hard truth – townsend

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“Με την χαρούμενη μελωδία λικνίζομαι από την πρώτη στιγμή και νιώθω πιο ανάλαφρα και χαλαρά. Τα ωραία φωνητικά παιχνιδιάρικα και δυναμικά ταυτόχρονα απογειώνουν το κομμάτι και μοιράζουν την διασκέδαση απλόχερα. Ο ρυθμός με την ζωντάνια και τις εναλλαγές του ανεβάζει την αδρεναλίνη και κάνει απολαυστικές τις στιγμές μας.”


Lyrics of townsend – hard truth

I said I promise baby that I’m getting better
yeah I just need a little more time
One day I swear I’ll get myself together
Didn’t know it when I said it I was lying

And it was one step forward
Then six shots back
And by seven, eight, nine
You were just something I had

You know I loved you bad
In spite of all of my actions
It’s just me, myself
And empty highball glasses

And the
Hard truth
Is she’s pulling out the driveway
I let her go
she don’t even try to fight me

It’s cold proof
From the bottles on the floor
It’s the last time
It’s the last time

She’s walking out the door with her keys
Cause I lost the grip on those faded jeans
It ain’t what I want and sure hell ain’t what I need

And the hard truth
It don’t matter how I feel
She won’t ever take me back
Like the whiskey will

Now it’s all overthinking everything I’m missing
The thought of you is haunting like a ghost
Is there anything that could’ve made a difference
Do I try to make it right or let it go

And it was one step forward
Then six shots back
And by seven, eight, nine
you were just something I had

You know I loved you bad
In spite of all of my actions
It’s just me, myself
And empty highball glasses

And the
Hard truth
Is she’s pulling out the driveway
I let her go
She don’t even try to fight me

It’s cold proof
From the bottles on the floor
It’s the last time
It’s the last time

She’s walking out the door with her keys
Cause I lost the grip on those faded jeans
It ain’t what I want and sure hell ain’t what I need

And the hard truth
It don’t matter how I feel
She won’t ever take me back
Like the whiskey will

She’s walking out the door with her keys
Cause I lost the grip on those faded jeans
It ain’t what I want and sure hell ain’t what I need

And the hard truth
It don’t matter how I feel
She won’t ever take me back
Like the whiskey will

Additional information/sources for townsend – hard truth

The song “townsend – hard truth” is released by 1993

Song Sources for “townsend – hard truth”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2swoeC2M6xwC7ibMEQ423U
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Q46WFuxLc
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/hard-truth/1789458445?i=1789458446

bottles in a bar – townsend

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Όμορφη και ρομαντική μελωδία με λεπτά και διακριτικά αγγίγματα. Γεμάτη θετική ενέργεια και παράλληλα φορτισμένη συναισθηματικά. Τα παθιασμένα φωνητικά με την ευκίνητη ροή τους μας γοητεύουν και απολαμβάνουμε να τα ακούμε. Ο ρυθμός με τις εναλλαγές του κρατά το ενδιαφέρον μας αμείωτο από την αρχή έως το τέλος”


Lyrics of townsend – bottles in a bar

She was living for the weekend
When i met her
Wearing a t-shirt
That had greek letters
Pulled me out my seat
To dance and I let her

Said she moved here from Tuscaloosa
Needed a change or just something new yeah
You bought me a drink and we turned it up
Been chasing the same night
A couple months

Couldn’t feel more right
When we’re both buzzed
But it’s not the same
When we’re not drunk

Ain’t it funny how we never fight
When we’re shooting doubles under neon lights
You lose your smile when you’re sober
It’s a little something more than a hangover


And I can see it when we’re heading home
Tunnel vision looking down at your phone
And it’s tough to try
When it’s hard to talk
Are we easy to break
Is that who we are just
Bottles in a bar

Sun’s up it ain’t a good morning
You’re here but damn it’s sure lonely
New day but same old stories
Over and over

Yeah we keep hanging on ‘til a downtown friday
And we knows its wrong ‘til we get a little sideways
Off then it’s on ‘til we’re out of my driveway
Tripping down broadway

Ain’t it funny how we never fight
When we’re shooting doubles under neon lights
You lose your smile when you’re sober
It’s a little something more than a hangover


And I can see it when we’re heading home
Tunnel vision looking down at your phone
And it’s tough to try
When it’s hard to talk
Are we easy to break
Is that who we are just
Bottles in a bar

