Intentional prayers – Yair Levi & Shai Tsabari

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , , |

“Listen to singing -yar levi & shai tsabari- as if to enrich your soul with a sacred elixir, the road to which only music knows. The ethnic motive, the instrumental component, immersion in the atmosphere is simply amazing. Music that emerges a new world inside you. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Слушать пение -Yair Levi & Shai Tsabari- словно обогащать свою душу священным эликсиром, дорогу к которому знает лишь музыка. Этнический мотив, инструментальная составляющая, погружение в атмосферу просто потрясающее. Музыка, которая зарождает новый мир внутри вас.”

artists said about this song:

"I remember that since I started composing songs, my grandmother - Ziona (yes, the same grandmother for whom I created 'Rafa Na') would ask me to try composing songs from the Yemenite songbook (Diwan). She had an old book in her library and she always said to me - "We, the Yemenis know how to speak the Hebrew language correctly - why not try it?"

. It always seemed to me not the time.

After she passed away I opened the ancient book that was in her library and in front of my eyes a treasure was discovered, trove of songs. The melody and lyrics I added came out of my heart so fast it was like a last will she left me.

In the song I was privileged to host a singer and creator so beloved and talented Shai Tsabari who sang the lyrics in the traditional Yemeni pronunciation.

"Intentional Prayers" - those Jews from Yemen who preserved the ancient Hebrew language for thousands of years and this is one of the strengths and great importance they have in the Israeli nation

Grandma, here is what you asked from me, hope you hear"

Nancy Mounir – Gannentini

Categories: The Latest, Video, World Music|Tags: , , , , , |

“With bold eastern character and lyrics of passion, Nancy Mounir introduces us to her upcomming release. Arabic vocals telling a story about a painfull separation in a mix of Ambient and instrumental sound patterns. Taste the difference of this song and forget about typical music.”

Moody, hypnotic, and sneakily catchy, Nancy Mounir’s debut album Nozhet El Nofous—whose title means “Promenade of the Souls” in Arabic—explores microtonality, non-metered rhythms, and bold vulnerability through a musical dialogue between Mounir’s own arrangements and the sounds of archival recordings of once-famed singers from Egypt at the turn of the 20th century.

Adding her own ambient arrangements over voices haunted with passion and desire as she creates a sound that is warmly familiar but utterly new. The full spectrum of this ambitious approach can be heard on “Gannentini,” the latest hypnotic track from the upcoming album.

It’s out June 3rd via Simsara Records, with Nancy recently performing the album at the Alexandria Opera in Cairo with the a string orchestra.

Almwaya – Ethammili

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , , |

“"Ethammili" is dedicated to the struggles of life, fighting spirit and thirst for freedom. Bossa nova and Folk elements, smoothly fused in a song that starts slowly in order to reach peak in the final part. Interesting ideas and solid production too.”

Artist said about this song:

The story of Ethammili begins on June 10, 2020, with a call between Andrew E.Khalil - the lyricist - and me (Wael). Andrew is a great music lover, he lives in Russia. We talked about relationships: difficulties, ups and downs, and stages. Not only between two or more persons but also between the mind and the soul. Between one and the various "I".

After the call, Andrew wrote to me and sent me the refrain:

Take a step in any direction

All restrictions are there to break

Who has survived in life with fear?

Who amongst us can bear captivation?

It was a clear message for me to break and reconstruct: borders, beliefs, ideas, norms and conventions.

The words echoing in my head absorbed me for weeks. I wrote different melodies and sang them with the oud and the piano to find a satisfying form. For me, two aspects were apparent: the song is in bossa nova style and the precise phrasing of the tune.

In March 2021, I met with Maya in Athens and on the second day I told her: «I have a song that I want to share with you, remind me later, please». We talked about humans and relationships and our various "I", and about music and our favorite artists and musicians until we came to the bass player Björn Meyer. I admire Björn a lot as a musician and as a human being. We listened to his piece “Three Thirteen” and became very inspired.

Maya took the guitar and we started to jam. The words of Ethammili resonated in my mind. We followed the bossa nova irregularly, the chords coming from Maya with a first bassline. I began to sing and soon we started to flow.

We sent Björn a voice message thanking him for his spiritual presence and impulse. We didn't know that he would be part of our journey later on and would collaborate in our project as the mixing and mastering producer.

Maya started the music production on the same day and we almost finished Ethammili. With Maya's music, we reached the essence of the melodies and the rhythms. We kept the bossa nova, but in 7/4, which perfectly reflects this self-talk's sweetness and, at the same time, the insecurity and the doubt. The first part of the song is a soft, irregular, demanding dance. The second part is the march of the rebellion with the screams and calls for freedom and breaking the boundaries; the pasodoble, where flutes and synths support the eternal demonstration: we don't quit!

