WAASH – Frozen | Pop music review

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

“Η μαγεία σκορπίζεται γύρω μας από αυτή την υπέροχη μελωδία φέρνοντας ήχους του παρελθόντος στο σήμερα. Τα υπέροχα φωνητικά έχουν μια νοσταλγική διάθεση που μας συγκινεί ,ενώ η θετική τους ενέργεια μας στέλνει αισιόδοξα μηνύματα. Ο ζωντανός και κεφάτος ρυθμός μας επιβάλλεται και μας βγάζει από το αδιέξοδο μας, δείχνοντας μας τη σωστή επιλογή.”


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“Magic spreads around us from this wonderful melody bringing sounds of the past into the present. The wonderful vocals have a nostalgic mood that moves us, while their positive energy sends us optimistic messages. The lively and heady rhythm imposes itself on us and pulls us out of our dead end, showing us the right choice.”


“La magia se esparce a nuestro alrededor a partir de esta maravillosa melodía que trae sonidos del pasado al presente. Las maravillosas voces tienen un tono nostálgico que nos conmueve, mientras que su energía positiva nos envía mensajes optimistas. El ritmo vivo y embriagador se impone sobre nosotros y nos saca de nuestro callejón sin salida, mostrándonos la elección correcta.”


The original review of “WAASH – Frozen” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Pop reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “WAASH” (Canada) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag brings you a Pop music review, inspired by the unique song “WAASH – Frozen”. Many vibes to feel, many emotions to experience and these melodies you are expecting and have to hear! Our excitement to review and share “WAASH – Frozen” encourages us to continue sharing such Pop songs from all over the world, hopefully destined to reach the most of all Pop listeners!

Listen to “WAASH – Frozen” on Youtube and Spotify

You can listen to “WAASH – Frozen” through the following Youtube and Spotify players.
Press play to enjoy this unique Pop song and watch the official video clip of “WAASH – Frozen”.

Additional information/sources for WAASH – Frozen

The song “WAASH – Frozen” is released by Light Organ Records

Song Sources for “WAASH – Frozen”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/4v4W3BGsGMW3xjPjlMVhPj
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajg79cUQCzQ

Pop home page where “WAASH – Frozen” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Pop artists like “WAASH”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Frozen”.
This music post about song “Frozen” by “WAASH” is hosted in Pop page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Pop artists to “WAASH” and more Pop, Indie Pop, Dream Pop songs like “Frozen” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Pop experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Pop dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Pop on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “WAASH – Frozen” but you have never listened before to any other Pop song or you are interested in learning more about Pop music gerne then click here to visit Pop music page on Wikipedia.
Pop music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Pop music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Pop music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Pop genre.

WAASH – It’s A Lie | Pop music review

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Υπέροχη εισαγωγή που σε κερδίζει αμέσως. Όμορφη ατμοσφαιρική μελωδία με αρμονικές εναλλαγές. Τα φωνητικά με την γλυκιά και απαλή χροιά τους γεμίζουν το μυαλό με θετικά μηνύματα και χρωματίζουν με τη μέρα με αισιοδοξία. Ο ήρεμος και ευχάριστος ρυθμός μας ταξιδεύει προσφέροντάς μας πραγματική απόλαυση.”


Expand to read review translations *

“Great intro that wins you over instantly. Beautiful atmospheric tune with harmonic changes. The vocals with their sweet and soft timbre fill the mind with positive messages and color the day with optimism. The calm and pleasant rhythm takes us on a journey offering us real pleasure.”


“Gran introducción que te conquista al instante. Hermosa melodía atmosférica con cambios armónicos. Las voces con su timbre dulce y suave llenan la mente de mensajes positivos y tiñen el día de optimismo. El ritmo tranquilo y placentero nos lleva a un viaje ofreciéndonos un verdadero placer.”


The original review of “WAASH – It’s A Lie” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Pop reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “WAASH” (Canada) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag takes great pleasure in introducing “It’s A Lie”, a masterpiece of “WAASH” This extraordinary composition of “WAASH – It’s A Lie” with details of Pop genre, motivated our dedicated curator to review it with pure feelings! Nagamag, as a global portal to musical discovery, is thrilled to share music compositions like “WAASH – It’s A Lie” as well as reviewing them! Beyond the realm of ordinary music, this song defines also Indie Pop, Dream Pop, Lo-fi Rock music as well!