Couldn’t feel more right
When we’re both buzzed
But it’s not the same
When we’re not drunk
It’s not the same
When we’re not drunk

Additional information/sources for townsend – bottles in a bar

Song Sources for “townsend – bottles in a bar”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1zANRPUv3rru33esD88qxB

townsend – bad guy

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“Этот мелодичный трек как отражение большинства из нас, чья жизнь течёт по течению незнакомой нам реки и никогда не знаешь, чего ожидать за следующим поворотом. Слушая его, начинаешь ассоциировать исполняемый -townsend- текст со своей жизнью и песня обретает более глубокий смысл. Великолепная подача истории и отличная атмосфера для погружения и рассуждений о жизни.”

“This melodic track as a reflection of most of us whose life flows along the course of an unfamiliar river and never know what to expect at the next turn. Listening to him, you begin to associate the performed -townsend- The text with your life and the song acquires a deeper meaning. A magnificent presentation of history and an excellent atmosphere for immersion and reasoning about life.” *

“Αυτό το μελωδικό κομμάτι ως μια αντανάκλαση των περισσότερων από εμάς των οποίων η ζωή ρέει κατά μήκος της πορείας ενός άγνωστου ποταμού και ποτέ δεν ξέρει τι να περιμένει στην επόμενη στροφή. Ακούγοντας τον, αρχίζετε να συσχετίζετε την εκτέλεση -Townsend – το κείμενο με τη ζωή σας και το τραγούδι αποκτά ένα βαθύτερο νόημα. Μια υπέροχη παρουσίαση της ιστορίας και μια εξαιρετική ατμόσφαιρα για βύθιση και συλλογιστική για τη ζωή.” *


The song “townsend – bad guy” is released by 1993

Song Sources for “townsend – bad guy”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/48NGPmZgo7iFwCUPKHCQ5F
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-WjfLm2AaY
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/bad-guy/1680324831?i=1680324832
Deezer: www.deezer.com/track/2218595467

Find townsend on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thisistownsend

townsend – dramamine

Categories: Audio, Pop, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , |

“Δυναμικά και συναρπαστικά φωνητικά ηλεκτρίζουν την ατμόσφαιρα και με την καθαρή χροιά τους γίνονται ελκυστικά. Η όμορφη και μεθυστική μελωδία αναστατώνει τα συναισθήματα μας και οι εναλλαγές της κρατούν το ενδιαφέρον μας αμείωτο. Ο ρυθμός συγκινητικός αλλά και πληθωρικός μας συναρπάζει και μας ταξιδεύει.”

“Dynamic and exciting vocals electrify the atmosphere and become attractive with their pure complexion. The beautiful and intoxicating melody upsets our emotions and its alternations keep our interest unabated. The pace of moving and exuberant fascinates and travels us.” *

“Dynamic and exciting vocals electrify the atmosphere and become attractive with their pure complexion. The beautiful and intoxicating melody upsets our emotions and its alternations keep our interest unabated. The pace of moving and exuberant fascinates and travels us.” *


The song “townsend – dramamine” is released by 1993

Song Sources for “townsend – dramamine”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/6IS3B0LNXQM0oJf7754UB6
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7SYIBlfI3k

Find townsend on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thisistownsend

townsend – Face (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Rock, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“-Face- is lively complex and unpredictable in its beauty. You can hear that on the other side of the microphone stands a singer with great experience. The combination of rock music and dynamic vocals creates an amazing euphony, from which the soul is infinitely set free.”

“Ритмика в -Face- живая, сложная и непредсказуемая в своей красоте. Слышно, что по ту сторону микрофона исполнитель с огромным опытом за спиной. Сочетание рок музыки и динамичного вокала создаёт удивительную эвфонию, от чего на душе бесконечно легко и свободно.”



townsend – Responsible (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, Features, Pop, Pop Features, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Carefully composed melodies with lyrics from an experienced singer. Townsend drives you up to his point of view in an expressive way of singing. Just sit back and relax!”


This song is about the post-breakup-hookups that usually happen for a few months after a relationship ends. It's hard to just stop seeing each other completely and usually both parties play a role in instigating. In my case, even though both of us were guilty of texting each other the "come over" text, I couldn't help but feel responsible.


Nashville's John Townsend is a songwriter, musician and producer who releases music as "townsend".

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