Garry DW Judd, Theo Travis – Improvisation on Electric Nocturne No. 38 (Spotify)

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“It is unnecessary to worry about anything and it makes no sense to rush any events. Striking serenity in the face of Nocturnes with -Improvisation on Electric Nocturne No. 38- by classical composer -Garry DW Judd- and tenor saxophonist -Theo Travis-.”

“Ненужно ни о чём беспокоиться и нет смысла торопить любые события. Поразительное умиротворение в лице ноктюрна -Improvisation on Electric Nocturne No. 38- от классического композитора -Garry DW Judd- и тенорового саксофониста -Theo Travis-.”

Theo Travis plays tenor saxophone in this warm and cozy relaxing track. It's deeply reflective with a jazzy twist thanks to Theo's playing. Ideal for relaxing/study/chilling/coding/neoclassical playlists.

Garry Judd is a contemporary classical composer whose music is driven by such diverse influences as the English Experimentalists, Erik Satie and Percy Grainger. His music has been played on BBC Radio 3, ClassicFM, and other broadcasters in the USA, Germany and France, by such performers as the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Leslie Howard and Courtney Pine.