Ethammili is a song about everyone and for everyone. It's about our struggle, frustration, decisions and liberation. It's our message for our soul and our various “I” - various souls that are ours, and other people’s souls outside, for whom we care about, care for and love.

Ethammili is also about humbleness and acceptance. The song is a dancing battle that has no end and a message to never let the chains of life be in control of your path. The instrument that represents the humbleness is the bass serenading the main melody in a shy and smooth way. The infinite beat and chorus enter like a mantra: never give up on your dreams, no matter your surroundings and live for today. Fight fear, the only thin wall between you and freedom.

Ethamilli is a lullaby and a protest.

It's the resignation and the objection.

It's the eternal quarrel to exist, be, and move on.

Eric Lagerström – Hatikvah – The Hope

Categories: Audio, Neoclassical, The Latest|Tags: , , , |

“This old Neoclassical creation ressurected by "Eric Lagerström" brings hope and transforms every sad mood. Those Vocals of rich emotionality and violin chords take you by the hand and lead you in a surprising crescento.”

Hatikvah is about hope. Hope of return, hope of freedom. The song was written in the 19th century by Naphtali Herz Imber and Samuel Cohen.

Hatikvah gaat over de hoop. Hoop op terugkeer, hoop op vrijheid. Het lied werd in de 19de eeuw geschreven door Naphtali Herz Imber en Samuel Cohen.

KAYAN Project – Dancing For No One (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , , |

“There is something that awakes one into mysticism when Middle Eastern instruments produce their organic sounds. The inner journey appears, and the path is shown. Her voice carries us to the next destination on the dace called life. ”

KAYAN Project's long-awaited album is finally being released !

This debut album captures the complex beauty of the levant, bringing together composed poetry in Hebrew and Arabic, from melancholic to upbeat tunes. KAYAN, meaning existence, transcends the borders of the middle east in music, language and poetry.

Out of Berlin’s bustling music scene comes the unique and authentic sound of KAYAN, a group dedicated to folk music from the Levant, combining jazz elements and singing in languages that rarely come together in a positive context: Arabic and Hebrew. Drawing from sources from all over the Middle East, the quartet around lead singer Eden Cami transcends borders and language barriers. Adding improvisation and own compositions, Kayan creates a fascinating and emotional vibe on stage, reuniting two sister languages and musical traditions of both Arab and Jewish roots. In times of tension and conflict it is a daringly positive approach that recalls what unites rather than divides us.

Jem – Secrets (Video)

Categories: The Latest, Video, World Music|Tags: , , , , |

“”Jem” reveals with love all the secrets of his soul, telling us a beautiful story. The incubating sound of Indie Folk, soulful vocals and instrumental part of the composition are full of mystery and a certain proportion of originality.”

“Автор с такой любовью раскрывает все секреты своей души, повествуя нам красивую историю. Чарующее звучание Indie Folk, душевный вокал и инструментальная часть композиции полны некой загадочности и определенной доли своеобразия.”

Entranced and shrouded in mystery, independent singer-songwriter and all round artist Jem has arrived revealing his debut single and video, the exquisitely cinematic – ‘Secrets’. A distant glimmer gently pierces the vibrant Eastern sky, as the heat of the day rises from beneath the golden sands. A warm, woozy haze emanates off the horizon as a whispering voice, ancient yet familiar dances on the wind.

Rare, enticing and utterly spellbinding, ‘Secrets’ is a heady blend of desert-dry Middle Eastern percussions and melismatic singing embellished with gritty, rock infused guitar. Lavishly painted with dark, emotive and mysterious lyricism, Jem’s vocal conjures intrigue and vivid imagery as he details a cryptic narrative.

His art is an eclectic medium of transportation, showcasing his innate ability to blend both sides of the sword. ‘Secrets’ offers a delicate bridge between worlds, combining the contemporary Western sounds he collected in years living in London, delicately pieced together with his culture, antiquity and the wisdom that lies within his Middle Eastern roots.

“Sometimes I visualise my songs before writing them. With this song, imagery came to me in a dream-like state, and all I did was react musically to how these images made me feel.

When writing Music, I always hark back to a place, a visual, a feeling that reminds me of the warm and embracing state of where I grew up.

By Ferhat Topal

‘I’ve always been interested in the unknown, and the feeling lies between the lines. Music and art are my way of highlighting the beauty that I see, which is often buried with a plain sight for most people.” – Jem

Accompanied with an endlessly colourful, deeply moving and visually aromatic video, ‘Secrets’ offers an authentic and raw glimpse into the Middle East’s sheer beauty, warmth, and enchantment of its people. Directed by the renowned Mu Tunc (Arada, Becoming Duru, Toth: When I Awoke).

