“Track, which is practically inspired by gold threads in the history of the genres of Trap and Hip-Hop! This emotional work should listen to every person who is interested in this style of music. Open the new horizons of previously unprecedented events. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)”
“Трек, который практически вписан золотыми нитками в историю жанров Trap и Hip-Hop! Эту эмоциональную работу должен прослушать каждый человек, который интересуется данным стилем музыки. Откройте перед собой новые горизонты ранее невиданных событий.”
Ice is about a relationship in which one half is closing up and acts cold-hearted towards the other person. goldie sings about the struggles to get to that person, but knows the love is still in there. Blending moody guitar-rifs with strong 808 basslines, the track features goldies sweet and emotional toned vocals telling the story.
Sensibly, vividly and with a clear vision goldie 333 is catapulting her music into peoples hearts. From comforting, emotional to grungy and dark songs, goldie manages to fuse them with her unique style. Blending German and English words, different styles and looks, her music is a representation of herself as a bisexual black woman. Her music acts as a valve for her experiences in life & society, which goldie often describes as feeling alien-like.