Listen to “WAASH – It’s A Lie” on Spotify

You can listen to “WAASH – It’s A Lie” through the following Spotify player.
Press play to enjoy this unique Pop song.

Additional information/sources for WAASH – It’s A Lie

The song “WAASH – It’s A Lie” is released by Light Organ Records

Song Sources for “WAASH – It’s A Lie”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/7g8gotju6i7AJejZ45yQta

Pop home page where “WAASH – It’s A Lie” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Pop artists like “WAASH”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “It’s A Lie”.
This music post about song “It’s A Lie” by “WAASH” is hosted in Pop page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Pop artists to “WAASH” and more Pop, Indie Pop, Dream Pop, Lo-fi Rock songs like “It’s A Lie” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Pop experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Pop dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Pop on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “WAASH – It’s A Lie” but you have never listened before to any other Pop song or you are interested in learning more about Pop music gerne then click here to visit Pop music page on Wikipedia.
Pop music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Pop music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Pop music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Pop genre.

WAASH – Time to Let Go | Pop music review

Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest|Tags: , , , , |

“Душевные вокальные линии лидирующего певца парят над музыкой где-то высоко в небе. Эмоциональная интенсивность песни нарастает на протяжении всего трека, превращаясь в кульминацию в качестве гитарного соло, которое оставляет неизгладимое впечатление! Эта работа является ярким примером таланта и способности -WAASH-, который создад мощную и запоминающуюся музыку.”


Expand to read review translations *

“The soulful vocal lines of the lead singer soar above the music somewhere high in the sky. The song’s emotional intensity builds throughout the track, culminating in a guitar solo that leaves a lasting impression! This work is a shining example of -WAASH-‘s talent and ability to create powerful and memorable music.”


“Οι πνευματώδεις φωνητικές γραμμές του τραγουδιστή πετούν πάνω από τη μουσική κάπου ψηλά στον ουρανό. Η συναισθηματική ένταση του τραγουδιού χτίζεται σε όλο το κομμάτι, με αποκορύφωμα ένα σόλο κιθάρας που αφήνει μια μόνιμη εντύπωση! Αυτό το έργο είναι ένα λαμπρό παράδειγμα του ταλέντου και της ικανότητας του -WAASH- να δημιουργεί ισχυρή και αξέχαστη μουσική.”


The original review of “WAASH – Time to Let Go” is written in the native language that is spoken by the dedicated, for this song, Nagamag’s Pop reviewer and followed by two translations*, of which the one depends from the country of origin of the artist “WAASH” (Canada) and the other one is translated to a different language than original review and the country of origin of the artist.

* Automatically Translated

Nagamag strongly suggests you to listen to the song “Time to Let Go” by the remarkable “WAASH”. A captivating Pop music composition that upraised the difficulty for our curators to gather and write down and describe through a music review, their feelings due to their listening experience of “WAASH – Time to Let Go.” The song manages to take you on a journey through the world of Indie Rock music, offering a delightful experience for all music enthusiasts.

Listen to “WAASH – Time to Let Go” on Spotify

You can listen to “WAASH – Time to Let Go” through the following Spotify player.
Press play to enjoy this unique Pop song.

Additional information/sources for WAASH – Time to Let Go

Song Sources for “WAASH – Time to Let Go”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/56QOmNsnkwUvyJ9vX1pjsw

Pop home page where “WAASH – Time to Let Go” is hosted on Nagamag Music Magazine

Nagamag takes pride in supporting Pop artists like “WAASH”, providing music reviews and music discoveries like “Time to Let Go”.
This music post about song “Time to Let Go” by “WAASH” is hosted in Pop page on Nagamag.
There you can find similar Pop artists to “WAASH” and more Pop, Indie Rock songs like “Time to Let Go” that have been carefully selected by Nagamag’s Pop experienced curators and reviewed by Nagamag’s Pop dedicated reviewers.

Learn everything about Pop on Wikipedia

If you enjoyed “WAASH – Time to Let Go” but you have never listened before to any other Pop song or you are interested in learning more about Pop music gerne then click here to visit Pop music page on Wikipedia.
Pop music refers to a distinct style with common characteristics. Each genre carries its unique sound, instruments, and cultural influences. For a deeper understanding of Pop music, Wikipedia provides comprehensive insights into its history, notable artists, and iconic works. Delve into the diverse and dynamic world of Pop music through this valuable resource, broadening your knowledge around Pop genre.

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