Eager to immerse you into his realm, Jem steps out of the shadows ready to share his ‘Secrets’ with all who will bear witness.

Xenia Gargali, Periklis Biskinis – To Komodino (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , , , , |

“Fabulous, warm and melodic song, whose rhythmic tango awakens the most intimate and sincere feelings. -To Komodino- can be compared with a slice of bitter chocolate or old, everlasting brandy. Real dance and holiday for soul and body!”

“Сказочная, тёплая и мелодичная песня, чьё ритмичное танго пробуждает самые сокровенные и искренние чувства. -To Komodino- можно сравнить с долькой горького шоколада или старым, многолетним коньяком. Настоящий танец и праздник для души и тела!”

The nightstand is a kaleidoscope of moments and phases of our life on which we rest our thoughts and dreams, and in its drawers we keep our memories.

The nightstand reminds us to feel fullness and gratitude for the now without waiting for the ... ideal condition.

The "restless artistic rooms" in which singers, actors, musicians, dancers express themselves freely come together to lean on the same nightstand.


Το κομοδίνο είναι ένα καλειδοσκόπιο στιγμών και φάσεων της ζωής μας που πάνω του ακουμπάμε τις σκέψεις και τα όνειρα μας, και στα συρτάρια του φυλάμε τις αναμνήσεις μας.

Το κομοδίνο μας θυμίζει να νιώθουμε πληρότητα κι ευγνωμοσύνη για το τώρα χωρίς να περιμένουμε την... ιδανική συνθήκη.

Τα «ανήσυχα καλλιτεχνικά δωμάτια» στα οποία τραγουδιστές ηθοποιοί μουσικοί χορεύτριες εκφράζονται ελεύθερα ενώνονται για να ακουμπήσουν όλοι στο ίδιο κομοδίνο.

Olivero – Souvenir De Viena (Video)

Categories: The Latest, Video, World Music|Tags: , , , , , |

“As soon as you include -souvenir de vien, then you immediately feel the taste of an amazing musical pattern, whose virtuoso game captures and does not let go to the very end! Stunning energy that does not allow to make another breath, so you will not have a chance to translate your breath to the last second!”

“Как только вы включаете -Souvenir De Vien-, то сразу ощущаете вкус удивительного музыкального рисунка, виртуозная игра которой захватывает и не отпускает до самого конца! Потрясающая энергетика, которая не даёт сделать очередной вдох, так что у вас не будет шанса перевести дыхание до последней секунды!”

A very exciting Latin/Flamenco Song , included Drums, Bass and saxophone. original melodies, changing of speed/intensity/emotional moods

Follow Olivero:
Official Site:

Biskinis Mantras – GAIA | Official Music Video (4K) (Video)

Categories: Jazz, The Latest, Video|Tags: , , , , |

“There are a lot of genres included in Gaia, the spiffingly awesome track by Biskinis Mantras. It is Jazzy, Funky, & Dubby, it has elements of Rock, Afro Rock. It has an Eastern vibe & a Psychedleic flavour too. This track is like a musical birthday present that includes all of your favourites in one package.”

Gaia is an instrumental track.

Gaia is a genre of a mixed Psychedelic Eastern Afro-Rock style.

The main theme is written at a Byzantine scale and the second theme is at a Dorian scale which is one of the Ancient Greek scales.

The mood is a mystical dance and a different style of meditation

Gaia is the sound of the 3rd Ray,

Gaia is the vibration of the personality of the earth.

Greek Brothers, Giota Papadopoulos – Touto To Mina (Spotify)

Categories: Audio, The Latest, World Music|Tags: , , , , , |

“According to the composite construction and music from -TouTo to Mina-, it is strongly allocated on a general background, which distinguishes this work from many others. Very pleased with the solo in the loss of stunning emotional promise. The composition itself sounds very fresh and balanced.”

“По композиционному построению и музыке -Touto To Mina- сильно выделяется на общем фоне, что отличает эту работу от многих других. Очень порадовало соло в проигрыше, потрясающий эмоциональный посыл. Сама по себе композиция звучит очень свежо и сбалансировано.”

Based in England, Greek Brothers began as a function band, building a strong local following performing Greek folk music at weddings, summer festivals and local bars throughout the UK, as well as in Germany and Greece.

Recently unable to perform live due to Covid, the band turned to recording, working on a selection of their favourite Greek folk songs, as well as original material.

Their aim is to combine traditional Greek music and contemporary Western sounds in equal parts, drawing on both their Greek and British influences to create works that are simultaneously old and new, Eastern and Western. The song “Touto To Mina” is the band’s first attempt at this.

The vocals of the track are provided by 23-year-old German based singer, Giota Papadopoulou.
A close friend of the band, they performed together often and have plans for further recording collaborations.

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