronic sound “Spoke” brakes the night silence with a blasting fresh track. Deep House magic presented through uplifting melodies, wide atmospheric elements and vocals packed with the most positive energy. Don’t miss this dynamite !”

“Ο βετεράνος του ηλεκτρονικού ήχου “μίλησε” φρένει τη νυχτερινή σιωπή με μια φρέσκια διαδρομή. Το Deep House Magic παρουσιάστηκε από αναζωογονητικές μελωδίες, ευρύτατα ατμοσφαιρικά στοιχεία και φωνητικά γεμάτα με την πιο θετική ενέργεια. Μην χάσετε αυτό το δυναμίτη!” *

“Der Veteran des elektronischen Sounds “sprach” die Nachtschweiß mit einem strahlenden frischen Track. Deep House Magic, präsentiert durch erhebende Melodien, breite atmosphärische Elemente und Gesang, die mit der positivsten Energie gefüllt sind. Verpassen Sie diesen Dynamit nicht!” *


The song “Spoke – Come Undone” is released by Progressive State Records

Song Sources for “Spoke – Come Undone”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1w5BrnPJlPY0evt9JI8cTA

Find Spoke on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/spoke_productions
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@djspoke

Spoke – Bla Bla Bla (Radio Cut) (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Pop, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“"Spoke" is back after many years of silence and has kept his main personal sound unchanged. In this dynamic EDM mix, he focuses on wide and exuberant rhythmic patterns to capture the attention and enchance our dancing spirit.”



Spoke Began his career in 1992, during the explosion of electronic music DJing in his own crazy after-hours in the woods. His tracks and remixes appeared on many labels such as: Warner Music, ID&T, Kontor... After 13 years of silence, he's back with a with a more solar sound and a chosen vocal direction that does not lose any of his dj roots

Spoke – Down We Go (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, House, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Your original Deep House experience is only one click away. Listen "Down We Go" to regain your good mood in less than three minutes. spinning electronic loops and lyrics which call you start the dance. So, there's no reason to wait!”



Spoke Began his career in 1992, during the explosion of electronic music DJing in his own crazy after-hours in the woods. His tracks and remixes appeared on many labels such as: Warner Music, ID&T, Kontor... After 13 years of silence, he's back with a with a more solar sound and a chosen vocal direction that does not lose any of his dj roots.

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